Unbelievable Clothing Fails - Could there be conspiracy even in fashion?

in #life7 years ago

Some are deliberate, some are not... Some may be someone really bored at work, or just saying FUCK IT on their last day. Tell me what you think.

In amongst all the writing and reading of posts about Bitcoins, Hardfork, Decentralisation, and alike. I thought I would [ost something light hearted. It is not often that on a quiet week night that I laugh so hard from an email that my girl tells me to shut up. I thought I would share...

Seriously...the one who made these is either laughing his head off or is a real dumbass

Really what are they thinking? The designer and the dumb shit wearing this...

One of many flower patterns that are not very well thought out, or is it extremely well thought out by the creator lol.

Factory workers really don't think about what they are doing do they?

Brett Johnson's Grandma got him this shirt to show that she cares :)

What a great photo at the wrong angle...

Perfectly symmetrical, perfect oversight.

Shit stain floral pattern...WTF hahahahaha.

Now how is this not deliberate?

A hideous Christmas jumper, with an extra detail.

NOT..very well thought out.

Umm... Maternity leggings?

Expensive brand T-Shirt with a trendy pattern? Or a fat guy with a wedgie?

Creepy, but will win a giggle.

OMFG!!! Can you see it? hahahahaha

Manufacturing fuckup?

Three cheers for TEAM VOMIT...

This is just deliberate, and funny as hell.

Well done...

You can wear this shirt for 10 years and never know...

Just Do it... Just Hang Yourself in front of a crowd...

Badly stitched

Wow, only in America.

Retro knock offs....

CANADA proudly displayed

How to make an ugly shirt even more grose

If the colour coordination is not already bad enough

Intended for an orangutan

Souvenir from Salt Lake, Utah

HELLO... says the smiley face

Just unlucky...

Burn Victim leggings

Clearly not user tested

This dress has one pocket

Leopard skin, asshole included

A very heavy pattern

Something missing?

See it?


Love what???

All directions covered.

Hey look... Yeah I see it...

Another number by TURD...

And they will keep making more

Fudge Stain...

Did the person sewing this have his head in his ass?

That is supposed to say LOCUM


lol nice and funny pictures

O my goodness this made me laugh - thank you for making my day - Resteeming the funny

You are most welcome :) Glad I got a laugh ;)

Ill make you wetter than an otters pocket. You can resteem me ;)

oh man... bad bad BAD (-:

Oh my God! I honestly didn't think I would make it to the bottom of this post when I started but here I am! Wow, I couldn't look away.

I know right... share the laughs ;)

Thats the problem with illiterates, unless theres pictures like cat in the hat the writing takes it out of them, not saying your one of these at all

Hmmm. So I'm illiterate.... ok. You have not seen my usual work then

Uuummmmm, ok.

Hilarious! Can't wait to show my wife!

Is there any clothing here? ;-)

very funny!

good this post!