#LifeWithBlockchain: Compensation for travel expenses

While working as a working student in a company we once had a trip to our customer to another city. After this trip me and my boss had to fill out a printed travel expense claim which took us some time and effort. We also had to print our online ticket to hand it in. My boss told me that the process of compensation takes a long time because it has to be sent to different places in the company and be approved. In this moment I really was wondering why this process is so complicated and thought about a Blockchain solution.

What is the Pain Point?

Everyone who already had to fill out a travel expense claim knows how annoying and effortful this is. It takes a long time to do that in a printed version and if you have to send it to different places in your company and also send them the receipt in original it takes also long time until this is checked and approved. I think this pain point could be solved with a blockchain solution.

How could this Pain Point be reduced or eliminated in a blockchain-world?

With a Blockchain solution you could just buy your tickets via a Blockchain platform where the payment and the travel receipt is automatically validated. Through your personal profile your identification could also be validated and the payment could be confirmed through your personal digital signature. Through the implementation of smart contracts you could then automate the whole process. If the receipt is validated through the platform and all further important information entered you could immediately get paid. You just have to fulfill the criteria of the smart contract. This would make the process more efficient and would safe cost and time.

What do you think?

Thanks to Pascal Mehrwald (@pascalmehrwald), Benjamin Pabst von Ohain (@benpvo), Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe and the TUM seminar participants.