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RE: Continued Journey Into The World Of Linux

in #linux7 years ago

Holy crap dude. Perhaps it is analogous to finding the correct worldview? Maybe you thought as much? Maybe I am wrong on all counts. Let us see (sounds condescending, but I am not comfortable with contractions).

Start by listing the requirements/questions, then find which distribution/worldview meets/answers most of those requirements/questions in the best possible way. When your chosen distribution/worldview has within it certain truths that are uncomfortable and/or unknowable/unsolvable you must accept them given that the distribution/worldview as a whole is still the best choice for meeting/answering the given requirements/questions.

I did not expect this to take a philosophical turn. Damn interesting question though.


Or maybe its like finding the right church.

My example is a further abstraction and would need much more work to flesh out. The analogy of a church is much better., although both could be useful.

Hopefully I will have more opportunities to utilize the analogies in the reverse order (which would be more appropriate I think: simpler to more complex) in my life than the othe other way around. After all, I would rather use operating systems to help some nerd pick a church or a worldview than the other way around.

Yes, I upvoted this one sentence...think of it as a FB like :)