RE: Post Ottawa/Toronto Trip - LIVE with Press For Truth (AMA)
OHH You got me cringing on the corner of the room, when You've mentioned Portugal drug decriminalization, because it is a sham, after 5, almost 6 Years and I'm still having problems with this shitty system, for medical cannabis use, had a great part of my life destroyed and am still fighting to reconstruct everything, while all the major corrupt, in police force and laboratories, (in)justice court system, even a mason judge lying in court have no repercussions..
The so called decriminalization did nothing except putting the drug market in the control of the police, and poisoning even more, drug-addicts and calling it "helping them", and as We know, the system is completely rigged to become like 'nineteen eighty four' so the control become even bigger and the authoritative 'powers' do whatever they what, unless it does not serve the powers in control, then they are publicly "judged" whether in the police or any other not so obedient oppression servants..
Didn't want to rant but kind of lost my sons, mother and friends all because of a completely corrupt system..
Anyway, great show You have, and I do love the work You do, keep it up but don't believe in the bullshit propaganda about Portugal, this is a tourism location, for the propagation of capitalist consumerism.. Nothing more, people have been so dumbed down.. Sorry, I digress, and its not relevant..
All the best for You and Your family, also for Leigh and also theirs, thank You for Your time and work, love You all ❤,
In Lak'ech Ala K'in