¿Hay alguien que está teniendo problemas con los pagos? ¡Necesito tu ayuda! ¿Is anyone having trouble with payments? I !need your help!

in #lifetrail7 years ago

Fuente: http://www.itvikings.com/Support/TechnicalSupport.aspx?MenuID=6

¡Disculpen las molestias!

¿Les consulto, algunos de ustedes están teniendo problemas o notaron alguna anormalidad con los pagos de sus post?

              ¡Les cuento lo que me está sucediendo!

Lo he notado desde el día de ayer, ¡quizás esté sucediendo de antes! Pero no lo he notado, el día de ayer subí un post, a los quince minutos de haber subido el material llevaba una valorización de SBD 20.00 antes de los treinta minutos llevaba valorado en SBD 27 al llegar a los 33 minuto de haber subido, cayo la valoración a SBD 9.50 y termino siendo valorado a 11.49.

Les dejo el link si desean verificarlo


El día de hoy me sucedió algo parecido, a los quince minutos de haber subido el material llevaba una valorización de SBD 30.00 antes de los treinta minutos llevaba valorado en SBD 37.40 al llegar a los 33 minutos de haber subido, cayo la valoración a SBD 21.50 y hasta ahora esta siendo valorado a 30.22.  

Les dejo el link si desean verificarlo  


¿Hay alguien que me pueda decir por qué suceden estas cosas?

¡Esto en nuevo para mí, nunca antes me había sucedido!

Muchas gracias por sus respuestas y comentarios

Fuente: http://peterfourlas.ca/i-need-your-help/

!Sorry for the inconvenience!

Do I consult you some of you are having problems or noticed some abnormality with the payments of your post?

           !I tell you what is happening to me!

I've noticed it since yesterday, maybe it's happening before! But I have not noticed, yesterday I uploaded a post, fifteen minutes after having uploaded the material had a valuation of SBD 20.00 before the thirty minutes was valued in SBD 27 to reach the 33 minute of having gone up, cayo The valuation to SBD 9.50 and ended up being valued at 11.49.

I leave the link if you want to verify it


Today, something similar happened to me, fifteen minutes after the material had been raised, it had a valuation of SBD 30.00 before the thirty minutes it had been valued at SBD 37.40 on reaching the 33 minutes of having gone up, the valuation fell to SBD 21.50 And is currently rated at 30.22.

I leave the link if you want to verify it


¿Is there anyone who can tell me why these things happen?

This new to me, it had never happened to me before!

Thank you very much for your answers and comments.

It is notorious that our community is growing, every day we meet new partners who come to our platform, for this reason I want to put the foot of my post with some useful information.

If you have any doubts or questions about how to work on the platform you can access the link that I leave below to dissipate your doubts.

In the platform there are many users who present different types of jobs, there are for all preferences, for a matter of quantity I will just name some of them that I recommend you to visit:
@sirwinchester, @knozaki2015, @kingscrown, @doitvoluntarily, @englishtchrivy, @ericvancewalton, @good-karma, @htooms, @jrcornel, @kevinwong, @opheliafu, @pfunk, @stellabelle, @papa-pepper, @sweetsssj, @thecryptofiend.
I would like to be able to give you more information of the users but as I said before there are many of them, then in time you will discover for yourself.

You can also find many contests that you can participate in, I'll give you some of the labels so you can access them and so learn better
Colorchallenge, beachwednesday, bwphotocontest, memechallenge, retovenezuela, steemitphotochallenge, treetuesday, MonochromeMonday, SunThursday, LoveFriday, BeautifulSunday,
These are some of the challenges that you can participate, you will slowly get to know others

For the Spanish-speaking community I can recommend three competitions that are in force, the competition @cervantes, stories chained and the one of spanishchallenge. I leave the links so that they can access them.


Do not forget to vote for the witnesses, join the link and collaborate with your vote, Support the Spanish speaking community (cervantes), We are many people of Spanish speech that we have to thank your support, please vote for Cervantes, Enter the link To know more about who are representing our community. Again thank you very much.


I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

If it was to your liking, please help spread my channel, reesteemit. This action can be the big difference and make my work known more


Thanks for share.

Thank you very much for your time, my dear friend @hrhabibur.

eres de venezuela?

No! Soy de Corrientes Argentina.Muchas gracias querida amiga @gabyen3d por preguntar.

great post.

Thank you very much dear friend @rakiblove

Buenas... Yo al postear he ido notando que si a lo largo de los 6 dias no consigues votos el pago del post baja, si los votos se espacian a lo largo del tiempo continua subiendo.

Yo también he notado eso que los pagos de los post bajan y cuando llegan los pagos no refleja lo que en verdad es no se

Si eso suele suceder, esto para mi es otra cosa, muchas gracias querido amigo @etnique

Si eso es correcto! esto es otra cosa, esto pasa en el transcurso de la media hora de haber subido el post .
Muchas gracias querida amiga @avellana por tus comentarios y experiencia.
Que tengas un gran día.

Igualmente, gracias a ti!

mano no sera que te dan UPvote y luego te dan Remove vote? a mi me a pasado que desaparecen los votos

Esto es lo que yo he estado sospechando, no sabia eso de que se puede votar y luego eliminar el voto, a mi me dio la sensación que me han votado con un buen porcentaje al ver que la valoración se fue arriaba me lo han quitado, esa es mi sensación, muchas gracias por este comentario.

Sorry my friend, I have never seen that happen before so have no idea.

I had never happened before, it started yesterday, it seems very strange, I associate it with a repentant vote, I really do not know what to think.
Thank you very much for worrying about this problem dear friend @meesterboom

Lo más seguro es el remove vote como he leído en un comentario anterior. No será un flag escondido?

Yo creo lo mismo, lo volvere a controlar mañana a ver que sucede.
Muchas gracias querido amigo @mendezand, por tu tiempo y experiencia.
que tengas un gran dia

alguna otra cuenta donde pueda comunicarme contigo? necesito algunos consejos. saludos!

[email protected], mándame un correo , con lo que necesitas, apenas puedo te respondo.
Que tengas un gran día.

listo ya te escribi!

I haven't experienced something like this or maybe I didn't notice it! Sorry, but I have no idea what's happen.

Thank you very much dear friend @tangmo for your concern. Have a great day

With my pleasure! Have a great day, too! ;)

The Steem and Steem Dollars Wallets are down again at Poloniex and mabe elsewhere - hackers you know. The price of Steem is dropping like a rock. Since Bitcoin is rising or it was, no one can buy or sell the two currencies and so it greatly spanks the value down

You have all the reason dear friend @ jeff-kubitz, you market this rare, thank you very much for all this information.
I wish you a beautiful day