What Motivates Us?

in #life7 years ago

accomplish-1136863_1280.jpgI've been wanting to write about this topic for some time now because it is something we can all relate to. Recently, I have had some great motivation, one being planning to join the US Air Force. In the past, I thought about it but never really acted upon that aspiration. The key that I was missing was, you guessed it, motivation. I started training for boot camp: a year in advance because I knew I had to get in shape not only physically, but more importantly, mentally.

Some days, I wasn't very motivated to work out or run. It's a natural ebb and flow of emotions and your day to day life. The more I told myself to work out daily, the easier it became. So to answer the question, I think it's something we find along the journey that motivates us to accomplish anything. Our environment and who we have around us plays great importance in how we are motivated both internally and externally. A lack of motivation can be detrimental. A few years ago, I fell into a downward spiral of alcohol and depression. I had no motivation to do anything. I would literally get out of bed, light up a cigarette, and pace outside for hours. I skipped work frequently because at the time everything just didn't feel right.

Then, after talking with a hear friend who I love to death, I found my motivation. It helps to have a second, unbiased perspective when dealing with life issues.

So, remember to find your motivation in your environment, the people around you, and especially yourself. Stay positive!


Nice work with your goals! There is an inertia that comes with the energy you fall into. When you gave the example of being in the downward spiral, you are literally moving in a certain negative direction, and you have to fight that movement to come back up. Likewise, when you start the habit of healthy living, you also develop movement in that direction. Next thing you are living the dream! Nice work!

Very good response! I agree with you about the inertia part that is an interesting perception :)

Very nice, every journey begins with a step,the zeal must be there