The Phrase "I Am Searching" Needs Re-visitation.

in #love6 years ago

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from God.

When knowledge is introduced to man or man is introduced to knowledge, the purpose of it is to liberate him from darkness to light, move him from one stage to another higher stage. Notwithstanding, the side effects could be very detrimental. It could eat deeper into the innermost parts making it difficult to restore normally.
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The opening quotation used the word find. Truly nothing can be found without searching. Thus, we search to find. The mere translation and superficial look that many have given to it has actually caused more harm to society and the entire institution of love and marriage.

I am searching is now a beautiful and not uncommon cliche to hear among the youth. Go to our various churches, schools and seminars and just dare to ask these two questions; how many here are not in a relationship? They would gladly raise their hands up. Follow up question, why are you still single? And here they go "we are searching". Only Our Father knows what and how this searching means to them.

Today, I am giving the light and deeper side of the search that leads to the find used in the above context to glow every dark meaning in society.
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The search used in this quest is not a mere looking around, monitoring people to see how they carry out their activities, to see an opportunity in them or observe how vulnerable they are. It is not about how resourceful they could be to you. Feoget about the benefits you could exploit from someone. Do not be an opportunity seeker, but be an opportunity creator in his or her life.

It is important to know you have a task of grooming your partner to become the exact material you want. He or she can not fall as an angel neither can he or she fall as you want. Environment influences our lives and behaviours. My interest to state explicitly that you do not change him or her and you do not search for him or her either. Well, this is for another day.

The solution is simply this;

Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find and knock and it shall be opened unto you.

So much so clear that, you do not mere search for your partner but seek your partner and you can only seek such through faith. It is not an external affair but within (prayer). Remember nothing has ever been achieved without thinking (thought) and thought is mind-in-motion and mind-in-motion is concentration and concentration is prayer. So when you concentrate, you pray and hence obtain results.
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Okay. Let me remind you that there are millions of people in the world but, two people are needed to form one institution, the two shall become one. You are one person and it rests with you to find your other replica. The good questions to provoke your thoughts are; who is he/she? Have we met before? Does he/she live a doorstep away or far away? What is his/her color, race? And on and on.

Do not be wrong to answer any of these questions with certainty. They could be answered with certainty only in carnality. I close by saying there are too many people in the world that mere searching for (or prediction of) your partner is faulty near mental torture, but prayer (Nature) makes it real and easy. Love comes natural and not search for.


love finds a way, maybe because this universe is so full of it!