How to stop doubting yourself

in #life7 years ago

A lot of the time anxiety just stems from a very deep doubt that you feel about world, about life, about your current situation, about the present moment, about yourself, about other people. I think in recognizing that we can find ways to counteract that doubt and get back to living, you know more consciously and feeling more confident and feeling more sure of ourselves.
7 tips when it comes to not doubting yourself and trusting your life again

  1. Challenge your defeated attitude
    I think that when we judge ourselves for feeling defeated, we only make ourselves feel more defeated. I know I do that and other people do that too, they catch themselves going into everything, thinking that they’ve already failed or thinking that they’re already not good enough and once you catch yourself thinking that way, your first reaction is to judge yourself like why do I do this, why am I this way, why does my brain work this way which just makes you feel literally worse. Instead of judging your defeated attitude, just try challenging it, don’t question why it’s there, don’t make you feel little or small because of it just challenge those thoughts, for instance when

  2. Good or bad, it’s all good
    Welcome everything that comes into your lift. If you sit around and you feel anxious and you worry about things that could happen, you’re honestly just attracting more of that bad energy to you. Try and see it through this perspective, no matter if things are good or bad in a way it’s all good. Sometimes I’ll just have to say to myself like it’s all good, everything will teach me something. Of course there’s things in life that we can’t always attribute this, sometimes it’s really hard to play this game of whether good or bad it’s all good but in some way or another, we can find something good about all the bad. When it comes to trusting yourself, if you tell yourself that no matter what happens to you, good or bad, it’s all good, it makes us let you can stop feeling so afraid of life and stop feeling so afraid of yourself or your shortcomings to your failures because even when you do fail, even when bad things happen to you, it’s teaching you a lesson or it’s giving you some sort of knowledge for the future and knowledge is confidence, knowledge is power and knowledge is going to give you that boost that you need to stop doubting yourself even more than next time these types of things come around and happen again. Welcoming all things into your life also means welcoming the things and owning the things about you that maybe aren’t your favorite things, owning your weaknesses is a way to own who you are. And in that way you turn your weakness into a strength.

  3. Always doing your best
    If you’re always doing your best, that’s all anybody can ask of you, nobody can expect more including yourself, if you’re put all into it and the thing is that nobody knows what your best is aside from you. We have to learn to trust ourselves and trust when we know we’re doing our best and when we maybe falling short or letting other things get in the way or being lazy because when we are honest with ourselves, we know when we’re actually doing our best, we’re confident enough to know that even if doesn’t work out, even if we fail, we know we did everything we could with our best abilities, so there’s nothing feel wrong or doubtful about. This is a lot of ways to kind of creates in immunity to other people’s opinion or other people’s judgments because no matter what everybody’s gonna have something to say, you can’t be everybody’s cup of tea, someone can always find something to pick a part about your personality, about the work you do, about the things you say, about the person you are. But the way to become immune to that is to know that as long as I am doing my best, and I am going at everything with good intentions and I am putting myself out there to the best of my abilities and there’s nothing I can do to stop anyone from judging me in a lot of ways. Just stop doubting yourself and also in a lot of ways you learn to have our own back because I know this was the best that I could.

  4. The only way out is through
    The only way out is working through it. You can’t run away from it and you can’t fight it, you have to work through. This line isn’t just for doubting yourself, it’s also good when it comes to feeling anxious. Anytime I feel myself panicking or getting anxious that anything if it’s something stressing me out, I tell myself the only way out of this is to work through it, go straight through it, learn what I need to learn, put in the effort I need to put in and walk away from it on the other side rather than letting it fester and procrastinate and sit here and stress me out anymore. When you don’t trust yourself, when you doubt yourself within your mind, it tricks your brain into thinking that you don’t have control over these situations, you are just living that things are happening and making things happen. There are million ways that you can take every situation and turn it something else

  5. Take care of yourself
    When you take care of yourself, when you make time for the things that you love, when you do things that you feel drawn to, when you trust your gut, you gained such a relationship within yourself and such a trust within yourself. That is almost invincible and untouchable. You have to be confident, you have to own who you are. That doesn’t give anyone permission to be boastful or to be rude, taking care of yourself is making it so that you’re a happier person that can turn around and take care of other people smiling at a stranger and making them feel good, being able to turn off your own drama and be there for a friend and give them life advice. More time you spend and make for yourself to do things that make you feel good easier it is to feel good about other things going on in your life. Maybe things that are new to you or challenging to you, it’s easier to feel good about those things if you take your spare time and you do things that you feel good about yourself.

  6. Cut the crap
    Any give situation we have 2 options we can be the victim or we can be the master/the warrior. It’s easy to be the victim because in a lot of ways, victim mentality even if we don’t realize we’re doing it and we all do it, it puts the responsibility on other people to make us feel good, to make us feel loved, to make us feel comfortable or to justify the way that we feel and something bad happens and you feel doubtful about yourself, you’re back into this victim mentality instead you need to cut the crap. Just not make everything seem like such a big deal, keep it light-hearted, make jokes out of things.

  7. Find your faith
    Find something you believe and find something that is bigger than who you are and believe in that because even when you follow through on all the tips that I recommend, sometimes it’s really hard to fight through that part of your brain. When it comes down to those moments, all we need to fall back on the things that we believe it’s something bigger than ourselves to know that even if this goes on for a couple more days, eventually I am going to start trusting myself again and eventually I am going to feel so doubtful and it’s because there’s something bigger that’s playing a role in everything that’s happening now. Let it be bigger than you, let it free you.


thanks very much , All very good stuff