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RE: Sublime Sunday ~ Having A #LookAround

in #lookaround6 years ago

You made a grey day bright and colourful that is real talent! Those berries are fantastic - I presume you did an edit on them they are surely not naturally that vibrant colour range!

So many cat's - that is amazing how they all come to visit. The one laying down has amazing eye colour.

The bottle with the Holly edit is magical - I love the effect on that so stunning!

And I had to grin at the door knob to finish, an amazing day for #SublimeSunday - I really enjoyed your little adventure.

#thealliance #witness


Thank you @c0ff33a! No edit on the wild grapes color. Just put them in a collage. I was happy with the colors but I'm not opposed to popping the color a little sometimes either..😉 The holly edit came out better than I could have hoped and I got to fit it in nicely. Lol..glad that door knob made you grin..makes it worth the while! xoxo