Are you in a Love-Fueled or Hate-Fueled Spiral?

in #lightworker7 years ago

Are you in a Love-Fueled or Hate-Fueled Spiral?

have you ever asked yourself that questions and wondered the answer? I wonder it all the time. When I thought things were going the best it seem that life takes another turn and now I'm wondering what to do. Everyday I know I'm loving myself and this spiral is part of life. With the up there is down and we just flow all around. These understandings mean so much to the unity inside. Don't hate yourself and bind yourself into chains negativity. Be the one you are to be and hope for the best and be the best.

Life, Manuel, is not what you see, but what you've projected. It's not what you've felt, but what you've decided. It's not what you've experienced, but how you've remembered it. It's not what you've forged, but what you've allowed. And it's not who's appeared, but who you've summoned.

And this should serve you well, beloved, until you find what you already have.

The Universe

Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Love-Fueled or Hate-Fueled?”

“All too often, when we battle for the right, it turns out that both the victor and the vanquished have sustained defeat.” [UB 1778:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us ponder the above statement that is mind-boggling at first. Why would it be so that often both the victor and the vanquished have sustained defeat in their battle for the right?

“Your world abounds with events that support that statement. First of all, what many perceive as the ‘right’ is based on their very subjective and often conditioned take on other’s contrary opinions. So many wars waged in the name of righteousness have actually been at the root of much injustice and unrighteousness — the most striking examples being the so-called holy wars of these days and the Crusades of centuries ago.

“Indeed, if one battles for the right while resorting to unrighteous means, both parties experience setbacks, as no soul can thrive if the heart is consumed by hatred, rather than being fueled by love.

“As well, coercion never results in the soul’s liberation. How could it be so when the Father has issued an eternal decree that, in all cosmic decisions, the free-will prerogative of the creatures has to be respected — never to be violated.

“If you are confused as to how to promote what you consider to be the truth, look at the way Jesus promoted Divine Truth: He was loving and humble; he was patient and discerning as to how and with whom He shared Truth. At times, especially in His private ministry, He focused on the immediate needs of His participants in discussions. At other times, when addressing a crowd, He focused on the level of the crowd consciousness. The Truth He meted out was always commensurate with the need for revelation and their ability to process it.

“Dear ones, when in doubt as to how to share your ‘good news’, go within and ask yourself how Jesus would handle such a situation in your place. He always turned first to His Heavenly Father for advice except for when He was spontaneously driven to act upon the loving leadings of His wide-open heart. Love is indeed the safeguard that ensures that your actions are righteous, as Love is in perfect alignment with the Divine Heart.

“Until such times as your heart can take the outright lead, refrain from being at the beck and call of other powerful emotional triggers, as many of them are not rooted in sound foundations. You are not divinely assigned to ‘terminate’ those you deem to be erring. Rather, you are assigned to shine your light and become a living inspiration — not a living deterrent.”

No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.

Breathe into your body and imagine that the light language that has been coming into your field and connecting to your pranic tube, the space around your sacrum and your spinal column, has been preparing the way for your innate ability to awaken and connect to happiness. Set your intention to absorb more of the light and freedom that is in your life in moment. Some of the sacred geometry and language of light looks like small corkscrews or spirals. A drill sounds more invasive than this process, but just like a drill can go into something that’s hard and spiral in and make space, these corkscrews of light are softening and opening and creating space in your system so that you can absorb more of the happiness that’s there. Spend some time in this process and when you feel ready, take a couple of deep breaths, stretch, move your body, and gently return to the here and now. Wish you a wonderful day to you with love & light.


Every time you need to love and passion in your own-self, that make you pretty good, don't be hesitate for others @defango

You gonna eat that donut? (snags donut)

May the good Lord bless you for this enlightening post. Let love be the light that shines through our existence.

You surprise me, it's the best thing I've read from you. Grace and blessings <3

I would love to visit there. Great article!