Rest actively and your body will thank you.
I am a supporter of active rest. As soon as the warm may days come, I immediately use it for traveling outside the city. Even with an overnight stay, although at night there are still frosts. In may there are extra public holidays that extend the weekend. And it gives a long-awaited opportunity to go to nature, that there would be an active holiday. What is hidden behind these two words? What do we mean by the concept of rest in motion?
It would seem, how can you combine activity and rest, if our main desire after a week of work, it is longer to lie in bed, with the realization that you do not have to go out of the house. But for a long time to lie on the couch you just get tired and it just adds fatigue and less health. Therefore, the best solution is to rest, associated with active actions. It is the rest outside the house and even outside the city, will bring you much more benefit and will recover both physically and psychologically.
Outdoor activities-a hike in the mountains or just in the forest. Outdoor activities are outdoor games. Even a simple charge in the Park can be considered an active holiday.
Engage in such a holiday is difficult. Here fatigue after a hard day and elementary laziness plays a role. But we must always remember that lying on the couch, you are harming your health. It is actively resting, you help your body to be in shape. It is not in vain all the time the slogan sounds: movement is life. It is in the movement that we become healthier. It is in the campaigns on the nature we get that vivifying breath of fresh air, in which there is no gas emissions from cars and city dust.
Of course, not everyone is ready to be climbers and travelers. Not everyone can afford the financial costs associated with such a holiday. But I think that everyone can just go with friends out of town and play there, football or volleyball.
In the end, you can just get to the nearest Park area and run there or just walk.
Well, if you have the opportunity to go to the sea, it immediately solves several problems. Here you can combine rest useful for your health and active swimming in sea water. You can take a tour of the surrounding area to enjoy the views and combine it with active traffic.
Try to be active until old age. Rest in motion and your body will thank you. Only active rest will help you to be always easier.