Strange mind

in #logic8 years ago

Okay, so today I read new "truth" about World, God and thing. It was total shit, but in few second my mind belived in that! I asked my self: "Why I am even reading it?". In search of answer I watched many articles about conspiracy theories. What it have in common? Let's make a list:

  1. Global problem
    Our brains have a tick for a big things. More global problem or collusion - more likely you will believe in it. Maybe, most global conspiracy theory - solipsism. Doubts about the reality of the world has no refutations, just as there is no confirmations. Why such crazy idea even appeard in minds of Solipsists? Just because it can.
  2. Enemy
    Collusion - is always directed against somebody. Humanity, americans, personaly you and anyone else. So, collusion - is an enemy. Basically, in process of Evolution we often encountered enemies, so we developed patterns of behavior which provided our survival. But now - that patterns not helping us, but harm us. Like psychos - we search for enemies, in internet, in queue, everywhere! And conspiracy theories - gives us plenty of enemies! And we like it!
  3. Truth
    Do you like when someone tell you lies? No? And when someone "open your eyes", what do you feel? Gratitude? Friendliness?
    And what if "the Truth" is just another lie? Does it cancelled your feeling of gratitude in past? No! Of course now you're dissapointed, but who cares! You felt happy in the past, did you?
  4. Science
    When you hear something starting from phrase: "Science of...just proved..." your logic is completly shuting down. How can someone (not scientist) argue with scientists? Even if I invented those scientists?
  5. Inverted logic
    "People playing in card games many centuries. All those time they shuffle the cards. So, that means, that my chance to shuffle cards so it makes unique order in deck - very small." - is it true? Strange, but it is...false! Chance to get NON UNIQUE deck is less then 1.2*10^(-50)! "But I'm used my logic!" - you'll say. But sometimes, logic is not enough.
  6. Playing with facts
    "Hm, you see birds every spring, did you? So, birds bring sprind!" - funny, isn't it? If you'll look closer, you'll see that most of concpiracy theories using the same schemes. "Pyramid blocks is heavy, human cannot lift it, can he? So it built by aliens!"
  7. Roundabout
    So, well, you see, it is obvious that something that not obvious is not obvious. Strange feeling, isn't it? Like, I'm said much, but still doesn't said anything! Trick in overload of brain sensoric channel. When you hear something very often - your brain is starting to acting strange. It can start to ingore word, can create a catch-word from it. Like some shortcut, to a hidden sense. So, when you hear "aliens" in a one hundred second time - you have two option: to believe in aliens, or to hate all what relative to it word!

So what we can do to strike back? Use Occam's Razor! "Plurality is not to be posited without necessity" - that means, that most simple and obvious answer is almost always right answer. For example: "Who built EGYPTIAN pyramids? EGYPTIANS!", "Is the REAL world - real? Yes, it's REAL!". Simply enought, isn't it?