Knowing What You Deserve

in #love7 years ago

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I have been blessed with a man I know I deserve and who loves me unconditionally. When you are caught up with a new partner or someone you like, it is easy to settle or be blinded to the reality. For the first time I know I am with someone who treats me like a princess and respects me, something new in my life.

That being said, my wonderful boyfriend took me on a weekend getaway for my birthday in upper Michigan state. That right there is already so thoughtful, but of course he is a hopeless romantic and takes it to the next level. We hiked through an art exhibit at the beginning of a beautiful sunset. By the time we got to the top, we gave me a love lock with a hand written letter that left me with tear running down my face.

Blah blah blah. I promise it was 110% better than my writing and words can't describe our young love, but for the longest time I didn't know how well a man could treat me. The secret is to just let go of the anxiety and control and let them love you for who you are.

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It took me almost 3 years to figure out that the universe was trying to bring us together. We were friends throughout college and I always wondered how we would end up in the most random situations and events together. NOW I know, we were truly meant to be together.

The universe validates our relationship by sending us signs. At the end of our hike, together we asked the universe for a shooting star as we lied in the middle of a golf field starring at the stars. My perfect romantic weekend getaway ended with the largest and closest shooting star I have seen yet in my life.

Always thankful and appreciative of what I have. Everything happens for a reason. The universe will guide you if you have a little bit of faith.

That's it for now.


Aw, I almost got a tear myself, I wouldn't call myself hopeless romantic, but when you put it like that, it moved me. Yes, the universe is telling us a lot of things, we just have to listen, sometimes they are good things, sometimes they are bad, but it is always speaking to us. I've always been a believer that there is some higher connection between all beings in this universe, or maybe even in other universes, that somehow it is steering us in mysterious ways. I myself have experienced strange "coincidences", that are way too much too explain. Glad, you are in a state of bliss, there is no better feeling in a world :)