The New Predator - new article by Eve Lorgen

in #love7 years ago


The New Predator topic has been long awaited and is something that needs to be disclosed because of its extreme lethality, toxicity and spiritual danger. In some respects, the New Predator has qualities of a classic Dark Side of Cupid, “alien love bite” dynamic, but presents with more “fallen angel” characteristics, as we shall see in two testimonials presented in this article.
In the the Dark Side of Cupid book (See: there were some case histories in Category 4 and in the “Diabolical Variations of the Love Bite Theme”, which touched upon some of these features. Also, the testimonial written on my web site entitled: “Spiritual Community Targeted by Demons Masquerading as ET Walk-Ins“. See: reveals how this can take place, with very misguided individuals, (aka–Mr. X) who are really demonically possessed victims, acting under occult Satanic programming within military, secret-government, mind control programs. (Not all victims of such programs carry out their occult programming, however.)
The New Predator presents with several identifying “red flag” behaviours carrying the classic supernatural twist, reminiscent of what was cast in the evil character, Kylo Ren in the recent “Star Wars” film. ( Kylo Ren, the nephew of Luke Skywalker, is a Jedi bloodline warrior, who went to the dark side. The manipulating, “alien behind the scenes” was the butt ugly, slimy, tall, thin Ayra- looking alien, Supreme Leader Snoke. When I saw the movie, I was overwhelmed with how accurate and synchronistic some of these Dark Cupid, alien love bite dynamics played out.
I want to emphasize that the New Predator love bite reports are increasing in their numbers and lethality, as more and more victims are coming forward. They are not limited to male “predators” by any means, and include some female predators as well. These reports are not as numerous, but do happen. Because this is such a dangerous form of predation upon the human Spirit, it needs to be discussed on radio shows and webinars, and will elaborated upon in more detail with Laura Leon and myself in the near future. Laura Leon has appeared on many radio interviews as well as her own You Tube channel and I encourage others to view them when they have time to follow up on these taboo and fascinating topics.(See: Remember, the whole system in this reality has been inverted, corrupted and mind-soul programmed to veil our original spiritual truth, memory and essence. As the ancient Gnostics testified, and I paraphrase, “When you come to know the truth, at first you will become disturbed.”Indeed.
Without further ado, here are the two testimonials, each from women involved with a New Predator, where they did believe at some point in their experience, that they met their “Twin Flame” soul mate. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Testimonial #1
From a North American woman who traveled the globe to be with her “guru” beloved.
Hi Eve,
Here is a more in depth explanation of my experience with Padma.

I was living on the [EL: non specified for confidentiality sake] island and was immersed in one of the most powerful feminine awakening journey’s of my life thus far in a facilitated journey known as Womb Wisdom. This was the beginning of my awakening to the world of hyper- dimensional realities, spirits and entities and my (false) initiation into the Christ Lineage teachings. My teachers were all women but the main man and masculine pillar who brought forth this work was named (Padma -******). I revered him as a man with great power, wisdom and love.

