You cant have me Depression, you are a Liar

in #love7 years ago (edited)

When the world around you feels like its falling apart, and it seems as though there is a force against you, whether it be within or outside, it still remains...The battle for joy, peace, and solitude for me seems to be an never ending battle. Just when the depression seems to have left forever, I feel the pressure of another battle. A war for my soul, a war within that creates a storm in my personal reality.
Can one escape the realities of the dread of fear, and the insecurity of never being whole and happy again. The fears of being a failure, not good enough, these are the realities of life as one who fights against the inner turmoil called depression.
I can't explain it, its like a thief in the night and it comes to steal, rob, and destroy. The soul becomes weary, and tired, nothing seems to help...The issue with depression the thief of the soul is it steals all motivation, all hope, and all joy...It creates an illusion which is understood by the individual as reality..No escape, no where to hide, its just you and the depression looking at one another, the face of despair fighting all hope...Looking in the mirror becomes agony, all you see is the depression, the weakness, the illness, the life stolen, and the illusion of blankness staring back at you.
These are the battles of the darkness of depression, when it comes for you it has no rules, its evil, dark, and scary...Its a shadow of evil and darkness trying to capture the individual, literally sucking the life right out of you....
Its been a few years since such darkness has tried to capture me, and I write about it to give visibility to the lie and illusions of depression, you will not win, you can't have my heart and mind....I stand up against your lies, and I say you are a liar, you have no power!
I will not allow your evil darkness to grasp me, I am worthy, I am valued, I am hopeful, I am beautiful....I am Light, and I call you out for the liar you are...
You are an illusion of lies tied together by false emotions, and today again I will bring more awareness to your evil, I will expose you for the darkness you are, and you can't have my soul.....You are fear(false evidence appearing real), and you are a Lie.....God says I am, Love Wins, I am accepted in all of who I am....Depression you are defeated, and I will continue to fight you, you can't cripple me anymore, you can't take my soul again, Love Wins now get the fu*k out, and I speak life, love, and joy over my soul. I also speak life over everyone else suffering from your evil lies, and I ask God to bring victory to everyone who reads this and is suffering with your evil lies...


Thank you God for helping me remember how loved I am, and that you have my back even when it seems like the world around me is failing.....I love you Jesus and I thank you Holy Spirit for having my back!!!

Much love and blessings😇💓🙏

Please resteem, upvote, and follow and help defeat depression! Take one moment and pray for anyone you know who suffers with this please its a real battle!!!FB_IMG_1517974742532.jpg


I respect you for being honest and writing this up. Our emotions are hard to talk about, especially the negative ones so I truly appreicate people who are open about them.

Depression definitely is a piece of shit, but if you can fill your life with love in as many aspects as possible it will slowly start to fade.

For me it's been 3 things that helped me a lot:

  1. Intense exercise / run every morning as soon as I wake up for 1 hour, no matter how hard or cold it is.
  2. Always trying to be in the state of giving to others, instead of taking. When you can make others smile and happy, it's the best feeling ever.
  3. Always telling myself the best possible story about any negative event no matter how bad it is, there's always good to be found in everything. We just have to look for it.

Keep up the good work, I gave you a follow. :)

Thank you and I agree with all 3, and need to really get back to focusing on excersise....Thanks for yor comments, and I am noe following!!

Kudos to you for not giving into the darkness of depression. My husband was fine and worked hard all summer in construction. 15 hour days of hard labor and then stopped abruptly. He's been depressed and out of work since November. I've been depressed before, but not in a way that is debilitating like this. From the perspective of someone who has dealt with this, can you give some advice on how to constructively help him? Sometimes I don't know how to deal with it. Thanks for the hopeful post!! :)

It depends on his personality...What I just did was I took a 2 mile walk in nature(in the snow😊), while praying and crying....It really helps me to get into nature, and to just walk....Also music, I love music especially different binural beats (check out my post from the other day, I posted links), and spiritual music or uplifting music

Diet is very important I believe as well, and I have been slipping on that a bit so its a good reminder for me as well.....

If its been 10 days or more and its debilitating I highly recommend a pshychologist, and possibly maybe short term meds if its real bad...I havent taken meds in a couple years, but it can be useful sometimes short term (of course im not a doctor)

I really believe nature, prayer, art of some form (i write) and honesty within helps the most....

I will pray for you both, blessings🙏🙏🙏


After suffering depression on and off for years I am grateful to be free of it's clutches.

I still have my down days but now I can see them for what they are and I refuse to follow the thoughts that in the past would have led me into a full blown depression.

This morning I had my first critical comment here on Steemit and it knocked me for 6. I even found myself with tears in my eyes at one point. And even though there were other comments saying the opposite I couldn't get the criticism out of my head.

It's been with me all day and has kept me in a low mood. I've found it hard to post.

But the big difference with me these days is I no longer try and fight the way I'm feeling because I know if I don't pile on my self critical thoughts the mood will pass on it's own.

I now know that analysing what was wrong with me, what I needed to change etc. and judging myself for feeling the way I did, just added to the pain and made the downward spiral stronger.

What post is it so I can upvote it, i looked but couldnt find it.....

Aw. That's very sweet of you @positivechange10. Now I'm a little worried that I'm overreacting as you must have seen it. It was my Quote 21 from yesterday. 😁

No worries, upvoted....Blessings 😇😇

Thanks for your support. I appreciate it! 😚

Thank you for sharing, and I to can be effected by others because I actually am sensitive, its my gift but for many years it was my curse...Awareness has given me the ability to overcome and to understand as well....Also learning exactly what you said about the self talk being negative has really helped me stay out of full blown depressions as well.....And for me personally God and my prayer life has helped me learn to be naked and vulnerable....


I couldn't get the criticism out of my head.

We become what we give attention to. The devil loves when we focus on the speck of dust, instead of the beautiful high-end piece of furniture (lol).

Choose to focus on the beautiful things/people. They are in much more abundance than the negativity.


The point you made about stolen motivation is so on point. I remember when I was depressed . I would literally remove all positivity out of my life and I had no motivation to get out of the situation. It was a true sunken place bro.

You will win. I am here with you and for you man. We all have our days. Some harder than others. There's power in speaking over evil. i pray for your healing and I pray that God uses you in mighty ways as I believe he will. You have not went through all that crap for nothing. You are a warrior. We are at war!

I really am grateful for you!! Your words and heart are inspiration....You are the man bro, glad to have found a true brother....Blessings as always

I lead the battle with depression...and I know that I will not give myself... :)
blessings for all who struggle with it...
blessings for you @positivechange10

Im with you, blessings and much love🙏🙏🙏


Nice my friend, I love it!

You welcome my friend 😃

The best way to heal someone of depression is to share LOVE, so...

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Amazing post.Thanks for sharing it

Great dear

Depression one of those deep dark secrets that people shy away from talking about. Thanks for sharing!

Very true its not talked about enough....Thanks for sharing🙏