Grandma, Happy Birthday!

in #love4 years ago

You are Amazing, You are Loved, Thank You Always.

Hopefully I wrote this in a cohesive manner. This is very emotional for me. I'm going to keep it as short as i can.

This is as much for me as it is for you Grandma. You won't have to read it because you know how I feel. I tend to remind you often :) .

They call what you have alzheimers I believe or just plain ol cognitive decline. Sometimes I'm talking to you and you have trouble remembering things, or what you wanted to ask for.

The feeling for me is, (oh no, come back to me grandma). And you do, though there may be a day where you won't remember further than a few seconds. I don't know, i'm no expert. And this was all sudden to me.

It's weird changing places in a way so fast. I remember being the child and you guiding me and being there. So now I do the same, I make sure I do it to the best of my ability and with all the respect I can give.

You never hit me, you never got frustrated with me, I must have been close to perfect in your eyes. I don't know anyone else to have treated me like that.

Our relationship has not and will not ever change. You spoke to me in the language of emotion when i was a child. And in the same way, thanks to you, i can speak to you in the same language. And know that you are loved, we don't need words.

When we play tic-tac-toe i'll fill in the O's or the X's when you need. When we play dominos, I'll help you when all the dots become overwhelming.

And even after all this, you still remember your favorite thing, dancing. In fact, you are teaching me still. Still the same, kind, loving, no-fault seeing Grandma. I hope the little things I do for you now can live up to being loved so kindly by you.

In a world sometimes full of negativity, people being too busy, or easily frustrated. You always had time for me, and it was all filled with love and kindness.

Love You Grandma. Thanks for being a bright light in a sometimes dark world. Thanks for making the time count. Thanks for, never being in a rush. Thanks for seeing me as a person worthy of love. Thanks for treating me more like an equal instead of a pesky child, lol.

Leaving it there because i'm going to spend time with you now. Otherwise i'd break the internet with an overload of Thank You's in data. :)


The picture reminds me of how you made me feel. Happy and Strong, Worthy. Like a SuperHero with SuperPowers.

Thank You for the free to use photo, Porapak Apichodilok.