#4. Wake Up Awesome! Simple Tips to Dominate Your Mornings!

in #life7 years ago

How you start your day, sets the tone for the rest of your day. 

Which is why it is important to take special care of your mornings.

Especially, the first hour of the day is very important.

Below are 3 things you can do to ensure your day starts on the right note:

1. Smile: When you smile as soon as you wake up, you release some feel good chemicals in your body. This will help you get into the right frame of mind.

2. Breathe: Doing some deep breathing, will help you relax further, and helps you feel more fresh and alive.

3. Be Thankful: Think of at least 3 things you are thankful for. It could be as simple as being thankful for the good sleep that you got, being thankful for life, and being thankful for the well-being of your loved ones. 

You don’t really need to think hard, you can just pick any 3 things that come to your mind.

4. Drink a Glass of Water: This will help you get hydrated, and it is very good for the brain. If you can add a pinch of Himalayan salt to the same, it will do wonders.

A lot of people check their phones as soon as they wake up. Or they start worrying about things that they have to get done, or issues that are going to need their attention.

All this can wait, you can address your issues, and life can take its course in due time, but pay special attention to your mornings.

Ideally, dedicate the first 15 minutes to practices that make you feel good.

Some people like to have silent mornings, some people like to wake up to the chirping of the birds, and some like to listen to music.

Whatever your preference, make sure, that the first hour after you wake up, is turned into a power hour. This is where you gather lots of positive energy, that you will use throughout the day.

Things you should avoid in the morning:

1. Your mobile phone! Unless of course you’re using it to listen to your meditation music. A great tip that I learned from @valorforfreedom was to set your alarm with some motivational speech. 

These days I wake up not to a beeping sound of my phone, but a nice motivational speech, that doesn’t make me go “snooze” the alarm even before it starts ringing.

2. Office Stuff: Again, those emails and phone calls can wait. Unless of course it is a matter which requires immediate attention.

3. Arguments: Yes, some people wake up, and dive right into an argument, this is definitely a disastrous way to start your day!

In essence, create a ritual out of the first hour of your morning. Do the same thing every day! And soon, you’ll notice the wonderful effect it has on the rest of your day.

It won’t necessarily make your problems disappear, but it will prepare you to have the right mindset to tackle them. And that is what makes all the difference.


-Victor Rosel

P.S. Follow me for more great tips. 



A great tip that I learned from @valorforfreedom was to set your alarm with some motivational speech.

My motivational speech is a full-blown firetruck horn right next to my ear, i jump out of my bed like my life depended on it! xD

My morning routine is always the same... wake up, drink coffee, take a cold shower, open my window, start my computer, put headphones on and work work work, only stopping to eat, drink and go to the gym, after the gym i have dinner and chill on the bed watching tv shows or reading a book!

PS- i think of answering to comments and reading posts as "work" but it actually isn't xD

@teutonium Haha! The firetruck horn thing is really funny! And I am sure it must be working like a charm :D Cheers!