YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day, making it the 2nd most popular site on the internet according to wikipedia. The average number of mobile YouTube video views per day is 1,000,000,000... that's one Billion folks. The total number of people who use YouTube... is even higher – 1,300,000,000 people...
Those are staggering numbers folks and that should raise alarm bells every time youtube rolls out new censorship as a very significant portion of Earth's population use it on a daily basis.
Now I often declare myself is being the most censored channel in youtube history (with over 3,000 videos and 6 channels terminated) so I know a thing or two about the insane censorship that google has engaged in since taking over the platform in 2006. I also know how selective that censorship and who it is targeted directly at: Anyone who counters the mainstream narrative.
If you take a look at the top 100 sites on youtube
and eliminate youtube's own channels (like music, gaming and sports) and the Vevo Music star Channels (like JustinBieberVEVO, TaylorSwiftVEVO) you will a see a group of familiar faces: PewDiePie with over 60 million, HolaSoyGerman (33 million with Soy to boot), Markiplier (19 million), JackSepticEye (or as I like to call him: JackAcceptAGuy with 18 million) and Jenna Marbles (nearly 18 million).
Now I mention these Youtubers for a good reason that we will reveal a little later on...
The truth is, the majority of Youtube listeners never stop for a moment to ponder the structure of youtube, what it promotes and who their favorite channels are affiliated with. Moreover they will not understand how Youtube is using it's most popular stars to bring in more censorship, control and... most importantly to 'program' people into the agendas of the New World Order (depopulation, mind control, surveillance state, trust in government and corporate media, LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP++, transhumanism, satanism, etc...). This is something that I've been exposing for years on Channels like FreeRadioRevolution (terminated), New World Agenda (terminated) and Supreme Lord Commander (still up!).
In fact my work on Supreme Lord Commander and NWA is of particular interest here as I exposed the LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP agenda through youtube stars back in 2015.
What I was showing back then (and still show today) is how youtube celebrities were actually actors who are pushing gender confusion on children by promoting the LGBT+++. Once I hosted a live stream where I went through the top 30 youtubers (non Vevo and Youtube channels) and found that ALL OF THEM were promoting the LGBT... I would love to show you some of the videos... but you see.... Youtube Censorship.... yeah...
So I was researching many of these top youtubers to see who they might work for and found some extremely compelling evidence to support that all the top youtubers are actors who work for Multi-channel networks like : Maker Studios, Fullscreen, Big Frame, DanceOn, Machinima, Tastemade, AwesomenessTV...
Interestingly... From Wikipedia:
"Several MCNs have been purchased by larger corporations. In early 2014 Maker Studios was sold to Disney for $500 million,[22] and Big Frame was sold to DreamWorks Animation through AwesomenessTV for $15 million.[23] In June 2013, RTL Group invested $36 million in BroadbandTV Corp.[24]"
This is very troubling when we consider who controls the media:
What I first noticed was how the Corporate Media was championing the "coming out" of youtube 'celebrities' and how viral (read: astroturfed and promoted) these videos were. One of the first Youtube Celebrities I exposed was Ingrid Nilsen... a cute little youtuber with nearly 4 million subscribers who advertises mostly beauty products and junk food. She came out wearing a Black and White (base consciousness?) shirt to exclaim "I'M GAY" to predictable resounding applause and massive media exposure:
On a whim.. I decided to delve deeper into her 'story' and found some very interesting tidbits... like how many guys she's dated including youtube stars like Luke Conrad (who had his own... scandal) and that her last serious relationship with a guy named Christopher Erwin who was, at the time they were dating, the Head of Operations, Finance and Strategy at Big Frame... the multi channel network that featured Ingrid as their big star... hmmm...

Now either Chris is a bad lover... or something else is afoot... because shortly after Ingrid Nilsen announced her relationship with Hannah Hart, a relationship that garnered so much attention on the internet that it was dubbed none other than HANGRID by Buttfeed (owned by Ashkenazi Jew Jonah Peretti - please see my last article to learn about this tribe member)
At this time I was exposing the entire LGBT youtube celebrity agenda and I correctly called her 'lesbian' relationship a stunt. My video was, predictably, hacked down by youtube censors... not before it garnered nearly 100,000 views and nearly as many angry programmed Ingridians (Ingrid fans). I found a copy of my work here:
Long story short - Ingrid and Hannah predictably broke up after a few months of 'dating' and the internet was sad for a while
Well this story takes a new turn when I found out Ingrid was... unbelievably was interviewing the President of the United States of America in a makeshift studio at the White House.... on... you guessed it LGBT RIGHTS... yeah that white house:
Well that all but confirmed my suspicions of Ingrid being an actor used to push the LGBT agenda (depopulation, transhumanism and more). I subsequently made another video on that which was... you know it... censored again!
Lucky for us Ingrid kept up her deal and continued to proliferate the agenda through her videos...
But Ingrid's lesbian days weren't done as she was caught next dating Jules Kutner... which tribe you ask?
Now all of this is a rather lengthy setup to the reality of Youtube and it's stars... They aren't what they appear to be. Most, if not all, have secret agreements behind the scenes to push certain narratives or to partake in certain "schemes"....
Undoubtedly you've heard about all the fake prankster videos - that would go viral and be sensation... only to be debunked a little later... All part of an elaborate narrative whipped up by Youtube and it's major partners (re: Media Giants).
Indeed so many of the TOP YOUTUBERS have been embroiled in one scandal or another... too many to count.. Let's just look at one in particular shall we? You may have heard of him... his name is PEWDIEPIE
He is, after all, the most popular youtuber in the world with over 60 million subscribers...
