I Month Body Transformation - day 2 and 3 - 21/22 july 2016 - Adding Organic Peanut Butter

in #lifestyle8 years ago

Thursday 21/07/16

Breakfast -2 eggs with spinich
Lunch - tuna salad
Dinner - tuna with brown pasta. Tim Ferris says no White Carbs. Not sure brown pasta is ok I need to check.
Handful of Peanuts. Cheat!

Friday - 22/07/16
8am - 3sets of 15 wall pressups and air sqauts. Still no sign of my chest pull. Feel Quite sore from workout 2 days ago!!

Breakfast - 2 eggs, spinach, half an onion, sweet pepper
Lunch - Plain salad
Dinner - 2 pieces of chicken, used some olive oil. Sweet pepper and some spinach.

50 kettle bell swings, 16, 14 ,22. Felt slight twinge in my knee thought better to stop.
1 Table spoon of organic peanut butter, apparently good to have before sleep as it levels out your blood sugar levels while you are sleeping!

Finding the diet challenging, itching to do some cardio. Anyways tomorrow is my cheat day so I can eat has much as I like.