christian church of deception

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In recent times I see increasing number of calls to return back to God, to right God - Jesus Christ.
It's understandable that in face of events that tear our societies and our planet apart we need some kind of resolution, but it worries me where people turn for help.

We're waking up

Good morning

More and more of us is opening our eyes and withdraw from being blind herds of sheep that would follow
any shepherd to be shaved or occasionally slaughtered.
For many it's obvious that gigantic behind-scene movement is responsible for most of current days tragedies as well as holds in their hands vast majority of the worlds resources.
People behind the scenes

Symbols as signatures are presented in plain sight to show affiliation to these groups and fraternities . Nearly every organization, corporation or person of power or public importance has connections to this mysterious, secretive world and is open to its influences.

A trap

Church trap - false beacon to lure you

When someone notices this for the first time, it can be really intimidating and demotivating.
I was personally overwhelmed and panicked (but eventually wanted to know more).
And even this is already accounted for in "The Plan" of control. Hence a false "rescue-beacon" was set up as yet another trap, to give people an easy way out of the oppression. A carefully crafted guide on how to accept it instead of seeking real freedom and goodness.

"Give out everything and turn the other cheek!"

Unsurprisingly christians are the loudest of the bunch. Their god promises salvation, that most don't understand (as intended by the writers and compilers).
They're deceived, brainwashed and controlled to form the most influential wave of passive acceptance in the world. Unfortunately they give up so much for a terrible lie and they only empower the forces they claim to march against.

christian church?


So if you could believe that for thousands of years an elite group of people(?) in power had control over the "civilized" world through royal bloodlines, dynasties, dependencies and organizations, then you should open up to the idea that they've infiltrated Christianity (and by now possibly other religions) as soon as they've seen it as a threat - probably since around 100AD.

Council of Nicea

Ritch and funded bishops

As proof of finalization of the first stage of corrupting Christians in 325 AD we have The First Council of Nicea, during which the "church was founded"...
However the real Christian Church existed already for nearly 300 years... So what was founded exactly?
A political organization of control and deceptions and unquestionable laws with face of a religion.
Supposedly it was meant to gather and unify views and understanding about Christianity, but it laid out the foundation for all the future violations and massacres in the name of the christian god including wars, crusades and witch hunts.
Makers of this "church of deception" used natural love and light in some of the original teachings to attract kind-hearted people to then be entrapped and deceived by the lies and misinterpretations purposely woven into the Bible.

the Pope a.k.a Pontiff

Darth Pontiff

Moreover when Jesus gave St. Peter the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven he never said that there's going to be more Popes(!) in fact St. Peter never bore the title. This position was created during the first council.
The Latin name chosen as a name for the role of the church leader - "pontiff" - means "bridge builder" and is a direct reference to builders and architects of the Freemasonry.

Ritchest kingdom of the church

Man on the throne

The Vatican itself is Freemasonry's trophy showing christian dependence on descendants of Jesus's persecutors. The land under this name existed already in Roman Empire and was considered a sacred place in pagan beliefs, uninhabitable by humans. There were two pagan temples and bloody Circus of Nero of Caligula. It was "gifted" to the "church" by a ruler of Roman Empire. It is still decorated and ornamented with pagan symbolism.
And worst of all it's a place where Saint Peter was crucified upside down in a circus (the satanic cross). Building kingdom of christianity on such desecrated ground is no accident. Seating a newly made and named king of the church on the throne of this kingdom, where the real Rock on which the church was meant to be built was murdered is yet another insult.

Vatican Obelisk

This christianity is just a play, a theater - one of the gifts of the Greek and Roman pagan gods, and behind the scenes everything is run in worship and reverence to the pagan traditions.
There's even a real Egyptian obelisk in the middle of the square... Isn't this a little self conflicting?

the bible

Genre: deception and manipulation

Yes, even the bible or especially the bible, mistakenly acclaimed to be a Holy Book is based on a canon decided by a bunch of guys wearing robes. From all the texts and sources which early followers of the WAY of JESUS used, a handful was selected and compiled into a book that fits the agenda and the standard decided by the Council. We don't get all the teachings in this form and what we get is often rewritten.

It's more serious than you'd think. There are numerous incredibly significant texts, discovered in the last few centuries which were decided non-canonical regardless of the confirmation of authenticity of the sources as used by the real early Christians. A great example would be the Nag Hammadi library, discovered in Egypt in 1945, it held scrolls dating back to pre-council times and revealing how extraordinary and magical Christianity really is.

