Ladies and Gentleman THE FUCKET LIST

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Everyone has a Bucket List. I have one as well. I also have a new kind of list. Let me present to you, the Fucket List. No, it's not what some of you think at first. It's not a list of sexual conquests that I'd like to have one day. Not that I don't have a short list of those rattling around in the old noggin as well. It's not a list of things you'd say "Fuck It I'm doing gonna do it!" to either.
No, the Fucket List is something you might say is the counterpoint to the Bucket List, the "Anti-Bucket List" if you will. Where the Bucket List is a list of experiences or achievements that you might want to have or accomplish in this lifetime before you die. The Fucket List is the experiences or achievements that you might NOT want to have or in most cases NEVER repeat again in this lifetime before you die. For instance getting kicked in the nuts would probably be on most guys Fucket List (unless thats your thing) then of course you wouldn't add it to your list (to each there own).
I know it's not the most clever thing I could come up with and its certainly not original. I'm pretty sure someone somewhere has said it or done it. I'm just bored at the keyboard and I had this thought come across my mind while at work doing the mindless repetitive task of serving up hot coffee-esque drinks at one of our local Global Coffee Corporations. So heres what I have so far, feel free to make your own list. Have fun with it after all it's your life, it's up to you what to do and or not do ever again.

  1. Work for minimum wage
    Seriously though, I've worked enough of those in my younger years, there is no way I should go back to that. With the education I have and experience I have I will not settle for low wages.
  2. Do drugs
    On a very serious note, I have done drugs in my past psychedelics mainly, most of them fun experiences. A few of them weird and bordering on the truly bizarre and scary. But mostly fun. I still won't go back to doing anything like that again. At least not until my son is older that 18 and I'm retired. Then its time to get weird! Just kidding.
  3. Have sex without a prophylactic (or condemn if your dumb)
    Well maybe if its with the right person and were at that level of intimacy and they don't have diseases. Alright maybe I should change that one to don't have sex without a condemn with someone I can't trust.
  4. Drink and drive
    I mean that one just makes sense, right.
  5. Smoke cigarettes
    I've smoked on and off for a number of years. I quit before my son was born, and then start again a few months ago after going to court to try and fight for sole custody. It was very stressful. But I vow to stop and never go back.
  6. Get another shitty tattoo
    Only good tattoos from now on. From people who have already practiced enough to be good at it. No more guinea pigging on this guy.

Well, this is what I've got so far. I know I will add more to it later on, and I'm sure if I gave it more thought theres a lot of stuff I forgot to add to this one already. I'd love to here what might be on other people FUCKET LISTS as well. Feel free to comment and let me know. This is a safe space, no judgement here.
Thanks for you time I know we all have precious little of it more and more these days.


Your post contains a lots of information.. I find something new i didn't know