People Get Exactly What They Deserve

in #life5 years ago (edited)

One trend that is permeating society currently by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be is the victim mentality or the idea that individuals are powerless. This is done in myriad ways. First, people are separated from each other by different measures, in this time period social media and the news divide us like never before, creating different sub-groups that are repeated by the mouth breathing masses. It really is interesting how the “news” will come up with its newest fear mongering campaign to draw an audience to their archaic and completely irrelevant publications, and within days you can hear people in real life speaking about these topics as if they are really affected by them. This is how people are controlled.


I have had many conversations with people close to me about the agendas and hidden hands that weave these tapestries of public fear and confusion. While I personally think that there are definitely agendas behind closed doors and there is ample evidence if one looks to confirm this, many people think that the world acts in random ways, that these major events just sort of “happen” because of the complexity of the human race and all the interconnecting webs of conflict that string between countries, continents, races and cultures.

This idea of randomness also permeates to the individual’s life choices and the consequences of those choices and creates a mental schism in many where they just feel like life “happens” instead of life being created by the individual by each solitary choice made throughout their life, day to day and hour to hour. Minute to minute even.

What I have come to realize, and this is an empowering concept despite its negative sounding nature, is that people generally get exactly what they deserve in life. The universal law is cause and effect, or karma, or the law of attraction or whatever term we would choose to describe it.

One interesting idea is that we really can’t describe in words what these forces are. We can only do the best we have with our created language which will never truly strike at the heart of what we’re really trying to say, so it’s always an incomplete picture or statement. We can never just quite describe how the universe (or God) works perfectly. Maybe that’s one of the mysteries or riddles of life. We never can quite understand exactly what’s going on.

Studying the ideas of successful people in whatever field we are looking to learn from, whether its an elite athlete or successful businessman, or public speaker, or motivator, life coach, or someone that is just truly happy, we find that success leaves clues, and the people that get to the pinnacle of their craft did the things necessary to get there. Nothing happens by accident, we’re just hoodwinked by social structures to think that way.

For example, as a health coach and nutrition expert I have never, ever, in my entire life met someone that was horribly out of shape and in poor health that was doing the correct things to achieve true wellness. Never. They usually eat poorly, are malnourished in what they need, are dehydrated, mentally ill equipped (as in anxious or otherwise not in control of their own thoughts and emotions) and physically unfit. I’ve yet to meet an obese person that ate perfectly, got good sleep, controlled stress and had healthy relationships. One or more or most likely all of these things were off and that is why they are out of shape. And I think that when confronted most people can look deep down inside and understand that this is true.

The same is true for financial success. Its easy for people to be fixated on money and wonder why they never have it. I know I’ve been there! But a deeper look will definitely show that the reason people are poor is because, for whatever reason, they are doing things that mandate that they get the universe to give them the return of being poor. Currently in the workforce today there is a pretty sizable movement where people are trying to change the external environment i.e. the system so that they can release a little pressure in their financial worlds. Universal basic income is one of these things, as well as taxing the super rich. All of these things however revolve around changing things in the external environment instead of looking within and making the necessary changes to fix the situation.


“Don’t wish for less problems wish for more skills.” - Jim Rohn

Another piece of Jim Rohn’s advice is that if you want to make more money then you have to add value to the market place. Simply working more hours will not suffice, you have to impact more people. A great example would be Tony Robbins. He makes a ton of money because he helps tens of thousands of people. If you work at the gas station and simply take people’s loose change for a bag of chips, you’re not adding much value, so you don’t get much money.

If you stand at a deep fryer at a fast food restaurant flipping burgers, you are not adding much value.

This is where utilizing and developing skills comes in, and that takes effort. It takes time and dedication, reading books and going to seminars and seeking out mentors and people that can help to hone your skills. Most people don’t do these things, therefore most people do not make a lot of money. They are getting exactly what they deserve. Adding value to the social market place also includes stepping way out of your comfort zone and this is the crux of the entire idea of why people don’t reach their goals. They get complacent and they don’t grow.

If you don’t grow, you don’t get the cheddar. Just like elite athletes don’t get to the top unless they raise the stakes. Unfortunately society encourages mediocrity, and many people surround themselves with yes-men and other coddlers that reassure them that mediocrity is perfectly acceptable. This is another aspect that is hard when it comes to going for your dreams and that is taking the less travelled road and accepting that you may have to go it alone for some time. You cannot excel if you are around energy sucking and excuse making vampires, and cutting people out of life is hard. Life is hard. It does reward complacency and passivity. The people that are aggressive in that they take the risks and accept the consequences and never give up, and are relentless? They’re the ones that are paying the ones that are afraid a pittance while they take home the big bucks and the success.

This is why getting what you deserve is empowering: you know that you just need to do the things that will make you deserve what you want and if you are persistent you will succeed. It doesn’t even need to be material wealth. If you can do the inner spiritual work necessary and go after the knowledge you need then you can cultivate inner peace and happiness. If you deserve happiness then you will have it, all you really have to do is tell yourself that you do deserve it. Sadly, as we see with many people, they are afraid (because society has trained them) and they do not think deep down that they deserve it.

Part of this whole concept is of course being honest with yourself and forgiving yourself for your past mistakes and poor habits. There is no need to dwell on your past mistakes, although you should learn from them. But worrying and dragging the past around achieves absolutely nothing. You have to take total responsibility for the good and the bad. Taking responsibility is harder than blaming other people and events, which is much easier. Many people convince themselves that its not their fault that they are such horrible situations. While they may try to tell themselves that this is true, usually deep down inside there is the knowledge, that only they are aware of, that they need to change. So people put on the mask...the victim mentality.

“I am depressed because X and Y is going on and its that group that doesn’t agree with me and we should silence them and make the bad man go away.”

Look at the persecution Jordan Peterson is going through. I’ve heard people say that he’s a racist, homophobe, far right fear monger...the most hateful things are said about this guy, simply because he doesn’t put up with people’s shit and tells them what he at least perceives as the truth. This is unfortunately what society in The Matrix equates to. People that tell it how it is and express themselves without reservation are fraught by hordes of excuse making mind-slaves. It really is just remarkable how angry and defensive some people will get when they are in control of their lives. Its so much easier to blame everything else and wipe the hands clean of personal responsibility.

So my advice to the reader is, if you have an aspect of life that needs changing, and we all have at least one if not a dozen, look in the mirror straight into your own eyeballs and tell yourself that you are where you are because you deserve it, that it doesn’t have to be like this, that you forgive yourself of the mistakes that brought you here, and that you are going to consciously move forward into unknown and uncomfortable circumstances, into the unknown, and you’re going to do whatever it takes to find the knowledge (usually inside yourself) and cultivate the skills to actually deserve the life you tell the world you want so bad.


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