I've covered the Pewds in a series of videos on my Supreme Lord Commander channel a few years back
He eventually took notice of my videos and actually featured me in one of his:
Now do you recall the scandal the Pewdiepie was embroiled in last year? Does the Wall Street Journal ring a bell?
Well... let's take a closer look at that. What exactly happened?
So PewDiePie just decided to use a internet company called Fiverr to get a couple of Indians to hold up a sign saying "DEATH TO ALL JEWS"....
It's interesting to note that the company Pewds "FIVERRR" is an Israeli company....
So do you really believe that the most popular Youtuber in the world just - by chance - used a Jewish Corporation to get Indians to hold up an "anti-semetic" sign....? Were you born yesterday?
So what exactly happened as a Result of PEWDIEPIE's Fiverr "anti-semitism" antics.... You guessed it: MORE CENSORSHIP! Indeed youtube brought in it's extremely controversial YOUTUBE HEREOS initiative which encouraged youtubers to FLAG CONTROVERSIAL VIDEOS in order to gain more perks and more censorship powers: like MASS FLAGGING.
Pewds predictably made fun of it:
But there was more... Youtube used the Pewds scandal and other 'manufactured' drama to censor and block "controversial" channels from having any Ad Revenue. This effectively killed News channels from having any chance of monetizing their channels... Read the Policy here:
Pewds reaction? He seemed more than okay with it... surprise surprise...
Now that brings us to the Logan Paul Saga and what its really all about. There's some interesting things you should probably know before we dive in... Like are Youtube celebrities really just ordinary folk who just happened to gain massive followings by chance or skill... or even luck?
You might want to stop and check out a video by a great producer, and friend, Really Graceful...
So Logan Paul gained his fame from the defunct Vine which specialized in 6 second videos... Yes they sure do like their number 6... So he magically transferred his success on to youtube where he became the fastest youtuber to ever reach 10 million subs... quite a feat... or so we're led to believe....
His success led him to 'drop out' of school and take up residence in 1600 Vine Apts.... in LA... so Viners would do a a 6 second ritual on the 6th floor of 1600 Vine in the goal of "obtaining internet fame"... you know right... 6.... 6.... 6...
Well he found it alright.. apart from starring in Law and Order and appearing on Jimmy Kimmel he eventually starred in a Youtube Red called the THINNING in which a dystopic future world where Population control is done through aptitude test in high school.. it's sequel? The Thinning: NEW WORLD ORDER...
So that Logan Paul just happened to post a video on youtube that doctored in a dead body into the thumbnail... and it actually was featured on Youtube's trending page... Yes.. they actually choose to put that video up so as many people as possible would see it.. only to pull it down and censor it later...
Interesting to note: Logan Sports a Rainbow on his coat during this video. Oh... I will be showing you in the future what that's all about...
Now read this screenshot from Grace's video talking about a Youtube Red (they love that color and they love the death theme even more)... very carefully
Predictably a chorus of criticism cascaded down from all the familiar media outlets (you know the 6 of them)
and the Corporate Media chimed in
and now... finally we get the resolution.
The Hegelian Dialectic solution: MORE CENSORSHIP!
Now do I have to remind anyone who Susan is?
So, what we can deduce from all the above is this:
- Youtube Stars are not organic and have definitely made deals in order to achieve their fame.
- Youtube Stars are being used in PSYOPs to justify more censorship to the platform (Hegelian Dialectic)
- Youtube Stars are pushing all of the Agendas of the New World Order and thus.. must be called out.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and share it.
We must endeavor to inform humanity of what is happening. Much Love!
Jeff C (FreeRadioRevolution, New World Agenda, Supreme Lord Commander, Fake News Report)
Another one bites the dust?
Thinking of you and your efforts to get the truth out, having listened to you for years, makes me think of this Asimov quote.
Thanks Camille! That's uplifting for sure!
Perhaps for your next channel you need to use a new pronoun. (I'm mostly joking)
In this lame video the Head of YouTube Business says he wants news and educational content , that's what you do, and more female creators.
Jeffyne? Haha
There's so much more that I could include in this article and I will probably update it regularly to make it more comprehensive. Thanks for all the support!
Jeff, you should print off all of your posts and put them aside for a book. I did also leave you a comment on YT about uploading to DTube, it's not as straight forward as YT so maybe i can help with that. Cheers
Another great video Jeff, thanks for putting in the time to lay this whole youtube matrix out.
Is is sad to know that the 10,000 Google employees have sold their souls all for the sake of a job.
Awesome post Jeff. I hope YouTube is eventually replaced with something like dtube. We need to get dtube’s feature set up.
By the way Jeff, the way steemit works is the tags you give a post are the most important thing. This is how posts are found by others. The tags on this video aren’t the best (no offense). What I do is look to see what tags are high up on the trending and if relevant Tommy post use those. Doing so will get you more views. Hope that helps.
Thanks Chris! I'll take all the advice I can get as I'm brand-spanking new it this!
Great information!! Thanks!
Interesting, but I'm disappointed there wasn't more actual discussion of Hegel. (Yes, I am a massive philosophy nerd!)
I've tried talking to the 15 to 35 year old generation about YT and Google and why they should try to use the others offering similar services, but none of them are interested - I thought it was supposed to be the older people who are set in their ways.
Despite all their successes, I think that the depopulation program is not going to go exactly as they hope. There are still many with training and who love their families. As they lose their children, or they get brain damaged, I suspect they will start looking at ways to get even. The globalist cabals think their own have a right to survive, but nobody else? There is bound to be some heavy depopulation among them also.
Thanks for this amazing post! I recently did a post were i talked about how DTube will take over YouTube! Please go check it out!