When I met Padma for the first time, we hugged and my entire body activated with energy and it felt like my body was melting into him. He held me as I cried for hours releasing pain and trauma from my body all while pulling me in closer to him. It felt like I was home in his presence. He was then later invited over to the retreat space I was staying at by the owner–who just so happened to be friends with him. Later that evening, Padma shared with me that we were lovers in Egypt and as he touched my leg, energy shot through my entire body and I felt the truth of this karmic resonance flow through me. He brought me to my room to share a story with me. As he spoke of the Ancient temple in Egypt and the massacre of the Priestess’s, he weaved his words in a way that made me become convinced that I had something to do with the betrayal of him and the murder of the priestess’s in the temple. He claimed he was the Priest and I remember crying my eyes out looking into his eyes, seeing his face change into the man I may have once known. He kept asking me who he was, telling me he was my Beloved. He wanted to hear me say it. He kept asking me until I gave him my free will and was convinced he truly was my Beloved and that we had found each other again, after all those lifetimes. I was shaken at the core and so entranced that this man with such great power and depth was coming onto me. I was bewildered, startled and completely placed under his spell.
He then kissed me and quickly moved himself on top of me. It was the most passionate, intense experience I have ever shared with a man. The way he placed himself onto me was extremely forceful and I could feel pain shooting inside my mouth as he kissed me with intense vigour, almost as though he was gnawing on my mouth. I was so surrendered and even though it hurt, I didn’t have enough within me to tell him to stop. I was powerless and weak underneath him and a part of me had always wanted to experience a man with this much passion and desire and so I didn’t resist. I surrendered and moved with him as my body began to open in ways I never felt before, I began experiencing profound tantric bliss like never before. The next morning I woke up with swollen lips and a huge gut feeling that something was not right. I tried to understand what was happening, but I couldn’t. After that encounter we were constantly pulled to each other. He told me I was his “soul mate” and spoke of having premonitions of going to my home country as he felt my soul calling to him. He kept sharing stories from Egypt weaving archetypal energies into my experience and tying me into a mythical storyline of truth weaved in with lies and deceit.
We experienced the most amazing highs, blissful and ecstatic connection and from the very beginning. Then crashing lows that would tear me apart and leave me feeling completely physically and emotionally drained. Many nights I was literally on the floor in shambles, crying my eyes out as his abusive and minimizing words attacked me like swords flying left, right and center, all around and through me. The way he would speak down upon me made me feel so unworthy, so dark, so weak and so undeserving of love. But as I received this harsh energy I believed it was helping me evolve. I believed this pain was breaking my heart open to the truth of myself and that this man was helping me heal my soul wounds. I believed that the degrading things he was saying about me were true because he was this highly evolved being who had vast precision, awareness and great consciousness that saw through everything. His manipulations had me inverted and emotionally controlled to feel that I continuously needed him as well. Even though he was so abusive, I could not leave him. I was completely under his spell. I could not see how his light was false. I thought it was the Guru’s way. I thought I deserved this. So much of me had panic and anxiety that would tell me to run away while I felt that without him I would not be able to live. I allowed myself to be robbed of my voice and my personal power. I trusted him completely and put my heart fully out on the table to continuously, have it smashed as he continued this pattern of destruction. It felt so wrong within me, but I believed I had to be humble and take it all in without talking back or standing up against him, as he was serving my soul and had my greatest interest in mind.
Over time, we became even closer. The psychic connection grew incredibly strong. I felt like he was watching me when I was alone. I felt that he could hear my thoughts. I remember one night I woke up in terror as I felt this dark and heavy energy over me. I felt it was him at first, but when I became conscious, I realized it wasn’t human. Moments later he showed up at my door saying he could feel me. He was so tuned into me that I felt I had no privacy in my own space. He was always feeling when I was pulling away and would show up saying all the right things to bring me back into his life. I was also very connected to him and experienced feeling what he was feeling and would become aware of his thoughts as well. I could especially feel him desiring me sexually and would know when he would want to make love, as I could feel his presence pulling on my body to be with him. It felt that my sexual energy was literally being siphoned at times.

As time went on the abusive patterns kept increasing and the extreme highs and lows intensified. I became more and more drained as I was continuously rejected and then pulled back into this “love” agenda. It was like I was being emotionally whiplashed. He would push me away and then would show affection again opening himself up sexually. Often he would ask me to nourish myself by “feeding on him” after we had just been through a big intense drama with him. I was so cast under his spell and because of my own vulnerabilities and wounds I could not get away. I was so addicted to his charm, and alluring strong presence and also had a deep yearning to make love with him as it was like nothing I had experienced before. My entire body was being awakened and I felt my chakra’s and sexual centers opening in the most profound ways. I was so deeply influenced under his control believing that our relationship was one of the greatest blessings of my life. I believed that all his harshness and anger was the tough love I needed to help me evolve. That these highs and lows were a normal part of being with a religious leader like this. When we would come back together after the many intense separations, it was the most passionate, deeply blissful, ecstatic love I have ever experienced and he would share with me how much I meant to him and how I was the most beautiful woman he has ever been with and how I am his soul mate and how he wants me to be his wife and live with him and his son and that he would take care of me and be in my life forever. My heart was so open to him and so trusting that I believed him. I trusted that somewhere within him, he must truly love and care for me. Yet, every time we separated or spiralled into a drama, it was so intense and all his words would go shooting down the drain and hold no meaning at all. I would dive into the darkest places. At times it felt like I wanted to die. I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. I had no energy at all. It felt that without him I was hopeless, meaningless. My life had no substance and I felt completely paralyzed. No matter where we stood, his presence would always consume me and I could not let him go.

