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in #lighttheworld7 years ago

having faith that this wordely life is just tomprary and we will turn back to the dust , will make us always strong and satisfied.
we should not love materials things neither worldly life. we should link our hearts and souls to the God allmighty. that time will never have fear neither depression because we belive that everything comes from God and return to him.

everything happen to us is good for us and it written to happen above seven skies. sometimes God put us in tests and see how do we react. Like he did test our Father adam and our mother eva.

its really sad when you lose you baby or someone you love. but there is wisdom behaind anything god did to you.

in my religion we do believe that whne you lose a baby he will come to you in judgment day and bring you to adan heaven.

God is most mercful and he always give us what is good for us even it is bad thing like sickness or death of someone we love. God can guid you to right path when he put you in hard situtions and terribles. God can protect you from being a disbeliver by making sick to not meet disbeliver and just stay home sick and know what a weak human you are.

this wordly life is short and a big testa dn we are here to please our allmighty God. we do feel sad when someone passed away but we should say. heart is broken and eyes tear but we say just what please the God.

this is what we should say because our prophtes fathers. abraham Jacob said that when they were almost to lose their children Ismail and Joseph.

belivers should be unit and support each other. we have to keep in mind that all of us are worshipers to God. we brothers one big family.

thanks for sharing your wise words. God bless you sister. much love for the sake God. @khaled-dz from Algeria.


One big famillly of believers is so wonderful thank you so much for writing such a beautiful reply.

you are welcome. I like to read your posts and respond to you. looking forawrd to see more wisdom from you.