in #literatura6 years ago


The word Learning comes from the Latin "apprehendere", this word was related to the action of chasing and catching something; and in fact the fact of learning is acquiring diverse knowledge.
This action is given through the learning process. Said knowledge is obtained through the study or experience of different lived situations. The behavior of the human being is acquired through learning, as well as their values, skills and abilities, since these are habits obtained through education and the evolution of each person. Being able to always learn new things is one of the most important functions of our brain, since in it we can fix new information constantly, which will remain in our memory and so we can always remember what we have learned.
While they teach us about any subject we adopt the attitude of imitating or repeating in order to learn. Human beings are subject to constant changes that lead us to a stage of adaptation, in order to survive in society, this adaptation is obtained by imitating the actions of those around us, or those we would like to resemble.
The action of learning is accompanied by different situations in order to achieve its purpose. Hence, all the actions and facts that we can perceive through observation are matters for learning. Studying, either through one's own means or through teaching and practice, could be said to be the most important aspect of this process, since executing the observed and studied actions leads us to obtain greater skill in what we want to learn and so apply it in everyday life.
Individually each subject has his way or way of learning each thing, for some it is easier or harder than for others, everything depends on the disposition and experience of each one. The truth is that all those acquired knowledge, in our past and present, will be the foundation of our intellectual, moral and even spiritual valuation.
This value helps us discover the importance of acquiring knowledge through the study and reflection of everyday experiences. It also aims at the habitual search for knowledge through study, the reflection of experience; know things through reason, basic knowledge training and gain experience through research, study and analysis of things. Acquiring knowledge leads us to share it with others and this exchange originates a teaching that each person uses to grow their values and deepen the fundamental essence of life as a principle of all teaching and learning.
In particular, I have the conviction that the highest percentage of my knowledge, I have acquired through research and constant study of the different phenomena of science and knowledge, which I have liked to discuss about them, since I dedicate more Four hours a day in reading and writing, is my daily satisfaction. My studies in educational establishments, were only the motivation to face life.
Learning must be sought and sought in all positive aspects that enrich our knowledge and can be useful for our training.
The wisdom and knowledge of God, originates freedom in the men who seek it. When the human being ignores the knowledge of God, he does not know how to distinguish the just from the unjust, more by knowing his laws, he learns justice and by knowing it, he learns the righteousness and moral perfection that society demands of him.
 "Then the Jews marveled, saying: How can this knowledge of letters without having studied"? John 7:15
All learning must be clean, not vitiated by misplaced ideas of good moral training, since there are people who are dedicated to reading harmful books for their assessment, which instead of providing useful knowledge, damage their mind and influence so that others fall into the same situation, reading, for example, books of superstition, witchcraft and magic that in no way help the society or group where they act, rather cause moral havoc.
For a better understanding of our role as an honest person, we must understand to seek to grow in wisdom and science in the fear of God and respect for men. We must see more important the learning of the things of God than gold and silver and recognizing being a creature of Him asks for understanding. The understanding of the precepts of God and his practices over passes all material wealth.
 "At night my soul wishes you, truly my spirit within me seeks you diligently; for when the earth is aware of your judgments, the inhabitants of the world learn justice. Even if the wicked is shown mercy, he does not learn justice; he works unjustly in a land of righteousness, and he does not see the majesty of the Lord. Isaiah 26: 9-10. "
The previous reflection and appreciation of Isaiah, leads us to the understanding that although we seek to learn human knowledge, we must first of all yearn for the knowledge of God and desire it as the most useful of our lives.