Recipe for a successful relationship

in #love7 years ago


We all delve into relationships for various reasons. Most times it could be for our personal benefits and other times it could be displeasing ourselves just to please the other individual. Be it as it may, everyone craves for a flourishing relationship void of quarrels, despite the disagreements that might set in over time.
No matter what you expect from a relationship, you can never have what you can't give. Life has a way of playing with our emotions if not properly checked.
I have come to understand a few ways to make a relationship blossom whether it's a platonic relationship or a romantic relationship. It all boils down to knowing yourself best. Until you know who you are, you will always welcome the wrong persons into your life and overtime you get frustrated and strong hearted cos you feel everyone around you is playing with your emotions or like the commonest conclusion after a heartbreak, "all men/women are the same". My friend will always reply "who asked you to try them all" (lol). You have to learn to guard you heart with all diligence.

Here are a few things you have to be conscious of to avoid stories that touch.

  1. Know what you want. Try to find out "what kind of man/woman do I want in life". Don't leave on other people's choice. Be principled in what you want and don't let people direct your choice.

  2. Know what you don't want. Sit and think of those things you don't want, things that itches your eyes. Know your weak point and fight it.

  3. Live your life to th fullest. Live your life to the core. Be free. Don't hide yourself, do those things you know you can do and want to do. Don't let people control your life. Be as free as the birds in th Sky. Learn to meet people and be sociable, but the utmost priority of every African woman is to dress and look smart and decent no matter how crazy one is.

  4. See the big picture. Have goals and aspirations. Be determined and look through the future. Don't love on today only, have a dream of how the future will be like.

  5. Open your eyes and attitude. Be free with people. Associate with people of good caliber. Develop a self free attitude, an attitude which is worth emulating, so you will be respected and looked up too. People shouldn't get pissed up with your character. Have a good sense of humor. Don't develop a puffy and flaunting character, that doesn't mean you should stop so low to whosoever you meet. Keep your pride so you will be respected. Don't sell your right and dignity simply because you want to be seen as good or be involved in what's in vogue.

  6. Ask questions. Don't be ignorant of things happening around you. Be curious about things that concerns you, but not poke nosing into other people's affairs. Ask the right question at the right time from the right people/source. Don't hide your ignorance. Be sensible and smart, but cool headed.

  7. Try something new. Never relent because you tried and failed. Whenever you fail, you try something new towards that direction. Be inspired. Try to make life meaningful for yourself. Don't leave on the past. Be creative in every ramifications of life.

  8. Make yourself look good. No matter how little you earn, still look good. Go for what fits you but cut your coat according to the material available. Don't look good at the expense of other important things in life and your future in particular. Don't for Christianity sake look haggard. Look good but be responsible and decent. Portray a good appearance of a beautiful and well brought up African child.

  9. Have good association. Evil communication corrupts good manner. Move with good associates that will add meaning to your life and change you for the better. Your friends should Change you positively and make new impacts in your life.

  10. Learn from the past. Your past mistakes should not only make you move ahead but create a better opportunity for your success. That is, you shouldn't be hurt as not to move ahead because of your past. You should learn from them and get lessons from them. You shouldn't condemned yourself because it didn't work out the first time. It doesn't matter how many times you fall it's how many times you rise.

Someone once said " how many times will you make a mistake before you learn your lesson? She went further to answer " you don't have to wait until you make your own mistakes because yours might not be amendable. You learn from other people's mistakes. Never make the same mistake twice.

These are tips that will lead you into achieving a good relationship. Each of this points in the aforementioned paragraphs has a part to play in your life positively. You are in a better position to exhibit them. With these you will have a life full of good and enviable stories to tell. But above all you have to carve a niche positively for yourself, which will make people develop respect for you.


always yours @mimidiamond


Tha was how I didn't learn anything from all these things..... Lol..🏃

Not for your kind.

Thank you for sharing.

You really took time to spell things out. I am glad I read it.

Cool! I follow you.