Nag Hammadi finding map

Some of the Nag Hammadi texts include:

The Prayer of the Apostle Paul
The Apocryphon of James
The Gospel of Truth
The Treatise on the Resurrection
The Apocryphon of John
The Gospel of Thomas a sayings gospel
The Gospel of Philip
The Dialogue of the Savior
Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit named The Gospel of the Egyptians
The Apocalypse of Adam
The Concept of Our Great Power
and many others.

Picture of Nag Hammadi Codices

Some of these contain direct words and teachings of Jesus Christ about most profound aspects of Christianity and life that enable true understanding of this spiritual school - then why are those not in the bible?
The criticism around the subject and validity of these texts comes strictly from influential Vatican sources and that's enough convincing for the masses.

There is many more similar ancient sources with texts, books, tables and scrolls which are kept by Vatican away from their herd of believers, because this knowledge motivates independence and true enlightenment, not being part of the herd, but becoming the shepherd.

Furthermore the bible is constantly evolving in translation, even thought the content of the books is not changing the text is and the meanings too. For some reason it's becoming more confusing and really weird alterations are attempted to be accepted by biblical community (like controversial switching Lucifer's and Jesus' star names - Morning Star and Evening Star)...

It's getting worse

World on Fire

There were multiple Councils since fourth century AD and each one of them only tightened the collar around people's neck. Soon christianity became religion of fear of hell and of passive acceptance definitions of good and bad, loosing it's loving and giving essence. Do you really think "the Devil" would not be able to lie he's the messiah? Do you think Jesus would sit Saint Peter in a golden building, on a golden throne, wearing golden set of clothes and make him run businesses around the world, accumulating more power, wealth and influence? Is that what this was really about?
If you have any background at all - who is the king of THIS world? Who has power over all that's physical and can give kingdoms and ritches? He who offered that to Jesus on the desert... That is the destination and hidden intention for all present day christianity rituals.

Let's make it better


If you've reach it here, it's for a reason. It's the world serving you it's secrets again, revealing the light deep inside you. Empower yourself.
Stop believing what you're told. Experience. For greatness and for spiritual experience look within.
Your body is LAND on which THE TEMPLE of your mind can follow the PATH of the heart to find God. Shatter the glass of illusion and break out from fear, hell is not for you. It's for those who create and power it. Step out from behind your deceptive abuser into the light. Read on your own and decide on your own, choose your councils.
Then you will be in the right. And in the heart you will know you are true, and that's what matters.
Be proud and independent, don't fear to take action, be driven by love. Don't judge but understand, stay true.

Bless your spirit

I'm not religious, but religion coined some terms and gave them names more accurate than any other disciplines.
It's all about understanding the meanings of these names that make religion a science, or a spiritual school. As the end of the article I'd like to enrich your definition base of God by those meanings from the Secret Book of John:

The Inexpressible One The One rules all. Nothing has authority over it. It is the God. It is Father of everything, Holy One The invisible one over everything. It is uncontaminated Pure light no eye can bear to look within. The One is the Invisible Spirit. It is not right to think of it as a God or as like God. It is more than just God. Nothing is above it. Nothing rules it. Since everything exists within it It does not exist within anything. Since it is not dependent on anything It is eternal. It is absolutely complete and so needs nothing. It is utterly perfect Light. The One is without boundaries Nothing exists outside of it to border it The One cannot be investigated Nothing exists apart from it to investigate it The One cannot be measured Nothing exists external to it to measure it The One cannot be seen For no one can envision it The One is eternal For it exists forever The One is inconceivable For no one can comprehend it The One is indescribable For no one can put any words to it. The One is infinite light Purity Holiness Stainless, The One is incomprehensible Perfectly free from corruption. Not “perfect” Not “blessed” Not “divine” But superior to such concepts. Neither physical nor unphysical Neither immense nor infinitesimal It is impossible to specify in quantity or quality For it is beyond knowledge. The One is not a being among other beings It is vastly superior But it is not “superior.” It is outside of realms of being and time For whatever is within realms of being was created And whatever is within time had time allotted to it The One receives nothing from anything. It simply apprehends itself in its own perfect light The One is majestic. The One is measureless majesty Chief of all Realms Producing all realms Light Producing light Life Producing life Blessedness Producing blessedness Knowledge Producing knowledge Good Producing goodness Mercy Producing mercy Generous Producing generosity [It does not “possess” these things.] It gives forth light beyond measure, beyond comprehension. [What can I say?] His realm is eternal, peaceful, silent, resting, before everything. He is the head of every realm sustaining each of them through goodness.

Disclaimer: If you feel offended by any of the statements, then I'm going to quickly explain myself - I didn't mention the huge pedophilia controversy around the church, because it's too dramatic and touching to do research on the subject. Sorry.

#christianity #history #celebrities #tourism


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