Understand that cheating is not a mistake but a choice. Don't lose focus while pursing love because heartbreakers are not written on forehead.
You can meet someone tomorrow who has better intention for you than someone you have known forever. The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your FLAWS, MISTAKES, WEAKNESS, and still thinks you're completely amazing.
- When someone have not given you the reason to love, don't give your heart. Focus on action or character, most often words are easily said.
If one doesn't have your time in a relationship, do you think such time will come out in marriage? Don't believe in love without insurance; it may end in lust.
- There is no love without communication; don't allow yourself to be used. When someone tells you "IF YOU SEE ANYONE SERIOUS YOU CAN MARRY" is an evidence of closed Case.
When Your relationship is OFF and ON, it means it lacks compatibility. Not every relationship deserves a second chance; especially those who finds it so difficult to accept their mistakes and to say "I'M SORRY"
- Only you can't keep a relationship, when your partner is more of "SELF" than "US" there is no need to plead to stay. It is better to be Single and not dating than to be in love with someone who doesn't plan with you and for you...( You will beg for attention)
Be mindful of those who came to catch fun, such person will not seen the need to date for marriage. Chains do not hold relationships together, it is not lack of love but pretence that causes heartbreak. Don't date for the sake of dating or dating to catch fun because time is too expensive. Never waste love meant for marriage in a relationship. (DON'T PAY MARRIAGE DUES IN RELATIONSHIP TENDER)
- Why trying to waste someone's time, when you have another in mind....
Why trying to catch fun, when you know the person deserves a lot....
- Why the pretence, when you know your intention is not for marriage...
Why must SEX be the determinant, before love is giving a chance? Whosoever does not value your time in a relationship, will either use you or deceive you.
By their fruits you shall know them; lies, cheating, lust and pretence. They will always make you to feel like you're the cause of every issue in your relationship.
- Most of them are very manipulative, you can't just say "THIS IS WHO THE PERSON IS" They are Difficult to communicate but easy to complain. You will realize that you're struggling to love the person because intention is not honest.
When attention or care is given to you, is as a result of what the person may need in the future. True love does not have duration, but in this case it doesn't last. Do not assume that you're together until you reach your destination together.
Date with carefulness..
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