Even though his words would cut me down, making me feel like I was nothing, portraying me to be a small, stupid and worthless girl compared to the “powerful, intelligent, and evolved Christed being” he was, time and time again I would keep opening myself to him.
It was like I was possessed. I couldn’t see clearly. My solar plexus would tighten and I could not be without him. I would do anything to win him back after he would treat me this way. My solar plexus was in so much pain feeling like it was being tied into a tight knot and pierced with a flaming red needle time and time again. I would think of him and cry so deeply it felt my heart was turned inside out and then he would call me saying he felt me and would somehow make me feel like everything was okay again. He would apologize, or hear my apology and I would feel safe again, and I was right back in, opening my heart and feeding his sexual addictions again. It felt like I was literally walking on egg shells with him. I had to watch my every move because I did not want to trigger or upset him in any way. I got incredibly used to always feeling pain in my chest, not having any security in my life, but somehow continuously trusting that I was in good hands.

I worked myself to complete exhaustion doing all the practices and rituals he asked me to do. It felt that I had to do everything under his watch and approval and that if I didn’t he would not show me the love and affection I needed. He would prescribe me practices that made me believe he really cared for me but it was just a way to fulfill his own needs and story. I worked 4 jobs at once to save money to travel across the world in a very short period of time to be with him, only to be sent back home in despair and heavy guilt and shame for he made me believe it was all “my fault” and would completely gaslight me with his narcissistic ways. I picked up and completely left my life twice to fly across the world to be with him, only to last 2 weeks in his presence before he would get immensely triggered again.
I put him before everything in my life. It was like I was a puppet on his string and everything he told me to do, I would make sure I did it. I alienated myself from my family and my friends to be with him, I quit my jobs and put my finances in extreme jeopardy to be with him, only to arrive and be completely attacked by his aggression, manipulative, abusive and unpleased behaviour, as I was never “enough” for him. I even remember him saying that the only thing I was good at was making love. He told me that I was nothing without him. His mannerisms were completely incongruent with his message and desire to support woman.

