Stress resistance. How to stay calm and productive?

in #life5 years ago

Stress is one of the most common diseases of modern man, and therefore we can not only talk about the indisputable relevance of this topic to date, but also find many other interesting statistics on this subject.


Scientists believe that the number of people suffering from stress will only increase in the future. But let's leave the future alone and focus on the present.

  • 51% of Germany;
  • 39% of US ;
  • 38% of UK, Canada and France;
  • 23% of Italy.
    Are experience everyday stresses.

The expert also said that stress is a disease of the 21st century and it has reached the global epidemic. And this statement has the most compelling reasons because today life is replete with a huge number of stressful factors. What causes stress in people of the present?

Causes of stress in modern man

The Americans became one of the first who began to study the causes and consequences of stress, so starting a conversation about what causes stress will be appropriate from US statistics. Rummaging through the Internet, we found the multilingual data provided by the American Institute of Stress.

According to the studies carried out by the above-mentioned Institute, it was found that the main causes of stress are (in importance in descending order):

  • stress at work, pressure from superiors and overload;
  • fear of losing a job; lowering pensions and medical expenses;
  • health problems, including chronic diseases;
  • divorce, death of a spouse, problems with friends and loneliness;
  • poor nutrition, caffeine, and refined sugar, poor-quality foods;
  • information overloads related to the media and the Internet;
  • sleep problems, increased production of adrenaline and other stress hormones by the body.

The study also notes that:

  • 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms of stress;
  • 73% of people regularly experience psychological stress symptoms;
  • 33% of people feel that they are living in extreme stress;
  • 48% of people believe that stress levels have increased over the past 5 years;
  • 76% of people believe that the causes of their stress are income and work;
  • 48% of people suffer from insomnia due to stress.

Today's Stress studies have been presenting some of the most objective results:

  • the main reason for the stress is the rise in prices - 35% of people;
  • the second cause of stress is unemployment - 24% of people;
  • the remaining economic problems - 25% of people;
  • crime takes the fourth place - 19% of people;
  • followed by housing problems - 18% of people;
  • in last place are the problems of pension and health care - 16% of people.

Over 60% of people are convinced that life in the country is becoming more dangerous every year, and because of this, they are stressed. 51% of people call the fear of losing loved ones among the main causes of stress, and 43% - the fear of getting sick and dying on their own. 40% are concerned about the risk of becoming a victim of criminals, and 53% are concerned about the risk that their victims may become loved ones. And finally, 28% are most afraid of social conflicts and wars.

Among the physiological reasons, one can single out everything that negatively affects a person’s physical condition, for example:

  • poor nutrition;
  • overwork;
  • lack of sleep;
  • changes in the weather (pressure, temperature, etc.)

Interestingly, physiological causes do not affect people in the same way: while some of them can cause stress, others practically do not respond to them.

Psychological factors provoke powerful emotional outbursts that arise against the background of various kinds of psychological problems, such as difficulties in the process of communication with people, self-doubt, etc. But it is important to note that we are talking not only about excessive negative but also about positive emotions.

Among other things, stress is caused by external and internal causes. External factors are different life situations that cannot be controlled by a person (for example, environmental conditions, weather, etc.), and problems in interacting with society (blockages at work, problems in the family, conflicts, etc.)

And internal causes are such causes as health problems, unjustified hopes, unfulfilled goals, disappointments, and other factors affecting a person without external influence.

Naturally, this is only a brief discussion of the causes of stress, but it gives a very clear idea of ​​what generally causes a deterioration in a person’s physical and mental state.

And in addition to the above, it will not be superfluous to identify some risk factors that cause stress. Mainly worth mentioning are people exposed to stress in the first place:

  • people who consciously expose themselves to the effects of stressful factors: adrenaline-dependent, extreme sports enthusiasts who test their nerves for strength with the help of activities on the verge of the body's capabilities;
  • workers in the field of finance, education, and medicine: brokers, traders, bank employees, office employees, teachers and teachers, doctors;
  • public transport drivers and representatives of other specialties whose work is associated with high voltage.

Such people literally every day spent under the influence of stress factors of different sizes, causing the production of cortisol - stress hormones, nervous and emotional stress, various nervous states that do not allow an adequate and constructive response to events. Naturally, there can be no talk of any calmness and high productivity.

Today it is quite difficult to find a person who at least once has not experienced the influence of stress. Moreover, stress is expressed mainly in the same manifestations, and they are also familiar to everyone. But we still think that it will be very helpful to say a few words about the symptoms of stress.

Stress symptoms

Stress manifests itself at different levels, and its physical, emotional and intellectual spheres, as well as behavior, are destructively affected. Let's talk about everything separately.

