This will help you get inspired and motivated in your life

in #life7 years ago

Months ago, I was feeling really uninspired and unmotivated. I just didn’t have it in me to kind of come up with an excuse or a reason to do a lot of things that I genuinely enjoy and love doing. I felt like that was really slacking on my goals, just kind of sitting around and wasting time, wasting potential and just like crummy about myself. It almost felt like the longer I stayed in that sort of mindset, the harder It was taking me to get out of it.
The 5 ways that they came up with that if you are feeling unmotivated, you’re feeling uninspired or anything of the sort, then these are the tips that gonna help you motivate yourself and get excited about life again. Because life is too short to spend any second of it not realizing that this is all miracle factor. And any time I spend wasting being sad and uninspired and unmotivated. These tips that keep me on track.

  1. Connect with your purpose
    We’ve kind of talked about purpose and why many times. This is one of the most important things that you can constantly do in your life is reestablish like your reason for the life you want to live, the things you want to do and what you want to be accomplishing. When we feel unmotivated or we feel uninspired by taking on the action, the goals that we’ve set up for ourselves, it’s usually because we’ve lost the sense of touch with why we started in the first place, what it is that made us want to do these things or live this kind of life to begin with. A way to re-establish your reason, your purpose is to start by asking yourself what do you want from your life, what kind of life do you want to live, what kind of goals do you want to accomplish, what do you want to strive towards for the future and get really clear about this. What it is that you want out of your life and then ask yourself why do you want it because we can say all the things we want but there’s always got to be a reason why, and how much better you’re getting along the way things like that come up in a reason why and then write it down if you haven’t done this before. Write it down as many times as you need, even if you can make it 1 word, 2 words or 3 words. Try and make it as short as possible so that if you don’t have it around you, you can reattach to your purpose right away by just saying those words in your head. It keeps you reconnected and gets you inspired again

  2. Change your routines and your habits
    You know we’re waking at the same time every day with the same view, with same coffee, with same breakfast, same routine, same everything, and then go to bed and we’re just feeling so like still, everything just feels like just going through the motion. When you change up your habits and you change your routines, it spices up your life again like waking up at different time in the morning, eating something new or going to a different restaurant for lunch,..., changing up the routine of your life and your routine of every single day is going to reinstall you and make you feel motivated and shake things up. So that it’s not the exact same thing every single day. There’s an infinite amount of combinations of the way that you decide to do things. You can wake up and go for run, or read books with a cup of tea. There’s so many different ways you can spend your morning, your night, whatever even if your work has to stay the same. There’s just so many different ways that you can change up other things. So that change your routine, your habits, that’s going to get you reinstalled to start accomplishing your goals

  3. Change ups your environment
    For example, your bedroom, your apartments, your house, whatever. It is a lot of times we overlook the fact that our environment really dictates our energy like if you are in a dirty messy unorganized, you’re gonna feel super unmotived, super uninspired. There’s just so many different ways that you can do little things, even adding a different, this will make you a little bit more cozy, more happy, more fun and inspired life again.

  4. Make an inspo board
    There’s so many different ways you can do one. If you don’t even know what your dreams are, you can easily just make it and inspiration board, you can just post photos or post, whatever like of things that just make you feel happy and excited about life. It could be coffee, it could be your favorite animal, it could be just like your favorite cities. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a dream board, it can just be an inspiration board of images that just make you feel happy and excited. If you don’t want to do the DIY version, you can just simply recreate this on Pinterest or wherever page of the images that make you feel inspired and then anytime you’re not feeling it, anytime you’re feeling a little low and down, you can just pop up your phone and open up your board on whatever platform you decided you make it, just scroll through it and it’s going to make you feel excited and inspired again. For sure this works so much more than you’ll ever thought. We are very visual creatures, so when we see things, it kind of like triggers that little part in our brain, that’s like inspired and motivated and energetic again.

  5. Write down your future life
    I am not saying write down that you want your future to be, I’m saying write down what your future like is going to be, detailed as much as possible. This doesn’t have to be set in stone but right now if you were told that you could have exactly what it would be, get detailed about this as possible. Say this is what going to happen. The more detail you put into this, the better it’s going to work for you because you want to write something that’s freaking excited about it, having it on physical piece of paper is amazing because once you have that again, that’s almost like a bigger version of coming up with your purpose. And you will do and make this happen. Anytime you’re feeling like stale uninspired, unmotived, you can open it up and read it again. If that doesn’t reinstall you anymore, write a completely new one and keep doing that in reading them, fixing them, tweaking them. Doing this always reestablish your brain, what you’re working towards. I promise you if you’re crazy enough to believe that you can have all those things that you want, you will have them
    I’ve get so much work done, I’ve been so much efficient. There’s so many different ways that you can be inspired again. I hope that I can hear from you for what you did to get over some bad times in your life.


Hey @yogalovers, thanks for sharing! So many things out there to be happy for and about. Always keep staying positive! Thanks for a nice post! Cheers

thank you so much for your comments. i hope you are always be happy @exxodus