It was months of this back and forth abuse until some of the woman in the work began to catch onto his harshness and behavior. After my trip to ********* to be with him, I felt completely paralyzed and frozen from the trauma I experienced. I spoke with (*****) and then herself and another woman came out in public about his narcissistic tendencies, psychopathic behaviour and false light cult constructs. Later that day I received messages written from multiple woman who had experienced things with Padma that were out of alignment. He had been visiting other woman in their dreams touching them sexually, sharing how he had past connections with them in Egypt as well. He created situations that tore people apart, casting spells with his words. He stole other woman’s work, taking their teachings and using his intelligence to expand and twist them for his own agenda. The spirits moving through him were feeding off of and manipulating a list of powerful woman across the globe. After becoming aware of this, I completely left my body. It was like I was high on Ayahuasca. I was hallucinating and was experiencing strange body perceptions. I figured that I was so traumatized from what I had been through with him, that I left my body completely. Everything was swirling around me and I didn’t know what to do other than ground into Gaia. I began cutting chords and focusing on really separating from him for good. I became very sick and my energy was very weak. I was beginning to understand the severity of the spirit influence and how entangled I was with him. As I began to disconnect he began messaging me telling me how he could feel me sexually and that he was receiving pictures of me in his mind.
I did not respond to him, but then shortly after, I was strung in and felt called to share how I was truly feeling in hopes to bring this all to an end. He received me and apologized for his behavior, taking ownership of the spirits moving through him that caused him to minimize me and treat me like I was dirt and nothing to him. It felt like it was a real breakthrough and that he was finally owning himself and his darkness. He humbled himself and shared with me that I was his teacher of love and said all the right things to win me back again. (Now, I understand that it was just his – or the being moving behind him-’s way of making sure I did not add to the fire these woman were bringing forth, because if I had then, surely his veils would have come undone and the spirits moving behind him would have lost even more power). Instead, being my love-drunk, addicted and forgiving self, I opened my heart back to him again. This time I could tangibly feel the spirit influence moving us together, I heard in my head, “You must go back with him to help him” as simultaneously my sexual energy was being turned on by a force outside of myself that was not natural. It was like my sexual energy was hijacked, but I was aroused by the rush of energy that I agreed to see him again to work on healing together. He came to visit me in my home town and within no time he slipped right back into his patterns of verbal, emotional and complete psychopathic abuse. He blamed me for being the one who provoked the woman to turn on him. He belittled me again telling me it was my fault and that if I hadn’t spoken to them about my experiences in the other country, none of that would have happened. He reverted back to shaming and guilting me and playing the role of the “beautiful victim celestial boy” who was hurt and was justified due to his distorted thinking and blaming. He denied that any abuse occurred and reverted back to minimizing and claiming that if it wasn’t for what I did, he would not have gotten mad at all. He could not take ownership for the ways he was really abusing me and psychically feeding off these other woman as well. I became the “Judas” and the one who betrayed him and another huge drama played out. He had a way that was so good with words that I believed his words to be true and I was immediately draped with an immensity of guilt and my solar plexus and heart were taken through another stabbing, tight sensation episode of great pain. For a year and a half his narcissistic ploys would suck more and more emotional loosh from me and it felt like I was slowly killing myself.

When he left my space after we separated for the final time, it was then that we became aware of the “Love Bite” dynamic in our relationship. We both read Bernard’s Blog post and knew right away that this is what was playing out between us. Immediately he told me I had to heal this within me, implying I was the one who carried this host or entity. (He was very good at projecting his own darkness outside of himself) I began detaching myself and was still experiencing deep pulls on my solar plexus but it wasn’t as intense. As soon as I received the awareness, it was like a massive chord was cut, and I could feel myself coming back into my own energy. I took space from my teachers and the work and began my healing journey. Months later my teacher reached out inviting me back into the work. As soon as I was in contact with her, I had a dream where I was in a room by myself and Padma’s voice was in my head speaking to me and the “entity of force” I had felt before was trying to make love to my body. I was trying to escape, but this energetic spirit kept touching me and caressing my body. I woke up instantly knowing that this was just another sign of the energies moving through him and that I had to cut myself from everyone still connected to him and this work.
Padma uses a facade of being involved in the Christ Counsel. He calls himself Judas. Nothing could be further from the truth. He is a psychopathic liar and narcissist. He made me believe I was the center of his world and then would literally the next day tell me I am nothing and that I don’t deserve him. He twisted my memory, my identity and he erased my self-esteem, leaving me to feel empty and worthless. To this day I still feel I am being watched by him as I unplug myself from the programming and influence that these spirits weaved into my life. My solar plexus still feels pulled on and my nervous system is still rebuilding itself. He is an outright psychopathic, demonically overshadowed, psychic vampire and I wish that no one goes through what I experienced again. I hope that sharing this helps warn others.

