Paradox of Love

in #love6 years ago

Divine Sacred Loving Union of Divine Lovers is not of this World. Divine Sacred Love is only in this World. It is real Love from Heaven In Love of this World there is Attachment, Love is Conditional, therefore Expectations are born and out of Expectations Disappointment is Born. Cage of Karma is Created between Lovers and They End up Blaming Eachother for not fulfilling Their Conditions and Expectations. Love in this World is also Full of Fear and Illusions. Attachment is Root Cause of all Pain. Cage of Suffering. That's not Love, regardless if they call it Love in this World. In Love there is no Pain.

Therefore Divine Sacred Love seems as Paradox of Love in this World. Divine Sacred Lovers must be Free of all Attachment and set each other Free unconditionally. They should release all their Expectations from each other, so there is to be no Disappointment whatsoever and They never Blame each other for anything. They should release all their Conditions and break apart their Cage of Illusion completely, so all they have for each other is unconditional Love, beyond Time and Space, Love that just is and Forever Loves You for Who You are, as You choose to be, regardless if You are in My Embrace or God Knows where, so far away. Love is unconditional and Love just is. There is no other Love possible for Divine Sacred Lovers, but True Love.

It is a Paradox of Love indeed, for as They no more miss each other and depend no more on each other to be United, to be Happy and Fulfilled. As They no more need each other to Survive. As they no more run away frim each other, for they are running away from themselves actually. As They are Full and Complete Themselves, not needing each other, neither running, but They are Love Themselves Fulfilled and Complete as that I AM within themselves. at that Point they are ready to Unite in this World and Live Forever Happily after, enjoying most Fulfilling Love Life and Union in Love as in Heaven, but on Earth. Free of this World,. True Love.

Indeed it is a Paradox of Love for at that Time, They do not anymore care if They unite ir not, they do not need the Union., neither they are running away from it. They are United within Their Hearts and Complete and Full Within Themselves, being Love Themselves and that Time They are Ripe to Unite in this World and be Forever Happy. enjoying most Beautiful Sacred Union in Love, Greatest Time of Their Life Together. Love Now in the Moment. Moment Now is Eternal and Love just is. They may be United before They reach such Sacred Being of Love within Themselves, but They are not always Happy, even though, They are United and can suffer much in Karma in the Cage. Sacred Divine Loving Union is not of this World. Sacred Divine Love is only in this World to exhibit in example Love from Heaven. Heavenly Kingdom is within You. Love Free of all Suffering and Pain, Love Free of Cage of Attachment, Karma. Divine Love Fulfilled and Everfresh Ever Joyful and Forever Happy every Moment Now. Love that just is and Loves You Now for Love that You are.

  • Purna Ananda 5.1. 2019 ©


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