Tips To Improve Your Situation ( If You're Broke And Jobless)

in #lifehacks7 years ago (edited)

9 Quick Tips To Boost Your Attitude Towards Life During Hard Times

Hey folks! My name is Vlad - yeah - like the grumpy Romanian bloodsucker. Yet it's short for Vladimir, which is a very common name among Slavs. I am 40 years old, I have a wife and three kids and I have been in a similar situation more than once. So whatever advice I have for you here is from my own experience and I hope it helps, but take it with a grain of salt, for my situation may have differed from yours and certain tips and tricks may not apply to you. OK, enough about me, let's talk about life for a minute 

Here are some tips about what to do when you're absolutely broke. No money, no job, probably rent due in a few weeks and so on.

What to do:

And I mean literally. Go for a walk, even if you hate it. Fresh air boosts oxygen intake, and that means your thought processes become faster and more agile. Hell, rich bastards sleep in those oxygen chambers and if you think they are stupid you are dead wrong.

Ah you're back from that walk, you kick off your shoes and your hand immediately reaches for that remote. OK, now take the remote, press the red button and "accidentally" drop the remote behind the couch. You absolutely don't need to hear the news. It's all lies and disinformation anyway. And fear mongering you need to avoid at all costs. You need to focus on your situation and avoid worrying about the world state of affairs when it’s survival time. You’ll fix/save the world later. Plus someone with a squeaky voice mumbling in the background is so annoying! Put some melodic music on instead and play it quietly to help you focus rather than distract you.

How bad is it? Is it really that bad? Can you call a friend to help? Or reach for family? If you are a woman you probably have plenty of friends. Women are so much more sociable, and more than that they like to share what is bothering them. So most probably there is a long list of friends to call to help out with the situation. If you are a guy though, or a lady with a short friends list, well - there's always family. If you are young enough and mom and dad are still around - call them. Even if you do not realize it, they are your best friends you’ve ever had in this life. If they've raised you to a grown man, they will certainly provide support now when their child is in need of support. And don't worry - their reward will be seeing you back on your feet and going strong again. When you grow your own kids you'll know how it feels and why it is done.
Now, if you are old enough, then mom and dad have probably passed away, and that is how life goes, but your siblings and your cousins are probably still around. Even a distant cousin will help a lot more than a person you may have thought of as a friend in the past. Blood is a very strong bond, you will be surprised how strong it is if you haven't considered it until now.

And by that I mean the world is actually a friendlier place then what you’ve seen on TV, in movies and online. The real world is a place of little extremes, a ton more balance and beauty and certainly full of understanding. You may think you are the only one running around while your butt is on fire, but you are not. Most humans have problems almost all of the time, but they manage to contain and solve them with love, understanding and help from friends and family. That’s why those people are not on the news – they are the opposite of violent and extreme. Besides, there is this thing called empathy, which is the natural way of feeling for one another. And people will feel with you if you share your pain, and they’ll help you if they can. Smile with the world and it will smile back with you.

Think of yourself as a major and very flexible asset. You can use your physical strength, your beautiful face, your melodic voice or your gracious moves to your advance. Or maybe if you are not that talented or strong or beautiful then you can use your sharp mind. However bad the situation may seem, you do have yourself in the first place. Money comes second to that. What you have or don’t have can and will change for the better if you understand how important you really are to your success in the first place. If you owe money to someone then do not avoid them! On the contrary – approach them in a friendly and respectful manner, explain your situation shortly and assure them that you are working on it and will refund them as soon as you stabilize – get a job, sell an asset (car, house etc.) or find some money from a friend or family. Your creditor may not seem happy when you tell him/her all of that, but he/she will certainly appreciate your respect shown for him/her. If it is a bank you owe to then go to the bank and renegotiate your loan or mortgage with either refinancing or a grace period for at least 3 months. You need to negotiate some room to breathe and get a grip. They will prefer that you re-establish yourself and start paying them back instead of them going the hard way on you and your assets.

If you only have one car, one cell phone, one laptop, one suit – do not sell them yet. Keep them and think of them as if they are your Swiss knife were you all of a sudden lost into the woods. You’ll thank me later. Whatever double you may have you are allowed to sell, but not your survival kit!

Just for as long as you are in the woods. If you are used to spending 20 bucks over an ordered pizza, consider preparing your own food, like a few sandwiches or a noodle soup. If you spare 10 to 15 bucks tonight they will last you for a few more days. Don’t go out this Friday night and you will certainly spare another 50 to a 100. Keep your clothes and shoes clean and avoid damaging them rather than going on a shopping spree every weekend. Use your own tools, skills and knowledge to avoid spending too much on repairs you could have easily done yourself. It is not good for the economy, but it certainly is helpful when you’re in survival mode. There is so much more you can cut costs on. Every time you reach for your wallet – think about the alternative. Could you have done it yourself for free or for a fraction of the cost? You’ll be surprised.

And lower your standard here too. You may have tons of experience, you may have been a real somebody on your previous job, but overestimate yourself too much and you may easily spend 6 months or more on the reserve bench. Just like that. And you will not only be spending money, you will not be earning any. Aim for any job with decent pay for a start, send as many CVs as possible – the more hooks you throw in the sea the better the chance to be frying fish tonight or tomorrow.

There’s nothing in the past for you. So stop looking at it, stop sinking in it. Be a new you! Be a better you! No need for sorrow and regret. Do not hold yourself back. You are realizing your power now, and you are ready to face the future. The future is now. The future is you. Carpe diem!jobless-tshirt.jpg


This is very powerful message, thank you for the post!I agree sometimes life takes us a different path to show us how to do things better. You are spot on with each tip and definitely can help change the world. Thank you for this post and please keep sharing great posts.

Thank you, jsnl, I am glad you like it :)