**Short Story**

in #love6 years ago

For the sake of Getting Excuse From Her Boyfriend, This Man Kneels For Hours In The Middle Of Snow Rain..


In a relationship, it is impossible to expect relationships to continue without problems. There must be a problem facing you. Therefore, it takes maturity to solve problems for the sake of continuity of relationships. Unless, the couple takes action that can not be tolerated anymore, cheating for example. And when it comes to fighting with a boyfriend, most guys will eventually succumb, even if the wrong one is a girl.

But whichever woman is wrong. Therefore, a guy in China is doing something desperate to get the word sorry from his girlfriend. In the snow, he knelt for hours looking at the window of his girlfriend's house. According to eyewitnesses, he began to kneel at 9 am. An eyewitness named Zhang then approached the man to make sure he did not know why. But he ignored Zhang and remained on his knees. The snow was falling and covering his body. At around 11, residents began to feel uncomfortable with the action.

They also persuade him to stop the action. Because, he can just die cold. "You can not keep on your knees, come to my house and tell me about your heartache Maybe I can help you," said a resident named Huang. The man finally stood up crying. She said that she wanted to meet her boyfriend after the fight they had. But, until that moment, the boyfriend did not appear.

Well, people sometimes just can do silly things and stupid for love. But, you must realize that the relationship goes both ways. If you struggle alone, and your partner does not, maybe you should start looking for another couple. Well, what do you think about this guy's action?