
And the dollah? What kind of scientist would say "there's a decent chance UUP will see 24.75" when you are all over the internut screaming "dollar crash!" at the top of your lungs? :-) I spewed my shorter term QCOM short against your long at my blog where I track your trades. Go check it out...and then come back and ask me how I "knew" it would see $52 when you actually see it happen...even though I already splained how I knew. Listen to the markets, Greg. I AM the markets. :-0 The move in XRT this morning already gar-own-teed a lower low. Don't screw it up, Greg. Especially when I take the SPY sub 243.18. Uh huh, jot that numba down so you don't forget it.

Greg, rocket scientists get their asses kicked trading the markets. You can quote me on that. :-) But if you look at the "results" parts of this exchange betwixt you and I there is now "no doubt" that the trade to QCOM $52 was a nuch better way to go then holding a selloff. I still have an open and "invalid" trade by you on GOOGL logged at my blog where I monitor your "actual"trade calls as posted at your TradersChoice blog. Would you please address the reply I am going to spew there after I post this to you? it's be best if we exchange ideas there. That way there is open disclosure about what you actually said and what I said. there really is no need for arguments. But "disclosure" is most important when you do what you "claim" you are doing. I want to get your bottom line on that GOOGL trade you posted. thanks.

Looks like lmt will kick your ash here but admit it you love opk here at 6.16!!!