Probiotics, Bone Broth and Black Walnut!!!

in #lifestyle6 years ago

Hey everyone!!!

Thanks so much for joining me again as I go through this journey of unlearning the lies I have been told my whole life and actually learning truth.


I found this image from someone I follow on Instagram, @evan_scorpio he posts a bunch of truth and amazing photography. Though it looks like @realjguillen has his handle in the top right of the image. I wanted to share it today because I want to talk about poison and cures.

We’ve been told our whole lives that certain things are good for us when in face they are the absolute worse. The food we eat, diet, fat free, low calorie, sugar free, etc. are all poison! Antibiotics, something doctors give you to help kill off bugs and viruses that are inside your body, it will kill everything inside your body if you keep taking it, it kills all the good bacteria inside you as well as the bad. Did you know you should be taking extra probiotics when taking antibiotics to help counter the damage caused by antibiotics? I didn’t, but I do now!

Probiotics are expensive, but I need them in my life! I want to start breeding them at home, that’s why I’m learning how to firmest my own sauerkraut. Though this takes a long time, it’s still completely worth it! If you know of any other way to cut costs or make probiotics at home, please let me know in the comments!

Marla, the amazing person I introduced y’all to in my last post, encourages people to take probiotics daily, and hundreds of billions of them if you suffer from leaky gut or candida overgrowth, which I suffer from both. I plan to get some as soon as I have the money for them. That should give everyone enough time to comment on this post and give advice.

Bone Broth is another thing she suggest consuming plenty of, I have never had bone broth in my whole life, at least I don’t think I have. I search for recipes and guides and found so many online and have a pretty good idea how I want to do it.


I found these organic, non GMO, free range chickens at Natural Grocers here in Temple, TX and plan on getting a few of those. Yes they are super expensive, but it’s the best I can do since the city of Temple only allows you to have six chickens on your property and no roosters. I can pull all the meat off of one of these chickens and it would probably last me alone for a whole week, with the bones I could make gallons and gallons of bone broth.

I’ve been watching An Americain Homestead and have always wanted to can like Jamie Bauer does. I plan to do it with my sauerkraut eventually, however now I have a second thing to learn how to can. Between the chicken, bone broth and some Keto egg noodles, I should be good to go on making my own homemade chicken noodle soup. I’m debating on eating that and greens for the rest of winter, which is funny because growing up we always saved chicken noodle soup for when we were sick. But you tell me, do I look sick to you?


That is my entire left knee cap. The surface of the psoriasis is larger than a softball. I’ve had it for over 15 years. Doctors cannot do anything for me except prescribe steroids, which is not only also a poison in and of itself, but I also believe it helped cause this problem in the first place.

I’ve been watching the Truth About Cancer documentary series on YouTune the past couple of days and agree with them that Big Pharma has been trying to kill us since the beginning and get us to find them throughout the entire process. Episode 1 was very eye open ring and showed how bad things like chemotherapy really is for us and how there are natural ways that actually cure cancer.

Parasites, do you have them? Would you even know if you do? I’m certain I have them, how could I not, I’m the perfect host for them. I’ve put so much poison in my body, things they feed on, and expect them to not be there? Crazy right!

This is where Black Walnut! Back to Marla and her suggestions just like probiotics and bone broth, she also suggested black walnut tincture. Apparently it just flushes you clean of all so many parasites. This is another thing I plan to get once I have the money. I plan to flush my entire system and then overdose in nutrition and start to actually heal my body.

Thanks again so much for joining me throughout this journey, if you enjoy this content please follow me! Leave a comment if you have any advice or encouraging words.

Until next time, Shalom!


Take it one day at a time...but at least it sounds like you are going in the right direction!