Overcoming Perfectionism: Strategies for Letting Go of Self-Criticism

in #lifelast year

Perfectionism is the #1 reason why people fail. It causes us to take too long to finish projects and procrastinate until we feel anxious about even starting anything.

Perfectionism also has a negative impact on our relationships. We criticize others so much that they don't want to be with us anymore, or we become overly critical of ourselves, which results in self-doubt and low confidence.

It's time to let go of this terrible habit.

How can we fix perfectionism?

Start by using your intuition and common sense to determine whether a task is worth doing or not.

When we put off a project that doesn't feel important, we often end up feeling guilty and regretting it.

We should only start something if it feels like it's going to make a difference.

We should only get involved in something that feels productive and rewarding.

STEP 1: Start Small

A large part of the reason perfectionism happens is because we start big projects without taking the necessary steps to get started first.

The most effective way to fight this is to start small.

STEP 2: Have a Plan

Perfectionists are notorious for having no plan and failing at their goals.

A good plan is essential, and it helps us make decisions and stay focused. It helps us prioritize and be accountable.

STEP 3: Stay Positive

Perfectionism often begins with a feeling of fear. To combat this, we need to find a way to change our mindset. Start by reminding yourself that things will always change or go wrong, even after you've done everything right.

As an example, imagine you're driving down the road and you come to a traffic jam. What do you do when you get stuck behind the car ahead of you?

Are you worried and trying to think of what to do next? Or are you calmly and confidently waiting until they pass you?

The answer is clear. We want to be confident and calm, so why wouldn't we want to be the same when facing uncertainty?

We're all perfectionists to some extent. The trick is figuring out how to balance our desire to make everything perfect with the reality of life.