Testimonial #2
An Eastern European Woman:
I want to share my experience with you if I may? I am looking forward to any input, if you want. If not, I’m sorry for bothering you really.
I have met a man and we connected instantly. I realize now that at the time, I was a stupid newbie to spirituality and naive. He helped me to solve all my troubles.
He hypnotized me in the woods and I was in a trance state with him, feeling orgasmic just by looking at him. I do not know how to call him, pagan, (black) magician, shaman or charlatan– but he looked like a demon, or some alien, and both of us started acting crazy, feeling amazing dark, sexual energies of some entity. I froze from fear and cried and begged him to let me go because I thought he’d kill me. It felt like I had sex with some entity, not with the man, because it wasn’t physical sex. It felt like bones in my body are twitching and I was doing really creepy, almost levitating positions spontaneously, that would be painful to do without trance. After that we felt like we were weightless.
When I was in a trance he took me on an astral journey or projection just by putting his hand on my belly button. Or maybe it was kundalini, and I saw Earth, as a huge astral body (50 times larger than earth, I thought it was God, lol), universe, rainbow (was that was my astral chord?), and some beautiful place on some planet that felt like heaven and I felt oneness. Or was it all just in my soul memory, my home? He has been evoking visions of occult symbols in me too. We had a telepathic connection. It felt like I was enlightened. No drugs were involved in all this, at all, I swear. I don’t have mental illness in case you wonder.
Physical sex was amazing. He works with meridians points. He put his hand on my head and deleted my thoughts and went into my mind and all I saw was bright light and I was drunk on that energy. He has many lovers and wants orgies too and I was up for it. He says he has sex with people to liberate them. But he blew me off. He said we can’t continue until my consciousness rises or else I will fall apart.
He showed me mind-blowing things and suddenly disappeared. Though he promised me he would teach me everything and called me his student. He recommended to me some occult books, as he initiated me into it. I was glamorized by it but felt just used for sex. I have never experienced any of it before. I didn’t even know about any of this. He talked about our past lives and how we are soulmates. I thought he was my twin flame or guru. There were so many signs and synchonicities.
He left me with no explanation of anything. I’ve been possessed with some entity (or was it his energetic hooks?). I can channel some stupid threats in Latin that I don’t even know how to speak, but I translate it later online. I feel very depressed and heavy if I try to repress it, but if I express it in the hope it’ll go out from me, it doesn’t solve a problem neither. I even tried doing exorcism on me, but that didn’t work either.
In our last encounter (I begged to see him) I told him I love him and he told me it is all my fault because I expected us to be a couple and I need to solve it on my own, or I should kill myself. He was very mean to me before too, he basically raped me mentally and I won’t go into nasty details and really dark parts of story. And I can’t believe I actually wanted to help him.
Anyway, he suddenly discarded me by cutting all physical contact and kept contact only online until I stopped it. I’ve never wanted to play games. He rarely contacts me, but I ignore it. I have no idea what he wants from me? I live in a quite big city and sometimes I see him somewhere every few months. Weird coincidence or not? He just stares at me and then and sends me negative energy. Not to sound paranoid, but I hope he’s not stalking me. I even avoid going to places where I saw him before so he’s out of my sight. So I don’t know— how does this keep happening.
I don’t know what kind of energy work has he done to me and how did it all happen? He last texted me that this is how I see it: it’s all an illusion and we’ll see each other when needed, when I’ll be ready, and how nothing is over. And that he is with me all the time, but not physically. I ignored him by all means, from then on.
I don’t know how to fully stop telepathy with him. I don’t want to have dreams about him, but even in lucid dreams he gets in somehow or takes different form. He puts his belly button on my belly and sucks my soul out and I find it very hard to wake up. Telling him to stop it, doesn’t help. I even see his future in my dreams and it turns out to be completely true. I get attacked by demons in the astral. I don’t know—is it him too? He also projected in my bedroom with his friends—witches. He or some entity pulled my soul into the astral against my will. He or his evil spirits can change energetic blueprint around me and shape-shift things and play with electromagnetic fields so I really see my reality changing. Sometimes I’m so tired of it and it feels like I’m going crazy. Is this supposed to impress me or scare me? Not working. It’s stupid. I’m not paying attention to it, but I still see it.
