as beautiful as pearl

in #love3 years ago

I allowed the position of the harness clogs before he finished putting on his beloved white robe. Over the past year, the robe has been her mainstay for attending special invitations. And tonight, the harness will fulfill a long -awaited invitation. He tried to look attractive by repeatedly following himself in front of a long mirror not far from the bathroom. I held back a smile at the sight of Abah acting like a young man, pacing just to correct his appearance.

"Have you got your sandals ready, Meyda?" I nodded.
"Have you called Ahsan?" I nodded again.
"Oh yes, please pray in front of the bookshelf facing south." I passed from the front of the harness to fulfill his command. Kuraih tasbih with the details of the soft and tiny yaqut gem, then I put it in the pocket of the purple abaya robe that I wore tonight.

"Meyda, Ahsan has come." Call the harness softly but sound firm. I immediately approached abah who was ready to wait for me in the front seat with Ahsan, abah's personal driver. Well! I have been on duty to accompany abah wherever he goes since the day ummi died a few years ago. Because, I am the only puppet princess with a heavy burden that I will bear later. Bismillah sincerely, insya Allah I can make the pesantren that is my responsibility better, according to the request of abah.
"Abah does not want many students. Abah just wants students who obey. ” Order a harness when a month ago lay weak in the hospital.

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"Neng, it's here." Ahsan woke me up slowly.
"Oh!" I stuttered, then struggled to straighten the body I let curl up during the trip.
"Where's Abah?" Ahsan pointed to the harness that was being held by some students of Habib Ahmad with his thumb.
"I'm sorry, romo yai saw that antum was very sleepy. But, now Neng Meyda is sent to face romo yai and habaib who have been waiting for Neng Meyda's arrival. " I immediately moved and my heart was a little overjoyed as I entered the gate that directly connected with the luxurious living room. Hoping to meet the figure of my choice that until now I have not dared to put it on the harness. Don't say matur (say. Indo) to abah, I don't know his name yet. Obviously he is handsome. Because he was handsome, I judged the face as sibawaih (a figure that is usually told in the science of Nahwu). And I only met him twice at the same event a few years ago.
"Apparently he didn't come." I looked down wearily.

"Meyda?" Call the harness.
"Yes, Bah?" I answered, trying to hide the sadness that suddenly erupted.
"Listen to Habib Ahmad." Speak the harness that I immediately obey.
“The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Whoever has a worse day than yesterday, then he is one of those who perish, whoever has the same day as yesterday, then he is one who loses, and whoever is lucky is one whose day is always better than yesterday. ” For a moment I pondered the words of Habib Ahmad which were translated into Indonesian by a translator.

"Listen carefully, Meyda." Abah immediately launched the words that made my cheeks heat up.
"People do not live in happiness forever. Don't be lazy to worship just because your ummi left you like before. That will hurt yourself. Abah hopes there will be no second session after Abah dies later. " Abah rotated his rosary beads devoutly.
"God willing, Bah."
Abah nodded and I breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, I was twice as frustrated. And what is meant by abah this time is not the selfishness of someone who once failed to be matched with me but my frustration when facing the departure of ummi to her last place of rest.

In fact, I plan to knit a new story with my future husband before ummi dies to make her happy with the man of my own choice. But what power if not a mate, then God will move one's heart not to love anymore. And because of my busyness completing the S2 program, I have not been able to fulfill the request of the ummi who wanted me to get married at a young age and I have not been able to find a replacement for Damar. Until the day of the year arrives.

"Please have a drink, Neng." Suddenly a female student came and asked me to rest in the back room. I turned to the harness to get his approval.
"Meyda." Call the harness before I move. He gripped the rosary with the clear white details in my right hand.
"Get enough rest. All this time, my father has always bothered you. ” Abah rubbed my fingers gently. I just nodded and entered the luxury house with the modern interior design with Nila.
"Hopefully Neng Meyda is comfortable here. This is Habib Husain's former room. " Said Nila, the beautiful khodam (assistant. Indo) who accompanied my break was busy bringing many snacks into the room.
"Thank you. I'm sleepy, Nila. " I answered in moderation, then no longer realized my existence. Vaguely I heard Nila ask herself about the location of the special guest blanket she had just washed.

"Today, there is a teaching schedule at the princess hut. His book is Tafsir Al-jailani. Meyda has it ready on the table. ” Abah nodded casually, enjoying the broccoli vegetables cooked to his taste by his personal khodam. As for the cooking problem, abah really didn't want to entrust it to me. Considering that I am a spoiled figure, everything must be prepared before I angrily look for her and my ummi does not want to let my pale yellow skin burn by the dangerous fire of the stove. But, it has passed after ummi died. And now, my job is to be independent and take care of some of the blessings in my life. Little knowledge I have ever heard from one of the teachers told me that, when the figure of a mother has died, half the blessings in her life are lost. And I really want to specialize in the harness.

"Tasbih abah mana, Meyda?" Ask the harness that is ready with the clogs on his right foot.
"Abah left it to Meyda." I immediately ran to the room on the second floor. After rummaging through the pocket of my robe, I panicked because the rosary was not there. What could I have forgotten? I asked in my heart and tried to re -record what happened in Habib Ahmad's house (Javanese house) after Nila woke him up.
"Abah, the rosary is not there." My lips trembled to hold back the tears. I don't feel like I can keep the trust that small. I can't keep the rosary alone, let alone a pesantren of this size.
"Abah, is this a sign that Meyda is not fit to continue this message?" Abah hugged me in his arms.
"Abah believes in you. You understand, that tasbih is a tasbih that not everyone can know. Only those who have high piety are able to see it. "
"How could Meyda have seen it yesterday and not today, Bah?" I asked curiously.
"Indeed, human hearts often fluctuate. O Muqallibal qulub, O Allah the Turner of hearts, there will be a time for this daughter of mine to remain the strengthener of faith. ” He looked at me with a smile that I could not understand.
"Abah, Meyda is not a pious person." I said sadly. As the only daughter of the puppet, I really feel weak.

