Blockchain in Organ Donation

In organ donation which is really important in terms of huma lives there are a lot of pain points including manipulation of donor waiting lists. Corruption and dishonesty in the system creates a reduction in the public in terms of willingness to donate an organ. Medical staffs also may falsify the medical files for the purpose of speedy organ transplants. Doctors are under pressure to increase the prestige of the hospitals or the health centers that they are working for by increasing the number of organ donations that they are doing at that medical organization. It may also be the case that to receive an organ rapidly, false medical information of the patients may be shared and communicated with Eurotransplant. Wealthy people are also more likely to get on multiple waiting lists and score a transplant. So, here in the problematic situation, transparency, trust and traceability is needed. Blockchain can address that problem. It is built on blocks with hash functions and each block includes the hash of the previos one so that they are linkes as a chain to each other. That feature makes them to easily tracebale. ANd modicificatioın and deleting any information is not possible with blockchain technology. By using blockchain technology in organ donation, frauds will not occur anymore and false information or modified health status cannot be shared anymore to have fair system. organ donation.PNG