in #litecoin7 years ago

Coin Telegraph


What a day to be a Litecoin holder!

$100 Litecoin!

...Well $98 Litecoin.

...And for just a second.

...But we'll leave those in subscript because $100 LITECOIN sounds too good not to say.

As a trader, I do find the psychological aspect of a round number amazing. Human beings like round numbers and take notice of them in markets as a result. There is no greater example of this phenomenon than how the price of Litecoin reacted to the $100 level.

Well if you're a follower of mine either here or over on Twitter, you'd know I've been bullish Litecoin for a while now. I just hope you managed to catch the train as it was leaving. You had plenty of opportunity!

Let's take a look at the charts, starting with the daily below:


If you weren't a crpyto believer then you'd be forgiven for looking at that Litecoin daily chart and calling it a bubble haha!

But with price already pulling back $20 or so, we don't have to call it a bubble because we're seeing a healthy pullback here.

Don't be upset with this pullback, smile :)

LTC/USD 15 Minute

As for the intraday chart, if it wasn't a Saturday and I was actually on the ball, this was a nice short.

Higher time frame resistance holds at the $100 and then here are 2 entries as price pulls back to short term previous support turned resistance.

Crypto offering textbook technical trading setups once again.

I just know that gramps is up there looking down on us, proud as punch.

We bought Litecoin gramps. We bought that Litecoin.


Related @forexbrokr CHART ART Blogs

If chart setups that I've spoken about before are related out then I'll leave them here.


Please leave a comment with your ideas or just share a chart.

Blogging about markets is all about sharing ideas and making us see all possible angles. I look forward to having you follow along and reading what you throw at me.

Twitter: @forexbrokr
Instagram: @forexbrokr
Website: www.forexbrokr.com


I do see the pullback today as a good sign. What do you believe is driving this new surge in litecoin price? From what i have seen it looks to be more USD entering the litecoin arena than bitcoin, that makes wonder is are people buy litecoin as crypto intro training wheels because its cheap and therefore realitivly low risk at lower investment amounts? Or are there some other factors at play here?

Two factors - lightning network test completed and China considering banning new ICOs as protection against fraud. Next level please. Keep working Charlie.

First off, thank you for your reply, where are you getting your info, how do you track things like china ico regulation and network testing. I ask because im new to crypto and still developing my data sources? Thanks

China is banning new ICO's
Go to boxmining account here or on YouTube, he has a great break in it his last few videos

Check this out!

The key is to connect with crypto experts. Twitter/Steem searches help. As soon as any significant news hits, they will tweet/steem about it. How you interpret that news is down to time spent in the game. Follow Charlie Lee on social networks. Follow Crypto Hedge. Bitmeister. These guys know their stuff. You can never absorb enough opinions so subscribe to lots of Bitcoin/Altcoin news channels. Charlie Lee is an essential watch as he often talks about news to come and how that will impact the market or the 'use value' of such news. Understanding how the vision is coming together is essential. Researching many opinions makes one better informed. Hope you enjoy your research and your Crypto experience.




Screenshot (13).png

China has banned all ICO's

Thanks for the vids and chat @ygriffiny and @geneeverett.

Quality comment content is a nice change from the spam I usually deal with :)

Not anymore

Healthy pullback ;)

Bit let's keep in mind litecoin is not the future of cryptos. It's not as safe as bitcoin. Honestly this was a clear pump in Korea

But it's faster and easier to use as a currency.

There is a place for Litecoin alongside Bitcoin, there is no question.

Thanks mate. Hope you got on board for some of it!

THE LITES, THE LITES..................I can see THE LITES, KaBOOM !!!

Head toward the Lite!

It`s almost like Bitcoin but faster. I like it and I am optimistic it will increase more :)

Litecoin is not a viable option to replace bitcoin

It's not about replacing bitcoin. They can coexist.

This is one advantage :)

Have you seen what is coming for litecoin? Check the litecoin roadmap, it is getting very exciting so yes I do believe we are breaking the $100 mark this year and maybe even the $150

I have, and I share your excitement!

Always trying to manage my expectations, but I'm definitely holding my investment coins while continuing to trade around these levels on margin.

I am one of those still studying while watching my friends buy yachts, lol Still, so much to learn.Just found you and I am now following you to study

How are they buying yachts ? Cashing out ? They will regret selling

Sorry, only a play of words, meaning the are getting wealthy. They move money often and ride many waves. they are day traders.

Thank you mate, I hope you can get some value from my stream.

As a day trader, I just focus on finding a higher time frame level and then trading around that. Always the same pattern.

Keep it simple stupid :)

perfectly said, my friend

The lite coin rocketing up while its fork the flashcoin is going down.

Forks stink...

Its going down now, at $77

Yeah, the big psychological level was always going to see profit takers step in.

All just a healthy pullback for mine.

Indeed - was an awesome day... $116 at one point.

It never hit $116.00 do u mean in Canadian dollars ?

Whoops - yes in Canadian Dollars.

Haha I have these weird confusing conversations with friends in Australia where I talk in terms of USD because I'm a chartist and they talk in terms of AUD.

I understand where you're coming from ;)

On what exchange? Bithumb?

I am confused. When was this, it only went up to 98.28

Maybe they mean Canadian $ ? Haha was never that level in usd

Yeah I only saw the same price as @ashaman.

Well it doesn't really matter now we've pulled back :) (healthily)