Using a Sci-Fi Show as an Example of Day 11's Light The World Theme? There are Stranger Things.
I have to admit, I originally wanted to incorporate the Stranger Things logo into this post just to attract some eyes.

More life lessons from Stranger Things? Of course.
As soon as I finished putting the finishing touches on that post, it hit me.
Then I hit delete.
Stranger Things isn't just a gimmick to get people to look at another #lighttheworld post. This awesome show provides a perfect illustration of today's theme.
"I was a stranger, and ye took me in."

Come on! The word "stranger" is right there in the title. How could I miss it?
The entire premise of the show is based on the idea that a group of twelve year old boys would put these words into action. Thank goodness they did. Not only did it propel Stranger Things to become one of the finest TV shows I have ever seen, it taught a wonderful moral lesson.
The first episode of the show ends with three boys meeting a lonely, terrified, and wet girl shivering in the woods. As the screen fades to black, the audience is left wondering how the boys will react. Will they run? Will they laugh and mock her for her appearance? Will they strike her out of fear? Will they simply ignore her?

Treat people with supernatural powers who escaped from the local scientific laboratory the way you want to be treated.
Luckily, thanks to the magic of binge watching, the viewers only had to wait two minutes to find out.
No. These boys (especially Mike) were special. They were brave. They were kind.
El was a stranger and Mike took her in.
Now if this were reality, I would hope a twelve-year old would tell his parents and let them help.. but this is a sci-fi masterpiece. There's no room for that kind of reality here. So please suspend you disbelief and try to appreciate the actions of this twelve year old.
Not only did Mike give El a warm, dry place to stay, he gave her the coat off his back and rode home in the cold rain. He gave her clothes, blankets, safety, Eggos (lots of Eggos!)... and friendship.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.
Just as season one opens with kids showing kindness to a stranger, season two follows suit. However this time, it is an adult who steps up to live those important words.
In the finale of the first season, El finds herself alone in the woods. Once again, she has become a lonely, scared, freezing girl. Her friends don't even know she is alive. But Sheriff Hopper does.
El was a stranger and Hopper took her in.
Hopper did not really know El. Hiding this "stranger" puts him in grave danger. Yet he risks everything to care for and protect this girl. He gives her clothes, warmth, safety, Eggos (lots of Eggos!)... and a father. Silly sci-fi show or not, that is beautiful.

I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.
Ok great. I managed to connect a super popular TV show to an initiative meant to inspire people to do good deeds. But what good does that do? Unless we all happen to meet some kid with super powers wandering in the woods, these lessons are not very applicable to real life.
So let's apply this to the real world. Are there supernatural pre-teens wandering around your neighborhood? Probably not (I hope). However, there are people in your neighborhood who don't have a warm bed to sleep in tonight. There are people on your block who feel lonely. There are people who you work with whom you hardly know.
Today the #lighttheworld initiative is calling for us to do something about those situations.
The project is asking people to be inspired by these words of Jesus:
"I was a stranger, and ye took me in."
The Light the World website explains:
"We find it easy to serve and show kindness to people we already know and love. But we don’t fully follow the Savior’s example until we extend that same kindness to people we don’t know."
The site goes on to suggest several ways you can help a stranger.
Which one of your coworkers do you know the least?
Invite the person to lunch to get to know him or her better.Has a stranger ever done something nice for you?
Determine a way to pay the kind act forward.Want to help refugees in your area?
Visit to get involved.
I know there are many homeless people in my area. Sadly, I don't have the ability to take them in, and make them feel warm and cared for. But there are plenty of shelters in my area who can. Today my kids and I will be visiting a local shelter to give them blankets and my some of my children's gently used toys, puzzles and books.
In addition, I will be telling as any people as I can about Destiny Starting Point Homes. This charity has taken in and cared for many strangers. Perhaps they even gave them an Eggo or two. If you'd like to learn about the homes, please check out the following post:
For more information on #lighttheworld, please visit
I like to think Steemit is ahead of the curve on reaching out to strangers. It's easy to settle into the follow-comfort of Steemians you know, but much more rewarding to find new people to read, follow, and reward. However... putting this into practice IRL... much harder. Good reminder.
That is a great point. All of us were strangers on the day we started here. I have made some real friends on this platform. Thank you for reminding me of that!
I give food to the homeless, I think if we were all just a little kinder to each other our world would heal :)
If you haven't seen it or read it. Consume it ASAP!
now i want to watch Stranger Things))
You should. It is awesome!
Yay ! I just finished the season 2 of Stranger Things, picked up some lessons that friends don't lie .
This Christmas, as every other Christmas that comes, will not be as joyful and eventful for so many people, especially the kids. What have they done to deserve this? I'm going to be building a charitable school and hospital in my area. It will be a huge investment that I've been planning for quite some time now...
Good luck! You should post about your progress.
Will do, my friend!
This is beautiful.
This scripture is so powerful and so beautiful and it is the truth of how we should treat each other.
Thank you so much for sharing, loved the post and can't wait to see more.
I have been lucky in that I have been "taken in by a Stranger here in Jerusalem, Israel." It's a long story but I was homeless four years ago until a person did take me in. I have not been homeless ever since and this is a fact. I pay no rent even now. I am very lucky.
You found a very kind person. So happy you did!
This is a great initiative and good timing given the fact a lot of people will feel lonely and sad this coming weeks, and if we can bright their day... why not do it?
Always great to see positivity.
i also held a event know as wall of kindness phase 2. "Give warm save life" to help the poor who don,t have money to buy warm coats ,jackets ,shoes, etc. we donated more then 2,000 packs of warm things. some are new and mostly are used but in good condition
That is wonderful!
yes it is .
I've seen the first 2 seasons of the show and it really caught my attention. I have this bad habit of not having the patience to wait for weekly episodes so I usually wait for the whole season or even more, to watch it fully. But now I'll make an exception and watch the new episodes because you convinced me into it and because I really liked the idea behind it. Cheers!
Welcome back my friend! I am going to have to bother you on chat. I hope you have been away have fun!