Modafinil - Can We Challenge The Capabilities of Our Minds?

in #life7 years ago


What is Modafinil

In our quest for a better health and fitness, we have often ignored the most important driving factor behind both of them: our brain. From over half a century neuroscience has made a lot of progress and the researchers have always focused on discoveries, which can enhance focus, memory, cognitive abilities and alertness. The use of the discoveries led to the creation of a set of drugs called “Nootropics”, a term first used by Dr. Corneliu Giurgea, a Romanian who created the first set of “smart drugs”.

What are Nootropics?

Well, nootropics are both synthetic as well as natural compounds which can improve your cognitive abilities like memory, focus, attention, and even motivation. The uses of herbs and natural compound to improve cognitive abilities have existed for thousands of years before the discovery of smart drugs. For instance, Caffeine or Asian Ginseng have been in use since ages but it has been only been recently marked as smart drugs or Nootropics.


What is Modafinil and does it really supercharge your brains?

Till date, there hasn’t been any Nootropic pill that promises to turn you into a supercharged human who can achieve incredible results with their heightened memory retention abilities or focus. We’ve to be very realistic with our expectations when it comes to smart drugs like Modafinil.

Modafinil is a Nootropic or smart dug that can improve your cognitive abilities by manifolds. There are several smart drugs available in the market but what puts Modafinil ahead of the others are as follows:

• It doesn’t function like a stimulant: Though Modafinil is quite similar to a stimulant, it’s more of a eugeroic – chemicals that promote wakefulness. Stimulants make people jittery or speedy whereas Modafinil doesn’t do anything of that sort. By using modafinil, you are not going to experience any kind of withdrawal or symptoms, which is quite common with the other drugs.

• You’ll never get addicted to Modafinil: This particular smart drug is in fact known to help addicts kick their dirty habits. Modafinil experience is incredibly positive!

• Minimum side effects: Modafinil is comparatively a safer smart drug to use as it has almost no major side effects. Even if you use it for several years, you will hardly ever experience any side effect.

• It’s immensely effective: Modafinil is highly effective in supercharging your brain and help you enhance your cognitive abilities like no other smart drugs. You’re actually going to experience superhuman mental abilities!

How does Modafinil work to impact your Brain and Mood?

Comparing with the other smart drugs available in the market, you’ll surely find that there are several evidences claiming the positive Modafinil effects on the brain and mood. Here is what Modafinil does to your brain:

• There is scientific evidence to show that Modafinil everyday use can enhance fatigue resistance and improve mood.

• It has been noted that Modafinil helps in bringing down fatigue levels, improve motivation, better the reaction time and even improve vigilance.

• Modafinil study drug has also revealed that it is highly effective in bringing down the impulse reactions or decisions.

• Modafinil effects the functioning of the brain to improve sleep in sleep deprived individuals.

Is the Modafinil experience safe?

Even though Modafinil isn’t addictive but the risks of drug abuse can’t be ignored altogether. There are many people who try to use it to stay awake for a long time, which eventually negatively affects the body.

Modafinil study drug has revealed one rare but life threatening side effect called the SJS or Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. This is a very rare condition wherein genetically vulnerable individuals develop a fatal rash. SJS is actually triggered by the simultaneous use of antibiotics and analgesics, NSAIDs, psychoepileptics, phenytoin, cocaine and even modafinil.

There is a risk, even though its low but you should get a genetic test done before getting on with the Modafinil experience. Any of the following SNPs can heightens the risks of SJS, so it’s better that you get a checkup done. Also avoid using antibiotics and Modafinil simultaneously. Here is list of SNPs:

HLA-B5801, HLA-B1502, HLA-B5801, HLA-B44, HLA-A29, HLA-B12, HLA-DR7, HLA-A2, HLA-B5801, HLA-A0206, and HLA-DQB1*0601


Modafinil Doses:

For a healthy adult individual 30 mg to 50mg is more than sufficient to show its effect. It’s better to start with lower doses and when you get habituated, you can slowly increase the dose. You must understand that Modafinil is a prescription drug, so you are free to take the advice of your doctor before popping the pill.


There are other alternatives to Modafinil and you can choose any other Nootropics if you’re really eager to take the smart drugs game to a new level!

This video is from the movie called Limitless. A story involving a smart drug called NZT. This is the scene where he first tries it.

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Nice post buddy!!
upvoted & followed you, please do the same ;)

Thanks for the the facts, always nice to learn something in the morning