in #lighttheworld7 years ago (edited)

"Is it not to share your food with the hungry

and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter -
when you see the naked, to clothe him,
and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

Then your light will break forth like the dawn,

and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness will go before you,
and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard." Isaiah 58:7-8

God seeks humility expressed by concerted action on behalf of the poor. Only acts such as these show true humility.

Even in our suffering, we must be more concerned for the needs of others than our own. Isreal ritualized humility. They established fasting ceremonies and rites to express sorrow to God. They were sorry for their condition and not for their deeds. Religion mixed with unrighteousness and injustice id sin. Going through the motions of worship and repentance does not gain favor with God when we exploit the poor and gain social standing by mistreating other people.

A contentious spirit does not fit a religious heart. If we expect God to answer our prayers, we must help the helpless and establish justice for all people. True worship comes only from righteous living.

Donate Clothes

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One way to get rid of unwanted clothing is to donate it to someone who needs it more. You will find trolleys in a supermarket or bins at your local church, where you can just drop your unwanted items in.
It did cross my mind occasionally as to where exactly the clothing is going, will it reach the poor and needy? Will it be sorted out first, to see which items much be kept by the people in charge of this charity project, before it gets distributed to the people it is meant for?

Bulk second hand used designer clothing for export

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I have also heard that second-hand clothing and household items donated to the needy are packed into shipping containers going back to Asia and then dropped off in Central American, Asian and African markets and is sold to exporters at a per-kg rate.

Second-hand clothes becoming out of reach for the poor

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The local clothing markets are the most affected and where do they fit in if the used clothes, which are perfectly maintained designer clothes, are sold at $0.20 for a T-shirt and a dress for as much as $2 - $5. The local people who are trading at a loss will probably close their shops and open a booth on a pavement to sell these imported clothes.

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I do believe that most of the clothes do reach its intended destination, I sincerely hope that I am right. What is worse, ignoring the needs of the poor and needy when you have plenty to give away? Why keep your used clothes that have been packed away for a long time and you know you are not going to wear it again? Or is stealing clothes from the poor, which was given to them by people who have shown compassion and wants to make a difference in just one person's life?.

Jesus said: "I was naked and you did not clothe me"

please follow me @frieda

hope my dates are corresponding to the calendar now!!

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Thank you and it is a very nice post, have a wonderful day.

Have I got my dates right? Thank you for the reply

Very nice and so true thank you for sharing.

Thank you for the reply. 16th today, Check on your phone!

Wow, it's sad to know that most of the second hand clothes we see here in Nigeria ought to be for the poor but like you said they are sold to people who sell again to others. God help us to reach out to the poor. Thanks for this post sis @frieda

Can you imagine what difference just one pair of shoes or a shirt or a dress will do for a child who has nothing? The absolute joy it will bring to that child? Thank you for your reply.