Under stress, the body seeks to mobilize all its resources, and at the physiological level, a whole range of changes is possible:

  • cardiovascular system: changes in blood pressure, hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, interruptions in the work of the heart, tinnitus;
  • digestive system: lack or loss of appetite (less often, increased appetite), weight loss, pain in the abdomen, dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn, stool, heaviness in the stomach);
  • respiratory system: lack of air, inability to take a deep breath, shortness of breath, asthma attacks, frequent colds;
  • musculoskeletal system: muscle cramps, cramps, constant muscle tone, back pain;
  • integumentary system: rash, allergic reactions, increased sweating;
  • nervous system: headaches, low resistance to stress, low temperature (less often - high);
  • reproductive system: decreased libido.

The next level is emotional, and here such changes as are possible:

  • anxiety, anxiety, premonition of trouble, bouts of causeless panic;
  • causeless irritability and moodiness;
  • emotional decline, sadness, melancholy, depression, suicidal thoughts (separately, tearfulness is noted in women);
  • decrease in self-esteem, overstatement of self-requirements;
  • lack of interests in life, passive behavior;
  • constant tension, difficulty with relaxation.

Next, we turn to the intellectual level at which stress manifests itself as follows:

  • inability to make decisions;

  • memory impairment;

  • obsessive thoughts (mostly negative);

  • difficulty concentrating;

  • distraction and disorganization.
    As for changes in behavior, they manifest themselves as follows:

  • emotional instability (it often leads to conflict situations at work and at home);

  • inattention (it affects performance and appearance);

  • workaholism (one of the responses to stress is going to work);

  • the desire to suppress stress with cigarettes and alcohol (there is an increase in the number and increase in their use), as well as drugs.

The above symptoms most often occur in a complex, and not one at a time. You should not sound the alarm if you suddenly began to notice in yourself or someone around you one or two manifestations of stress (although you still need to pay attention), but if several of them began to appear at once, this is an occasion for closer monitoring and taking appropriate action.

As you may have noticed, even the symptoms of stress are already a serious shake for the body (by the way, about shaking - not always stress has only a negative effect). However, stress can lead to other consequences, which we will discuss later.

Effects of stress

In the study of the American Institute of Stress there are statistics on the effects of stress on humans, and here is what it shows:

  • 48% of people believe that stress negatively affects their personal and professional lives;
  • 31% of people say that stress prevents them from managing their work and household chores;
  • 54% of people say that stress leads to conflicts with loved ones;
  • 26% of people said that because of stress, they moved away from their friends and family members.

Plus, there is evidence of how, according to people, stress affects their lives:

  • 51% - fatigue;
  • 44% - headaches;
  • 34% upset stomach
  • 30% - muscle tension;
  • 23% - loss of appetite;
  • 17% - problems with teeth;
  • 15% - decreased libido;
  • 13% - dizziness;
  • 50% - irritability;
  • 45% - nervousness;
  • 45% - lack of energy;
  • 35% - the desire to cry.

In general, the researchers distinguish among the main consequences of stress the following:

  • frequent headaches;
  • systematic lack of sleep;
  • persistent problems with the digestive and cardiovascular systems;
  • tachycardia and increased pressure;
  • the emergence of bad habits (including addiction);
  • weakening of immunity.

Initially, the effect of stress on the body can be almost imperceptible, but after some time, problems begin to make themselves felt. Stress is tricky: first, cortisol is produced that affects the immune system, then adrenaline rises and increases, after which the whole body begins to suffer.

But, as you understand, the matter is not limited to the body: the ability to work is gradually reduced, the perception of situations occurring in the process of daily life is distorted, the person’s communication with others changes for the worse. A person becomes more susceptible to destructive mental states (anger, aggression, depression, apathy, etc.)

It is very dangerous that the stress symptoms that we recently examined can quickly worsen and become chronic. Not only does this on the physical level lead to many different ailments (angina pectoris, heart attack, gastric ulcer, colitis, cholelithiasis and a host of others, including brain cell degeneration), at the psychological level, stress is also extremely dangerous.

In addition to the fact that a person himself begins to feel bad, his condition begins to actively reflect on interaction with society. Relations, with friends, work colleagues, relatives, and even with the closest people and family members are deteriorating. That is why stress so often becomes the cause of family problems - from minor troubles to divorces. What can we say about achieving goals and success in life, changes in thinking and perception of the world.

And, perhaps, the worst thing is that stress (in a chronic and most severe form, of course) can lead to a loss of adequacy and capacity, and even death. Therefore, it is very important not to aggravate the stress state and to begin to eliminate it as soon as possible.