I think he has schizophrenia and a narcissistic personality disorder and thinks he’s a god. He has a harem of woman and does what he did to me to many women. Though he told me I’m the first one he got to do so much with, and I’m the closest to what he wants in a woman because I’m open (I think he meant my aura is open). Since I don’t want anything to do with him anymore, he’s mad at me and maybe obsessed because he failed in whatever he wanted. He talks bad about me to other people and tells lies. Whatever.
At this point, I’ve worked with many healers. Some saying that he is draining me, that I’m in severe pain, and some say that I have someone’s soul stuck inside me, or that he took fragments of me for himself. They tried to help, but it never worked in the long-term.
I cut chords many times and cleaned chakras but I still don’t feel he is fully out of my system. I built many types of shields. I went meditating in nature and surrounded myself with wonderful people. I don’t masturbate on thoughts of him. I deleted and blocked all his contacts. I pray to god and angels. I’m indifferent about him and I let go. I burned in fire the things connected to him and I cut my hair off to symbolically start fresh. What more can I do? I want to be free 100%, but it doesn’t work. I’m ok for few weeks and everything comes back again. Why? It’s the same if I do a lot and try to help and fight back, and it’s the same if I just live and do nothing.
What exactly did he use me for and how likely is it that he will give up on me forever? Or is it me, is it all just in my head? If I accept this, I’ll be suffering like this forever. It’s still the same, it doesn’t go away. I work on my inner child wounds and traumas. I got into this mess with him in the hopes that I’ll learn how to heal others with energy and I got tricked by false light. I’ve forgiven him and myself, I love another man now and I’m in a healthy relationship. I want no harm to anyone.
I normally worry about other people he’s abusing with his messiah complex but I can’t do anything about it to stop it. I just live my life good like I normally do as if I’ve never met him, honest and decent I hope, trying to be happy and kind to people. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t eat meat but I’m not a saint. I’m a normal person, but my inner life looks like what I’ve described, not peaceful. I know there are worse things in life than this, I may sound ungrateful, but it is what it is.
EL-In response to correspondence about the difficulty of receiving any kind of help or understanding in the “world of normals” who don’t have a clue of what is really going on:
I know what you mean. About acadamia and “normal world” institutions. My guess is that such people are just not aware, they haven’t woken up yet. So if they are in a place of high authority, such as in academia, mental hospitals, or any other system, it’s very hard to be heard and be taken seriously, practically impossible, if your position is “below” them. They are the ones that lead. I’m sure that some of them are intelligent enough to know more, but they are afraid about their reputation (such as my mentor). So it is very hard to get across these barriers, especially in countries such as mine unfortunately, where everything revolves around politics, and selfish interests and we’re far beyond that.
I forgot to say something important when you asked how he chooses his victims. He operates online mostly and he has many accounts on many different sites, such as forums about psychology, medicine, video games, spirituality groups on facebook, dating sites, and so on. He then contacts people who seem to have some sort of trouble, or manipulates them into contacting him, and he offers them free help and the rest is history, as you know.
When I found out he does this on a web-page made for teenagers, I wanted to report him to the police, but I don’t have any evidence that he is having sex with minors. He’s not violating the law by being on that site. (EL Note: with the New Predators the “pedophile programming often is part of their game at some point)
He also plays a guitar on a street and preys on people who are into music. Then he starts his brain-washing program on them. He has some band and they play music all over the country so he meets new people that way too. You know how some sensitive girls are into musicians.
(He gets into all sort of projects for a good cause. It’s scary.
He talked to me about wanting to volunteer with kids in some art classes, as he has a Masters degree in Arts. So, basically, sadly, you get the picture: he is practically everywhere. But he is such an actor that people have no idea who he really is and they are either being tricked, or they stepped on the dark side to work for him.
Another form of predation he uses to entrap people is for example, he takes home abandoned cats on the streets, takes pictures of them and puts them online, so people call him to adopt kittens. It’s sick how there are countless ways he uses to get close to people and to appear as a nice person.
So, yes, of course, I would be thrilled if my experience could save or help at least one unfortunate soul somewhere. Please, go ahead and use it. And thank you.



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