He Teach Me Meaning of Perfection {part 2}

in #love7 years ago (edited)


Two months later.
He again mengechatku ...

M.Ali Zulfikar
Can we meet hot?

Nida Tanjung
Okay where are we meeting?

M.Ali Zulfikar
We meet in a garden where there is something I want to talk to you about.

Nida Tanjung
All right, I'll be right there and wait for me.

A trembling in my heart, afraid that shook when I met him. I wait for him in the park, he finally meet me.

"Hot" he said with a smile.
I smiled and immediately said "what did you invite me here? And what do you want to talk about? "
"There's one thing I've been in, I'm sorry to hurt you has frustrated you, I just wanted to say ..."
"Say what?
"Will you marry me?"
I was startled by all this trembling of my hand. I nodded the sign I answered yes.

Everything will be beautiful in time, all has been proven in time the love was never confused because God has arranged everything.