The first steps in dealing with stress

To successfully deal with stress, you need to not only know what methods are used to overcome it (they will be discussed below), but also to understand how it proceeds and to be able to establish sources of pressure. Let's talk about everything in order.

Stress Determination

An understanding of the stages by which stress develops is required to correctly determine the options for its subsequent development, as well as to realize how the situation is running. To describe the stages of stress progress, it is best to turn to the concept of the Canadian physician Hans Selye, first described in 1936 in his work on the description of the general adaptation syndrome [A syndrome produced by diverse nocuous agents, 1936].

Selye called three stages of stress, each of which gradually flows into another:

  • First stage. The human body is in a state of shock, it seeks to overcome irritating factors, for which it produces more energy. The feeling of anxiety intensifies.
  • Second stage. It can be called the resistance stage when the body tries to develop a certain immunity The volume of hormones that increase the state of stress and depress the person is reduced. There is a balance and calm, the disappearance of feelings of anxiety.
  • Third stage. Under the influence of stress, the body begins to deplete. The psychoemotional state worsens, the body's resistance to stressful factors decreases, and the sense of anxiety increases. If this condition lasts a long time, changes begin to occur at the physiological level.

In the case of each person, each of the stages has its own duration. Besides, all stages are individual for individual situations. They can continue for several minutes or several weeks.

This information is enough for a person to determine the progress of stress in his case. But all this is for the most part theoretical. The practice of working with stress begins directly with establishing the source of stress and its possible elimination.

Determining the source of stress

The source of powerful psycho-emotional excitement can even be the barking of a neighbor's dog. However, such things are perceived by man as ordinary; they fit perfectly harmoniously into the array of daily events, and therefore in most cases are not the main irritant.

A true stress blower seems to people, as a rule, something that is much larger. This can be, for example, an endlessly screaming boss at work or an economic crisis in a country. But still this is a fallacy, and in reality, the situation is completely different than most people think.

If we start looking for a starting point, then we will find it in the barking dog. When we are cheerful and full of energy, we perceive almost all external stimuli relatively objectively and adequately. But when we did not get enough sleep because of the barking dog, irritation begins to take hold of us, and through his prism, we begin to perceive everything that is happening.

As a result, after some time we are already beginning to “boil”, commit rash acts, “break firewood”. And the neighbor’s dog has no idea that its bark is pressing on our psyche and that it is because of him that our life is filled with problems, and relations with loved ones are in distress.

We described the simplest situation, although in real life it is far from simple, and the causes of stress are often not so obvious. But still, in the vast majority of situations, you can do without the help of a specialist to understand the problem and find its true cause - a source of stress.

For starters, you can use the simplest technique to help you understand what puts pressure. You take a sheet of paper and a pen and chronologically record all the negative events that have occurred recently. After that, it is enough to conduct a small analysis of everything that was written to get to the bottom of the truth.

And to help search for this truth, psychologists even developed several special auxiliary questions to answer the main question: “How did it all begin?” To determine the primary source of stress, you need to ask yourself (the questions are asked in that order):

  • When did the changes begin?
  • What happened on the eve of the change?
  • How has the world around changed?
  • How has my attitude to what is happening?
  • How has my attitude towards people changed?

And remember that you need to answer these questions as honestly as possible - so you can help yourself by becoming a true friend and useful adviser. But the real work, of course, is not in reflection and answers to questions, but in the application of effective ways to deal with stress.

Ways to deal with stress and develop resistance to stress

Based on the fact that all people are different, there is no one universal way to deal with stress, and what is suitable for one may be ineffective for another. But still, there are several methods that anyone can successfully use.

  • Eliminating the causes of stress. Having found the factors causing stress, you need to try to eliminate them, i.e. change the stressful situation. The faster you do this, the faster your condition will begin to bounce back. But it is also important to make sure that the cause of stress does not arise again.
  • Change of attitude. If the cause of stress does not depend on you and it is impossible to eliminate it, try changing your attitude to the situation. Think about the point of worrying and resenting something you cannot influence. Turn on logic and objectivity to look at the situation from a new perspective.
  • Solution. Problems can be solvable and unsolvable. If you understand that you can do something, don’t put things off in the long run, but start directing your efforts to solve the problem right now. Often people themselves put themselves under stress - inactive and sitting in one place.
  • Switching attention. You can not focus on the problem that causes stress. You need to be distracted and switch to something positive. Cinema, reading, music, art, walking and even a banal dream - all this very well helps to change the vector of thinking and pay attention to the positive aspects of life.
  • Physical activity. Given that the body mobilizes all forces to overcome stress, and produces a large amount of adrenaline, all this must be given a way out. For this, training, jogging, swimming are ideal. In extreme cases, you can “beat” a pillow or ottoman, shout loudly or even break a couple of plates.
  • Relaxation. In short, this method involves physical relaxation and the achievement of a state of psycho-emotional rest. Relaxation is a great way to deal with stress because holding him back and preventing him from developing. A good way to relax is to rest to calm music.
  • Breathing exercises. By controlling his breathing, a person can learn to perfectly control both his physical and mental state. Relaxation and calming are achieved through deep and even breathing, which allows you to relieve tension, normalize pressure, calm the heartbeat and put your thoughts in order.
  • Cry. It is not surprising that for many people, tears are a great way to deal with stress. When a person cries, it discharges his psyche and relieves nervous tension. And scientists also found that tears contain peptides - substances that increase stress resistance, which is why they say that if it’s bad, you need to cry and it will become easier.

