@LifeWithBlockchain: Where is my luggage? - Innovative baggage tracking system: transparent and easy to use

@LifeWithBlockchain: Where is my luggage? - Innovative baggage tracking system: transparent and easy to use


Sunday morning on my way to the airport. Checked myself in, checked my luggage in, went to the security. Everything so good so far. Then heavy storms, cancelled flight, rebooked to another and of course the ground staff at the airport promised me my luggage is going to be checked through as well and I will have it with me in Cuba, my holiday destination this year.

15 hours later I arrived in Cuba, waiting for my luggage, but my luggage was not waiting for me. At the lost and found counter nobody could tell me where it is, I had to file a report and wait. Luckily it arrived two days later, delivered at the hotel... but you never know.

Lost and late arriving luggage happens every second around the world at different airports. But no wonder. So many different airline carrier, different airports with different ground handling systems and finally, rebooked passengers or passengers missing their planes. Of course, it is hard to schedule all their luggage and keep track of it. It is not only a pain point for me as a passenger not having my luggage on time but also airlines lose a lot of money my paying compensation and doing lost and found service. Mishandled baggage costs the aviation industry many billions each year.

Blockchain could be a secure solution to track passenger’s luggage via different systems and still not lose track of it. A specific tag attached to each luggage will collect data which than will be stored on a blockchain. Different airports, airlines and ground handling companies can easily access the data and work together. Additional stakeholders like passengers or insurance companies could be included as well. Given each party only the rights they need for their purpose. Furthermore, this guarantees that personal data is been stored and secured in the most possible way.

With blockchain technology the aviation industry will increase efficiency by decreasing costs and time.

What do you think?


Thanks to Pascal Mehrwald (@pascalmehrwald), Benjamin Pabst von Ohain (@benpvo), Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe and the TUM seminar participants.

Please also find some interesting articles related to the topic under the following links (which I used for inspiration):