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RE: Do you have questions about the meaning of your DREAMS? I'll answer/interpret in the comments section! [Week 3]

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi! I had a really odd dream last night. it was vivid, and it felt like it- kept me awake, like i didn't get good rest.
I wrote it down. Happy to see you are doing these dream analysis still!

I snuck into a wealthy family's home because the sliding glass door was open. i slept in a bed there, and then went back to my car. i drove my car home and got pulled over by the cops. apparently someone saw me leave the person's house and enter my car. for some reason, the cops let me go and i drove back to the people's house i snuck into. i snuck back in for some reason, they almost caught me, i heard them coming home from their vacation outside so i had to get out! i think i ended up stealing a small can of paint for some reason... (i bought a small can of paint earlier that day in real life that i told my girlfriend i did not need) I met up with my best friend after escaping the house and showed him the paint. we ended up going back to the rich people's house together. turns out the woman of the house was an art gallery owner who had also spent a lot of time studying chemtrails, she described them as "lethal"

and then my alarm woke me up.


I've never seen chemtrails in a dream before so I better ask a couple of questions.
The first one is: are you a smoker?
Do you study chemtrails or have interest in them?

How would you describe your best friend? Characteristics.

Did you feel any certain way when you were sneaking and stealing? (nervous etc)

i didnt see chemtrails in the dream. this woman just spoke of them, yes i am interested. i recently quit smoking. and yes i felt nervous and stressed out during the dream. my friend is a leo he got into a car accident and became blind @minedovermatter. he struggled with drugs... i understand now that i need to pay the closest attention to remembering how i FEEL during the metephors that play out in the dream.

@web-gnar I had a random moment today where I felt my channeling connection open up while at my computer so I decided to jump over to your dream to see if I could pick up the meaning. In this state the dream began making sense finally.

Houses are about the body. Cops represent our guides who are not-authoritarian but they are authorities that serve to help us reach our soul-goals in this lifetime. Here, your guides do something important. They stop you. What do they stop you from?

They stopped you when you left the house (body) and "let you go" immediately you returned to the house "for some reason". The reason is because you aren't supposed to be leaving the house/body in the first place.

From what I gather, the dream says you have a tendency toward escapist behaviors when you feel nervous. In the dream you were worried (they'd come back) so you wanted to escape. I'm thinking the "chemtrails" is a loose-pun on chemicals, you'll know much better than I if this part resonates.

The sliding glass door indicates that you have a psychic/intuitive ability. The fact that the door was open means you are being asked to open up to using it. Sleeping in a bed means you are not aware of having this gift and you need create opportunities (doors represent opportunities) to develop it. It is your karma (got into a car) to do so.

Art galleries can represent ideals or goals. In this case you returned to the house again and I think the owner of the gallery is your higher self informing you that escaping with substances is really bad for the pursuit of your goals.

The fact that the family was on vacation is telling you to relax or rest when you get stressed out and nervous rather than trying to run away from the feelings and abandoning yourself altogether. If your friend is conquering the difficulties that life has thrown at him and pursuing his goals it is saying that you can and should do the same.

I hope that resonates. Feedback welcome. :)

From what I gather, the dream says you have a tendency toward escapist behaviors when you feel nervous. In the dream you were worried (they'd come back) so you wanted to escape. I'm thinking the "chemtrails" is a loose-pun on chemicals, you'll know much better than I if this part resonates.

The sliding glass door indicates that you have a psychic/intuitive ability. The fact that the door was open means you are being asked to open up to using it. Sleeping in a bed means you are not aware of having this gift and you need create opportunities (doors represent opportunities) to develop it. It is your karma (got into a car) to do so.

Art galleries can represent ideals or goals. In this case you returned to the house again and I think the owner of the gallery is your higher self informing you that escaping with substances is really bad for the pursuit of your goals.

Wow. thank you so much. detoxing the body is essential to achieveing my life goals. and that stuff abotu psychic ability. IVE BEEN obsessed with learning about/ wishing i could/ astral travel and do psychic stuff.
man, i appreciate you coming back to my dream. thank you so much April

Do you work around or with chemicals? Do you struggle with drugs?

I can see that the dream wants you to relax about something. I can see that it's bringing up your ideals. Houses usually represent our body....I'm having trouble connecting it all. I'll get it eventually though. Just have to keep looking for the context. :)

Why did you keep going back to the house? What was the motivation and draw?