Even this small number of ways is sometimes enough to overcome the most severe stresses. But we decided not to be limited to them, and we offer you several more methods that have proven their effectiveness in practice (by the way, these methods are suitable not only for fighting, but also for preventing stress and developing stress tolerance in general):

  • Hobby. Having a favorite hobby and a way to spend time (reading, music, drawing, knitting, etc.) is an opportunity to release excess energy, calm, achieve relaxation and peace. People with hobbies are much less likely and less affected by stress than those who do not have hobbies.
  • Recreation. It is known that workaholism and wear-and-tear work lead to chronic stress. But even if you have to work hard, do not forget to relax. Firstly, during the day you need to take breaks of 5-10 minutes every hour, and secondly, there should be at least one full day off during the week. Breaks and rest regain strength, help to relax and briefly distract from problems and worries.
  • Proper nutrition. Malnutrition can also lead to stress because of it, the body lacks nutrients and vitamins. To avoid this (and also to maintain good health), try to eat healthy and healthy, eat fruits and vegetables, and other healthy foods.
  • Time with loved ones. Relatives and friends are a support and the best support in difficult life situations, in the face of difficulties and problems. Try to spend more time with those who are dear to you, to share experiences with them, to be interested in their opinion on this or that occasion.
  • Pets. If you like pets, be sure to get yourself a cat, a dog, a parrot. Arriving home, you will always experience a surge of positive emotions from the fact that your beloved little animal is happy about your return, asks to feed or is looking forward to a walk. Yes, and caring for a pet, you will be distracted from disturbing thoughts and deeds.
  • Healthy sleep. It is scientifically proven that for a good rest, an ordinary person needs to sleep 7-8 hours a day. Do not neglect this rule and try to sleep the proper amount of time.
  • Positive thinking. There is an opinion based on scientific facts that thoughts are material, and what a person “sends” to the outside world begins to be reflected in his reality. If you take this as an axiom, it is easy to conclude that you need to try to think positively so that there are less stress and problems in life. And in general, outstanding, successful and spiritually developed people have been talking about the benefits of positive thinking for decades, and it makes sense to listen to them.
  • Special treatments. Activities such as SPA-procedures, various types of massage, relaxing baths, aroma-therapy very well help relieve stress. All this has a beneficial effect on the body and psyche, tones up, improves vitality, raises the mood and gives strength and vitality.
  • Harvesting herbs. This method refers to the folk, but this does not detract from its merits. Teas, infusions, and decoctions from soothing herbs, for example, lemon balm with mint, chamomile, motherwort, Ivan tea, Valerian, help relieve stress and prevent it. It is only important that you are not specifically allergic to any of these herbs, and recipes can be easily found on the Internet.
  • Therapy. In special cases, when it is not possible to cope with stress on your own, you should contact a specialist for professional help. Experienced psychologists and psychotherapists will help to understand the causes of stress and find the best ways to overcome it.

We did not talk about all methods of dealing with stress.

To prevent and increase resistance to stress, as well as to maintain high efficiency and productivity, scientists advise:

  • review your diet and make changes if necessary;
  • start regular exercise, but at the same time avoid exhausting loads;
  • sleep at least seven hours a day.

We are sure that it is not difficult to follow these simple recommendations, especially if you want to live a good life, have good health and cope well with any difficulties.

The famous German writer and spiritual speaker Eckhart Tolle wrote in one of his books: “Have you ever seen an oak tree in a state of stress, or a dolphin in a gloomy mood, a frog suffering from low self-esteem, a cat that cannot relax, or a bird burdened with resentment? Learn from them the ability to put up with the present. "

We see a fair amount of wisdom in these words, and we advise you to re-read the previous paragraph again to penetrate deep thoughts. One of the best ways to deal with any stress is, perhaps, the ability to accept the present as it is at a given time.

We wish you a good mood and ability to always and everywhere remain positive!


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