Can we have secrets in relationships

in #love7 years ago

Trust-is-a-Must-Why-Trust-is-Important-in-a-Relationship.jpgTo find a partner is cool thing .. perhapes a new experience for some of us ..and for sure you are gonna share lot's of things and talk about things that made you attatched to each other , your next steps and lot of stuff
but when it become serious every litlle things matter .. not in a redicouls way of annoying your partner but in knowing more about his life and how he or she reacts in certain moments or situations .. if you get that far .. somethings are gonna change
about how to you look like you own that person and that's something that is going to ruin your relationships .. so you keep degging to until accedentily you find something you don't know .. and you will take as your partner is keep things from you , and that where we have to know if it is

  • Secrets about her or his life ..
  • Secrets conserning the life of other people , groupes or club

  • If it's the first kind of secrets you will have to know what you derserve to know cauz if he or she keeping secrets , he or she for sure know that you don't like those things or they gonna dirve you mad .. and in some case you didn't know how to get him to do things that he loves with you .. so he\she will start to new a hidden life ..
  • Talking about the second kind of secrets : you really have to appreciate that he's keep things in their places and not to confuse people's life with your's ; because definitely he's or she's a trusted person .. but is your partner treating you like all other peoples and what's the deal ..
    i see there is only one condition that he should tell you .. and that's when that secrets will affect you or someone is gonna hurt you , or to give you chance to be well organised or tell what do you thinks .. after all you talk about lot of stuff .. he should ask about your opinion in things that you are gonna do together .. and that's not talking about club's or friend's secrets
    that's called trusting your love to help you , trust his or her opinion and do the best for him