Challenging Love to Be Unconditional - Part 27

in #love6 years ago


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Birthday Intermission Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Intermission No. 2 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26

The fruits of our labor were paying off.  

We alchemized some of the free trash and waste we gathered into deep, dark, rich soil.  

We filled the raised beds we made out of tires, doors, cardboard, fence panels, and pallets, then set up our watering system to run on our well water.  

We used some of our prolifically growing bamboo privacy fence for making trellises.

We chose our seeds for companion planting for the perfect season and lunar phase.  Some we started inside for pre-sprouting, others we planted outside.  

We put the seeds in our mouths and blessed them before spitting them into the soil.  Our plants sprouted quickly in abundance to grow specifically for our DNA!!

We spent much of our time among the plants, touching them, rescuing them when protection was needed from the elements, and loving them.  We even added our own sweet vibrations by playing the didgeridoo and Tibetan bowls with some great frequency.  

Our garden really exploded! 

We had more food than we could possibly eat, and almost more than we could possibly share.  

Some of our sweet potatoes grew to the size of footballs.  

We had mounds of melons and tomatoes we would take to “The Conference” to share.

We opened our doors and expanded our cuisine to utilize the over abundance, and  served our homemade creations to some of our family and friends who joined in on the fun.

Bite-size sweet potato pie topped with fresh banana, cinnamon spiced whipped creaminess and candied nuts.

Then.... we began receiving requests from others who wished to live here and take part in the expansion of our activated paradise.

Build it and they will come!!

Though it’s sometimes difficult to engage new ideas,  having an example makes things so much more tangible and realistic.  Quinn’s vision was still in its infancy, but already we were beginning to see a change.  Through our efforts, people were experiencing for themselves that there were options for life that did not include a 9-5.  It was fun, healthy, wholesome, inspiring, productive, purposeful, and something that profoundly touched the lives of others.  

Go with me on the journey toward Unconditional Love!

Stay Tuned for Part 28


Love others as yourself

thank you

Yes!! Let's do that! Glad to have you here @dreamien.

God's willing, I will be in the garden to share all these beautiful experiences with you, what a life worth living, what a way of living worth envying... Though, I'm still some steps far from actualizing that dream, but I'm feeling at home already.... Smiles

I am a farmer too, so I can easily relate with everything you shared and I think I have a role to play in making the garden more habitable for all.

I really love what I'm seeing ♡♡♡♡♡♡

It's amazing that you can feel us on such a deep level having never met us or even being in close proximity. What a blessing for us all to be connected and for the possibility of greatness to unfold for us all!

I pray we share our connection together in close proximity one of this days, it would be a great.

True that!! May we be in alignment with such greatness!

💗 💗 💗