Getting A Smart Start: How I Set Myself Financially Free, 3 Tips

in #lifelessons6 years ago

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More than twenty years ago, I shocked a lot of people by retiring from my job. Many of my colleagues kept saying, “What are you doing? Are you crazy? You’ve got another 20 years you could be working and saving. You could make even more money.” They were right. Sure, I could have done that, but I didn’t need the money.

You see, by then I had already paid off my student debt and saved my money. I learned a few secrets to making money that left me with a skill set to fall back on that didn’t require me to have a job. To be fair and honest, after I graduated college and for the next decade, I worked two jobs most of the time, so I could save some money.

I didn’t see the point of working for someone else in order to save a few more pennies for retirement. What was important to me was how I was spending my time. I wanted to do things that allowed me to have my own time and income outside of a job. I wanted to be free of the rat race forever. At a glance it may have looked like I was crazy for leaving my job so young. Many people said what I was doing didn’t make sense.

The internet was new and in its infancy. We hadn’t even reached the dotcom boom yet. Many of my friends thought I was lucky. Others thought I was going through some phase, and that I would soon come to my senses and come back to work. I had a little profit sharing from a previous gig that helped me invest my money at a very young age. I never wanted to go to work for anyone again. What confused everybody was that on the surface I was an ordinary person.

I wasn’t an overachieving student. I didn’t do well in college. I got by with the average grades I had. I wasn’t exceptional at anything. However, I had a good work ethic and I didn’t have any unusual debt. I was, and still am, an average person. I didn’t have any unusual habits or hobbies that would suck the money out of my pockets. I didn’t suffer addictions that would rob me of my money either. I am a person, who found an extraordinary way to make money when I needed to, without working a job.

What’s good about this aspect of me is that I’m not an extravagant person either. I’m not a “Things and Stuff” person. I enjoy simplicity and experiences. I don’t want to be encumbered with lots of stuff and things. I don’t need, nor do I want a 15,000 sq. ft. home. I don’t want the Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz, thousand-dollar Rolex, and all the material possessions you could buy that come with feeling as if you have lots of money. Having this attitude has helped me remain financially free.

The way I see it, if you are going to create a life, you’ve got to create one that you will enjoy and want to protect. I want freedom more than a Mercedes-Benz, Rolex, or a big house. I want freedom more than any single trinket you could buy. I believe being trapped in a dead-end job is enslavement. I didn’t want to live that way. I’ve been free from working a dead-end job for so long now that many of my friends ask me what my secrets to retiring and remaining free are.

To be honest, the internet began to take off with ways to make money online. I unearthed a secret that most people couldn’t see that was right in front of their nose. It had been quietly growing and to this day most people can’t see it because they are so focused on something else.

The reality is, once you see what I have been doing for a couple of decades and learn the secret of how it works, you too, could get a smart start on building your freedom and dreams right now. In fact, I’ve shared this secret with several people from all age groups that didn’t have any experience. Some in their 20s who don’t want to join the rat race and 70-year-old retirees that wanted extra cash. They are amazed that others do not see the potential of this hidden secret that helped set me financially free.

Do you want to learn the secrets? It’s not hard to learn. You can begin to set yourself financially free. I was so excited when I first found this secret, that I spent 16 hours a day studying and learning how to take advantage of its amazing simplicity. I’m going to share some of that with you right now.

Once you learn the secret to how it works, you can easily be reinventing your work life relationship and set yourself financially free.

Here are 3 tips:

  1. Create a relevant skill set: Financial freedom is a skill set. It isn’t about how much money you save for retirement. It is about having skill sets that will help you create income whenever and wherever you are on the planet. I have relevant skill sets that I can charge more than $1,000 an hour. I only have to work 10 hours a month to make 6 figures a year. The key is researching and finding what relevant skill sets people are looking for so that you can learn them and help others find answers. Everyone has relevant skill sets and information that can benefit the world. It is when you learn to turn your experience into profits correctly, that you have a smart start on becoming financially free.

  2. Research what people are looking for and build income sources around it: I became financially free when I stopped trying to have “a good idea” to make money and learn the little secret of researching what it is that people wanted to buy. When I found a market I could serve, I built a business around what they actually wanted to have or know. The secret is that most people think this happens just once. If you want financial freedom know the people you serve will want more from you overtime. When you serve them well, you have created an income source long term and this builds financial freedom as your lifestyle.

  3. Keep your debt and expenses low: I believe simplicity is the key to financial happiness. You’ll never become wealthy by accepting other people’s definitions of what wealth looks like. I promise you, you’ll be much happier and better off if you learn what it is that makes you happy. Having a bunch of stuff and things hasn’t made anyone happier. Sometimes the simplicity of being able to spend more time with your loved ones is what is fulfilling about being financially free. The more financial debts you have, the slower the process becomes of setting yourself financially free.

Of course, by now you probably have the same question most people do after they see me or read this post. It usually is, “What is the secret that is right in front of my nose that you’ve discovered, Vickie?”

This is what I want to share with you.

In short: I’ve developed a way to take command of my financial well-being by learning a powerful but hidden secret. I analyze what people are looking for, and then turning that research into income sources that are equitably and mutually beneficial to the consumer and myself at a reasonable cost. This single hidden secret has given me a unique advantage and protected my financial freedom. And:

-I don’t have to spend a fortune to start
-I don’t have to take loans for venture capital in order to start
-I don’t have over-the-top expenses
-I don’t have to hustle and grind for leads and sales
-I don’t have to do anything that feels unethical or salesy
-I don’t have to invest in office or inventory space
-My setup is fast, simple, movable, and profitable
-My learning curve is consistent and reliable

I use a technique that most people don’t even know exists. I cracked the code to finding how to turn my experience into income. Then I implemented smart wealth strategies and secrets that most people don’t know about. I wanted to grow my wealth without any of the Wall Street shenanigans that threaten so many other people’s futures.

Keep in mind that commanding and growing financial freedom is what wealthy people do. It requires you to learn, grow, implement, and succeed. If you would like to know more about how to command and grow your wealth, I’d like to offer you a gift. Go to: for your complimentary Smart Start Wealth Handbook. It will help you get your Smart Start.

Vickie Helm is a bestselling author, business and asset strategist, and the CEO of Smart Group Firm. She has improved the success of more than a thousand companies and the lives of thousands of individuals throughout her career. You can learn more about Vickie at or