Life Long Meat Eater Going Vegan for First Time

in #lifestyle6 years ago

My health and my mental health have both really suffered the past few years now and in an effort to get better I have made many lifestyle changes. I stopped smoking too long ago to really say at this point- 10 or 15 years, but I gave up alcohol two years ago, changed my entire diet to non-GMO, mostly gluten free, and organic as much as possible. I gave up on most dairy products and started using almond milk and soy based products maybe about a year ago now. I do not eat fast food or chain restaurants any longer and am even cognizant of where food is procured from when eating out. All these changes and I do not really feel any the better for it. I still struggle with depression regularly and I have gained about 30 pounds over the last two years. I am not fat and carry my weight well, but I have noticed the difference. I do not workout nearly as much as I once did; in fact it is rare that I go to the gym any longer, but at one point I would have been considered a gym rat, but alas the motivation just is not there. My spiritual health is better than it ever has been and I feel closest to God I have ever been, but I still do not feel like I am 100 percent healthy. I have had some major heath concerns over the years, but they are so rare in the medical world that most doctors don't even know what they are. I am sure that at least one of these has had a lasting impact on my health. If asked my current state of health I would have to answer honestly fair to good, but that is not good enough.

As it were, there are obviously more options available to pursue yet in the pursuit of health. Spending more time in the gym is an obvious one, but I am lazy and have been going through a long stretch of not being able to motivate myself to go often enough to make a difference. Today marks day four of my first try with veganism after being a life long meat eater. I am also at the same time dropping gluten. I am hungry; I sure do like to eat good food. It's cold out and day like today I would usually cook a big meal, but I need to go get groceries of things I can eat as I have used everything I had. I also have a wicked headache, which is not unusual, but I feel this one is related to the new diet.

People of the internet, give me advice.
People of the internet, give me prayer.
People of the internet, talk to me about your experiences and what to expect.

Good day

