The Love-o-lution is Here!

in #love7 years ago


I was just sitting at my desk awhile ago and this verse from Psalms popped into my head. This is often how guidance and inspiration come to me…instantly and seemingly out of nowhere.

The “out of nowhere” is actually out of the heart of Creation itself….out of the center of Goodness that loves you and me infinitely and without bounds.

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.”

Psalm 27:13

I haven’t read this verse in ages nor thought of it. It used to be one of my favorites back in the day.

I instantly knew exactly why this had come to me tonight.

This message is for you, for me, and for everyone. And this message is absolutely vital to receive, to believe and to proclaim.

There is a whole lotta crapola happening “out there”. All you have to do is turn on the news and you will see it. Ugg. I don’t watch the news as many of you know. But I see it, I feel it, I sense it. We all do. We live on a planet together, and of course we know things are pretty crazy out there.

And what about those things we’ve been hypnotized into believing are normal now? Like hospital after hospital filled with hurting, sick, dying people? Or what about seeing homeless people on the street corners asking for money? What about our political contests? I mean really?

We have gone so far down the rabbit hole that we actually think cancer is normal or expected. We accept poverty and slavery and GMO’s as just how it is in our world. We aren’t as horrified anymore by polluted oceans, toxic skies, and the deception of media. And the list goes on and on. We might not like it but perhaps we feel like we can’t do anything about all of this.

Ahhh, but we can. We must. In spite of all I just mentioned above and all the other things I didn’t mention….we have a choice. Will we just tolerate it? Will we join in by being negative about the situations we face in our world? Will we despair and feel powerless? Will we succumb to fear of disease, fear of stock market crashes, and fear of natural disasters? Will we fear the future, worrying about the loss of our retirement accounts, our homes, our jobs?

Will we engage in political party rants and pointless discussions as if what we are seeing before us is actually real and not one big enormous show?

Will we give in and just accept that our life is always going to be a struggle, money is always going to be just out of reach, and our government is just going to take more and more of what is ours?

Or will we stand up and say enough. Enough of this despair. Enough of this struggle. Enough of this control. Enough of my own negativity. Enough of my own lack of faith. Enough of my fearful thoughts.

We have a choice. Will we stand up and say, “I remain CONFIDENT that I will see the Goodness of God in this land!” “I know that Love is stronger than fear and I choose to align with this!”

WE THE PEOPLE…we decide. This IS our power. For me, it’s not marching in the streets, though it might be for you. But for me, it’s moment by moment standing in full confidence that God/Universe/Source/Creator/Love is partnering with us for what I call “love-o-lution”. Hey, I just made that up…oh I like it! 🙂

This isn’t just crying out for mercy and hoping someone or something out there saves the day. It’s the acknowledgement that I AM the answer. My faith, my confidence, my certainty is the energy that fuels the changes.

And yes, there are many out there working to save the day. Humans, angels, other worldly beings, divine masters….it takes ALL of us doing our part. The best way you can assist in seeing amazing and radical changes on this planet is by living out Psalm 27:13.

Choose it. Embody it. Refuse to be moved. What is faith? The conviction, the certainty of things not yet seen. So stand in faith. Grab up your sword of unconditional love and your shield of compassion and hit the streets!

I have a friend that is house bound right now….but boy does she ever live this. She puts her attention on Light and Faith and love, and when she finds fear or doubt arising, she loves that too until it dissipates.

There is no stopping us, truly, there isn’t. Please know that you, if you choose to accept it, are the army of Love-o-lution. Your duties are kindness to all you see, holding high thoughts about everything….actually rising above all that is “out there”, and spreading the message of Goodness in the land of the living.

A new day is dawning!! Let nothing stand in our way. Run to that finish line holding high the banner of liberation for all.

Love you,
