Prince of Dreams

in #love7 years ago (edited)


Drops of sky water now no longer scattered to earth. The king of light is now beginning to reveal himself who blush, blocked by mega. Behind the crevices of the steep rocks the foot of the mountain began darting flashes of shady and bright light. Removes black in the sky right now. Morning has welcomed me.

I blinked, stretched out on the mattress and tried to wake from sleep. I looked out the window. God's beautiful scenery suguhkan. I stare at the empty work of God. Instantly, a flash of light shimmered in front of me. Flashes of light are colorful. The light touched my shoulder kindly. My reverie was instantaneous. I turned to him who smiled warmly at me.

"What's up?" I asked in surprise.
"Alright ... hurry up. Soon your Prince of Dreams will come soon "he said, holding my face softly.
"Prince of Dreams? What do you mean Clory? "

The glow of the glowing light is Clory, my dream companion. He often appeared in my dreams and often came to the real world to see me. No friends ... He's not a fairy or an alien like you think. Or even the Goddess of Love who is always there for this world. She is just a light plane, sahabtku, Clory.

Slowly he started to disappear in front of me ..
"Yahh ... why so soon?" I complained.
"Well, it's better than me to sit up and go to school." I got up from my seat and rushed out of the room to take a shower and get ready.

"Hey Citra ..." someone said from behind me tapped my shoulder.
"Eh, Silvi? Tumben early in the morning already very neat? Usually you're a neat new siangan ... "I looked back and saw Silvi from head to toe.
"Hehehe ... Not really, Yeah let's go to class with his son" while pulling my hand into a class at the end of the corridor.

The first bell bell rang. Bu Nanin, our IPS teacher has stepped into our favorite class, 8D.
"Mother-in-law ... A sunny morning yes" Mrs. Nanin started to walk to her desk after standing for a long time at the door of the classroom, waiting for us to start the lesson.
"Waalaikumsalam .. A bright morning also bu" in unison one class.

"Hmm ... Excuse bu" said a man from behind the door of the classroom.
"Eh yeah, let's go nak" Bu Nanin approached him.
The man walked politely following her steps. All eyes were on him. Now, he has stood in front of us all with a shiny, glowing look.

M ... Sorry bu, I'm late today "he said softly.
"Yes, I understand. This is her first day at this school, so it's too late for the first time I understand but next time do not do it again. Yeah, now you introduce yourself yes "Bu Nanin patted her shoulder tenderly before she finally sat back in her seat.

The man steadied his position. Stand upright like a Prince in front of his people. A beautiful smile was attached to his handsome face.
"Hi all…"

I gasped. That voice ... Yeah. That's Prince's voice ...
I looked up, looked ahead. My guess is right! The face is as handsome as the full moon. A smile as sweet as a pomegranate. Good temperament like Arjuna. My heart says it's really him! My Dream Prince.

"My name is Muhammad Insan Musyaffah. Call me Insan. I moved here because my parents have jobs in this town. I hope all of you are happy with me ... "He smiled pleasantly to everyone.

"No ... you're not an Insan" I say spontaneously. Instantly everyone in the class turned to me who was standing a few steps away from the Insan.
"You ... You are the Prince. Yes, I'm sure. You are my Dream Prince, Prince Syaffah ... You are the son of the King of Dreams. You're not an Insan ... "I stared at him deeply, and unknowingly the sentence spontaneously uttered by my text.

"Ngaco you Cit ... You fantasize the altitude. Watch out! Ntar if you get sick lho ... "said Abiel.
"Yeah Cit ... Here there is not a doctor who can mendembuhin lho ..." continued Reva.
The class laughed at what he said. I turned to them both. Abiel and Reva. Two teenagers who always contradict me. If I think, they simply refuse. Just like a canary humming in the morning, it never ceases to make an opposite opinion. I looked at them.

"I do not imagine Biel ... And I do not need any doctor for this Reva, I'm honest .." I looked at Insan back.

"We met for the first time in the dream kingdom. Do you remember? We meet first time in the lake Heart. Under the moonlight and moonlight with a rainbow of eternity ... Just the full Moon night, you put the crown of flowers on my head and call me the Angel. Do you remember it? "I say with bright eyes.

"That's not possible Cit ... You're dreaming again aja times"
"Because your dream is so beautiful, you forget to distinguish reality by fantasy. Conscious Cit! Be aware .. "Silvi continued.

"Yes Silvi, I realize. I am not lying. It really happened. Clory, my best friend from the dream world who gave the news this morning "

Again one class laughed at my words. This time they laughed louder, touched me about Clory, like an annual carnival, I shouted. Tell them to shut up.
"It's enough laugh! .. If you still do not believe me, better listen to the words of the Prince himself" I'm back to the Insan or who I consider the Prince of Dreams.

"Prince, please answer honestly," I said softly.

Like a montong durian ... The strange wave came back as he looked at me like this. Yaa even deeper, as if she was finding something and did not want it to go away from her. I saw the beautiful light again in his eyes. Exactly in my subconscious. The shade of the sun shone in his eyes as if the most beautiful thing was in front of him now.

"Is everything I said since, is the real truth?" I asked in a tone of hope he would answer yes. She looked at me with emotion.

"No ..." she replied softly.

She had not finished her words yet, and there was a raucous noise from all over the classroom. Rotten sound that mocked me. Until my eyes down, close my eyes, step I love. My heart immediately told me to sit back. My steps are heavy, as heavy as accepting all these facts.

"Wait ..." He intercepted my hand. My spontaneous pause stopped. It's heavier than that.
"I'm still not finished talking, so you do not go first" he approached me and turned my body to face him.
"No ... you're not wrong with that" he said, making everyone silent, open-mouthed.

I paused silently. I've already caught this embarrassment. What he will do, I do not care. Even though the truth has come to me, the bars of humiliation have binded my heart first. My eyes closed. Trying to accept his words next the ball made me crush.

"Yes you're right. I am Prince Shaytah, Prince of Your Dreams. We both have met in the dream world. All your words are the real truth. I went away from your dream and came to the real world only to see my anger. An angel who always makes my heart tingle to always be nearby. I want to tell the world that now, yes right now I have found him. The love of my heart that always makes me suffer when I am away from it. Which always keeps me longing for my heart that night has become morning. Everything you go through, natural in the dream world has become real. I am here. Stand in front of me, O My Empress ... "
He knelt while holding my hand. Everyone was open-mouthed, not believing what they had seen.

I open my eyes. That light, the beautiful light of the star moon shimmered between us.

"Prince ... I have been waiting for you for a long time. My long wait, has now been remedied by your presence. Stand up. I thought you were just going to be my flower bed. Hope I can not have. Fantasy is too high to be with you. But, you've been here, in front of me ... "I said with eyes glowing happily.

"Calm down. Please do not worry. Congratulations then my angel ... Sleep peacefully my love. God ... Now I leave it to you. Because now only you can keep and protect my angel. The sentence will vanish. Now I will always be with you. Never leave you again. It's enough our suffering this time and do not happen again "

Both of you stared at each other. In. Very deep. As if things that have been obtained now do not want to separate again. All pairs of eyes dew clear clear and clean. Uploaded. Will encounter two hearts that separated the dimensions of space and time. Sacrifice by one word beautiful. A word full of meaning. One word that can tickle the heart because of the loved ones. Yaa ... All because of Love.



Good post!

thanks my friend for the comments

Let's Go Together My Friend...

nice explanation. good post.

thansk for your support on me..., that make me motivate to increase my writing...

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!