Jesus and the christian love: If someone takes what is yours, don't insist on getting it back. Luke 6:30

in #love3 months ago

The Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Matthew are the gospels that describe what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, beginning with the Beatitudes. And in this Sermon, Jesus laid the foundations of the ethics and morals of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual doctrine in which Jesus began to introduce his disciples and followers.
And the Gospel of Luke describes a very important fragment of this speech of Jesus, the teachings of the divine master about the unconditional love, the love for the enemies. It is important to understand this speech of Jesus from a fundamental fact, the love of God is the love without passion. Passions divide the mind, for reason and passion have their own desire, and so the oneness of God excludes passions such as hatred, revenge, guilt, or envy; the love of God is the love projected to the whole creation of God, that is why Jesus always used the word Agape when he taught about love.
Jesus demanded that his followers strive to attain this perfect love, a love that can only be received through grace and the mystery of birth in salt and fire, the second birth not through the forces of the flesh but through the forces of the spirit. That is why Jesus taught with wisdom: "Love your enemies. Be kind to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who insult you" Luke 6:27-28. While this may seem nonsense, this spiritual teaching must be understood in the context of a law widely used in the time of Jesus, the law of Retaliation; "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth" Matthew 5:38.
Through love, Jesus taught the importance of forgiveness and wisdom, and not to use revenge as a method for resolving conflicts, something very fashionable in those violent times. Jesus ultimately taught the path to true life, eternal or contemplative life.
And so Jesus continued his teaching on the meaning of true love, charity does not take into account the evil received: "Give to everyone who asks you for something. If someone takes what is yours, don't insist on getting it back" Luke 6:30. This teaching of Jesus is ultimately a reminder of Christian love, a love that overcomes the weaknesses or imperfections of the world.
Jesus and the christian love. If someone takes what is yours, don't insist on getting it back. Luke 6,30.jpg
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