“The tasbih is a gift from the Shaykh who knows from a dream. He embraced the harness while stating, that the piety of the harness is equivalent to his piety. "
Subhanallah abah, Glory be to Allah who puts the hardness of irodah (strong desire) in the hearts of those who hope for the hereafter." I kissed Harness's hand reverently.
"I'm sorry Meyda who accidentally removed the rosary, Bah. Meyda will look for him in Habib Ahmad's house. " My request on the harness.
"Faith without worship will not be useful. Worship without faith cannot be accepted by God. In order for worship to be accepted, it must be equipped with knowledge. Use your knowledge to be able to read someone's footsteps and feel them. Again, the rosary is not lost, but you can't see it. Maybe you left some of the practices that you gave me. ” I nodded. Out of exhaustion, I deliberately abandoned the practices given by the harness. And I never realized the high spiritual value of the rosary.
“Meyda apologizes, Bah. Meyda promises not to repeat it. " My promise on the harness was greeted with a gentle nod from him.
"Give the rosary to Meyda." The old break of the harness looked at me pensively. And I came back pensive after seeing a figure I knew very well. He?

“Kitab Al-Muwatha 'written by Imam Malik as his dowry. And Meyda wants to visit the tombs of the Salafus Sholih in Indonesia. " I said flatly and hoped my future husband would fulfill my wishes.
"What if the pilgrimage is in the framework of the honeymoon?" I immediately greeted the harness proposal with a nod of respect. Even in my heart I can't justify the harness proposal. But, everyone agreed and the wedding will take place later tonight on the ability of my future husband and his family.
"Meyda, what do you need?"
"No, Ummi. Clothing accessories, Meyda inherited the dress of the deceased ummi. It's still good. ” My mother -in -law smiled at me.

As the night approached, when the seconds of the aqad would begin, I felt very nervous. Repeatedly abah reminded me not to transmit the feeling of gerogi to my future husband.
"Abah, syafakallah." I hugged the shoulders of the harness that was already so fragile. I hope health is always with him.
"Amin ya mujibassailin." Reply harness. I saw there was sadness in his sad eyes. Maybe he thought, I also thought in a moment my full respect for my husband.
"Meyda, you already know that your husband will be a great sheikh?" I nodded.
"Serve him, because he will always remind you of your Lord and Messenger even if you just look at his shady face." I nodded again.

Aqad lasted for three minutes. My husband is really fluent and fluent in pronouncing sighot aqad in pure Arabic dialect. I never thought, he was a habib who became the adopted son of Habib Ahmad. And I was amazed again when I found out that Hussein, the sibawaih was Habib Ahmad's biological son.

"Bang, congratulations. One day Husain also wanted to get a beautiful woman who is sholeha like Neng Meyda. " Husain said approaching his brother. Hussein, the sibawaih looked at me.
"Amen." Ahsan said, someone who has just become halal for me. Someone whose adopted sister used to be a part of my life.
“Amen, Neng. The prayers of the newlyweds are usually mustajabah. ” The joke made me blush. However, I felt awkward and hesitant.

As I began to return the smile, the news suddenly erased my smile. For a while.
Dad? Recurrent harness heart disease? I was angry in my heart because my father did not tell me from the beginning about his illness which has often recurred lately. If so, I will definitely postpone this show. However, abah insisted that if the wedding was not held now, then abah would not be able to see me.
There is really nothing to blame. As long as there is love, grief is sure to approach. It does not mean that God does not like to see His servants happy but, it is a form of test that He gives to test how strong the faith of his servants.

"Be strong, Mother." Ummi hugged me. I cried non -stop after the harness funeral was over. Don't forget that I continue to recite dhikr in my heart with the tasbih of giving abah. One of the forms of longing that I conveyed through Al-fatihah is specifically for him. And I can't maintain my happy day other than just two meaningful hours. Mas Ahsan still strengthens me and plans to develop this pesantren according to abah's request.

"Bi, abah told me that antum is the sheikh who was present in abah's dream to give this tasbih." Mas Ahsan nodded. This time his smile was not as polite when disguised as a personal driver.
"This tasbih is a gift from my adopted abi, Habib Ahmad. And only people who have the same piety as his grandfather can see it. Your father is one of them. ”
“Alhamdulillah. But, a Habib, why be a driver? That's too humble. "My protest.
"There are even many habaib out there who are rickshaw pullers, Dek. And the reason why abi chose to be abah's personal driver, is because abi wants to be close to abah. "
"Diligent students will also be close to the harness." Kilahku, justify his words.
"If I become a diligent student, I can be close to abah. But, if I'm a driver, I can be closer to my father and daughter. " Mas Ahsan disgusted me with his words.
"Apparently there is a veiled intention." I sneered, as if pretending to be sorry.
"Not like that. In addition, I also want to hide my identity as the son of my adopted sister and want to seek (take. Indo) barokah from yai whose daughter I want to be the queen of my life companion. " Mas Ahsan hugged me affectionately.
"God willing, there is nothing wrong when a Habib has many reasons." Candaku then ended the study of the book Al-muwatha 'by going to perform ablution and continue the night prayer.
